|Chapter 112 : Hidden|

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I watched as the feet padded against the tile floor while I hugged my knees tighter to my chest under the table. The feet stopped, facing where I was as I hastily tugged my skirt out of view as a couple of silent seconds passed in which I held my breath fearfully as a figure crouched down in front of me and I met a pair of usually cold grey eyes as Draco raised an eyebrow at me

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Leave me alone" I mumbled as he remained there, staring at me emotionless

"Get out of there Amelia" he sighed as I shook my head

"Why are you acting like a child?"

"I'm not" I whispered as I hugged myself tighter and he rolled his eyes, turning his head away for a brief second

"No totally not" he muttered sarcastically as he reached forward and grabbed my wrist as I cried out in pain and drew my hands back

"Don't touch me!" I begged, moving back as close to the wall as I could

"What the hell Lia?"

"Don't touch me" I murmured again, a tired plead to my voice as I desperately kept myself out of reach

"What's wrong?"


"I'll go get Theodore-"

"No!" I shouted instantly, cutting him off as he leant back a little out of surprise

"Why?" He asked confused as I hugged myself tightly and shook my head

"Just please don't. Please" I begged him as he sat down properly and shuffled forwards slightly as he rested his forehead gently against the edge of the table as he stared at me

"What's happened?"


"Clearly not nothing"

"Just leave me alone Draco, please"

"Not until you tell me what's wrong" he pressed on as I turned to him, my face appearing out of the shadows of the table as he stared intently at my dark red cheek and bruised jaw

"What the fuck Amelia?!" He asked loudly as I turned my head away from him as the shadows covered my skin again and I felt somewhat protected by his stare

"What.... happened?" He asked quietly as excuses ran through my head at a million thoughts a second

"I fell off my broom" I mumbled lying to him

"Really? Because you haven't been going to practice"

"I went down in my own time"

"Then why won't you let me go get Nott?" He asked as my eyes widened and I internally cursed while I fell silent

"It was him wasn't it?" He asked quietly as I glanced at him and he abruptly stood up and walked off as I crawled out from under the table and staggered down the stairs to the dorms after him, getting a confused look from Viktor as he walked up and past us

"Draco, stop" I whispered as he strode down the steps and battered the door to boys dorm that Theodore slept in

"Get out of there Nott!" he yelled as he continued to pound on the door

"Stop" I said to him as I placed a hand on his arm, gripping it as hard as I dared as I shook my head after he turned to me before I walked up the steps and round towards the ones that led to the girls dorm as I slipped into the empty room and gently rummaged around in the oak drawers before pulling out a set of clothes, just as I shut the bathroom door I heard the room door open


"I'll be out in a minute" I told Draco quietly as I threw my clothes in the basket and opened the door meeting his face instantly, pacing back instinctively

"Out of all places to stand" I sighed before  I moved forward and slipped past him while he placed a hand on my shoulder causing me to turn around and face him after flinching again as he gave me a calculating look

"Show me Lia"


"Amelia" taking ahold of my arms he rolled my sleeves up past my wrists exposing the red and bruised skin as he stared at it for a minute or so before looking up at me

"Where else?"

"Nowhere- that's it" I told him as I glanced down at my skin

"Please don't lie to me about this Amelia" he said to me, barely audible as I inwardly sighed as he let go of my wrists allowing me to move as I rolled up the back of my top, showing the bruised patches that were scattered on my skin. I turned my head towards him and watched as he raised his hand

"Don't touch them, it's painful enough" I told him quietly as he tugged the back of my top up showing the bottom of a far bigger bruise that was between my shoulder blades

"Why?" He asked quietly as I pulled my top down and sat down on my bed as he sat down next to me and I shrugged

"I don't know, he changed instantly. His normal mood and personality disappeared within seconds, he wasn't himself and he never stopped"

"Is this the first time he's done it?" He asked in the same tone as I went quiet for a minute or two before shaking my head

"For how long?"

"About a month or so after we started dating" I told him quietly as his hand gripped tightly at the emerald duvet

"It's been going on for over six months Lia?! And you started dating in April-"



"We were dating by half way through January"

"But in the holidays Pansy said April"

"That's when she found out"

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I couldn't"

"How not? Was it him?"

"He threatened me" I mumbled as my hands gripped at the cuffs of my sleeves and we fell silent before Draco got up and left the room as he shut the door with a slam. Getting up I went over and pushed the handle down, trying to open it but it wouldn't budge

"Draco!" I yelled at the top of my voice as I pounded on the door

"Draco Lucius Malfoy open this bloody door!" I screamed as I aimed a kick at the wood out of frustration forgetting that I had left my wand in the common room

"Draco I swear to fucking god if you don't open this door right now I'm going to knock your teeth that far down your throat you'll have to shove a toothbrush up your arse to bloody clean them!" I shouted as I continued to tug at the door before giving up and dumping myself down on my bed as I glared at the handle

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