|Chapter 153 : Bloody Doors|

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Walking through the corridors slowly I kept my arm around Draco as he drummed his fingers gently against my shoulder and a small smile resided on my face as I listened to my heels clicking off the floor

"I can't believe that the majority of the school are asleep right now"

"It's weird to think about isn't it? Also that this is the only exception we'll have of being allowed to wander the corridors after curfew" Draco pointed out amused as I let out a light laugh as we passed the dungeons and a sudden thought sprung to mind and I looked at him with a smirk

"Did you see just how uncomfortable Snape looked?" I asked him laughing as he nodded and we appeared outside the blank stretch of wall as I leant my head against him as we stood there quietly for a moment

"I'm praying that you know the password"

"It's 'billywig' is it not?" He asked with a hint of uncertainty as we watched the familiar archway appear as we walked in, greeted with an empty common room as I smiled slightly

"Thank you by the way, for tonight, and everything else" I said to him quietly with a smile as I turned my head to him as he looked at me with a smirk before turning me towards him as he locked his hands together behind my back and I leant against his chest with a smile

"You don't have to say thank you- I wanted to do that"

"You didn't need to-"

"I know but I wanted to, I really did"

"Thank you, again, it's been amazing" I said to him with a smile as I met his gaze and thought for a split second before going up on my tip toes as I brought him into a gentle kiss before pulling back and dropping down as he looked at me with a growing grin as I leant against him again, enveloping him into a hug as I sighed quietly

"Are you okay?"

"So much better than that, just enjoying the moment" I explained to him, lifting my head and looking at him as I was kissed gently, his hand moving up to my head as he knotted his fingers in my hair and I was turned around with my back pressed into a couch behind me as I held him by the front of his dress robes. Smiling into the kiss I felt him move his hands to my waist and hold me tightly before lifting me up making us break apart as I held him tightly and he sat me down on the top of the couch, making us almost the same height as he looked at me confused, both of us slightly breathless

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry I was just caught off guard"

"No you're alright, would you rather come down?"

"No I'm fine it was just really cold at first but I also don't want to fall" I admitted laughing, the cold leather initially sending shivers down me as he stood there amused, his grip tightening slightly as I leaned forward and kissed him gently before grabbing the bottom of his shirt and pulling him towards me, chest to chest with each other as I wrapped my legs around him and a grin grew across his face as he ran his hand up my leg and my face burned, smiling into the kiss as I was pulled forward slightly

"I've got to admit that I'm also enjoying the moment" he told me grinning as I started laughing and dropped my head against him as I wrapped my arms around him under his dress robe, his arms wrapping around my back as I listened to him control his breathing

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