|Chapter 139 : Dance Lessons|

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"Do we actually have to do this?"

"At least you two are getting to go!" Daphne complained loudly from beside me as Pansy kept her arm linked firmly with mine as I walked with a small smile

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, thank you" I said to the two quietly with a smile as Daphne waved us off from outside the classroom doors as I walked in with Pansy, casting a glance around as we walked towards a side of the room where there was a line of spare chairs as we sat down and I scanned around, a free seat either side of us which were quickly taken as well as those in front of us

"You look ecstatic about being here"

"I'm glad it's obvious. I should go and tell Daphne to take my place"

"Yes but then that means I would be going with her and not with you" Draco mumbled as I turned and looked at the smirk he had on his face as I gave a small smile while he looked at mine and Pansy's hands confused

"Why is she-?"

"I don't know, she's rarely let go of my arm or my hand, Daphne is quite the same" I explained to him quietly as I looked back up at him, his smirk smaller than it was originally as he leant closer slightly

"You know, I would too, but we don't want people jumping to conclusions and assuming things"

"'Jumping to conclusions and assuming things' you're joking right? You haven't forgot that we've kissed right? More than once" I muttered to him, surprised if he could hear me as my cheeks grew warm and I watched a grin grow on his face as he turned to me

"Of course I haven't, you think I could?-"

"Bloody hell, Draco. That's a bit cliche, don't you think?"

"Why and how did we hear that yet they didn't?" Adrian asked quietly after he and Miles turned around to look at us as I glanced to Blaise and Pansy who were still talking to each other as I glanced at her hand that was gripping tightly at mine with a small smile

"You've gone pink"

"Thanks for that, Miles"

"No problem, I thought you could use the reminder-"

"I wonder how deaf they are-"

"Adrian you've gone off subject, I want to know about these two"

"Keep your nose out of it, Bletchley"


"You sound like a girl"

"He sounds like an owl, and Adrian, that's stereotypical" I told him with raised eyebrows as a strange pain shot through my chest as I winced slightly

"Are you alright?"

"Fine, just sore" I mumbled as I rubbed at my chest, the two glancing to the bruises on my wrist as I tugged my sleeves down

Silently Screaming For HelpTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon