|Chapter 79 : Tissues|

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"Oscar! Hold the carriage!"


"It's one of the last ones" I mumbled before climbing in, finding him sitting with Tristan and someone else as he shut the door behind me and sat down, jumping slightly as he stared at me wide eyed

"What the fuck happened to you?"

"Nothing. Pass me a tissue please, someone"


"Thank you. I have no clue who you are but thank you. Oscar, hold this" passing him a mirror he held it up as I looked at my nose before grabbing my wand. Talking to myself quietly I pressed the tip of the wand against my nose before muttering an incantation, a loud crack sounding as the four of us jumped and I started cursing while more blood poured from my nose and I was passed the mirror back as I tucked it away and held the tissue to my nose firmly while I looked between them and forced a smile on my face

"What've I missed?"

"What've we missed?!"

"Nothing. What's poppin' then? Also, you, in the corner. I'd shake your hand to introduce myself but I don't think you'd appreciate walking into the hall with blood on your hands when it's not yours"

"And you're comfortable doing that?"

"Of course I am. I'm a Slytherin" I told Tristan with a laugh as I tried to wipe at my nose before turning back to the other boy

"Sorry, you're Evan, aren't you?"

"Yeah, that's me"

"Could I have another tissue please?"

"Do you want the rest of the pack?" He asked while holding one out to me as I chucked the bloody one out of the window and he handed me another just in case as I shook my head laughing and tucked it away while holding the other back to my nose

"I'll be fine, thank you for the offer though"

"You shouldn't be littering Lia"

"It accidentally slipped from my hand and was whisked away out the window"

"And how'd that happen?"


".... you're a witch?"

"Oh shit, no. You know? Don't burn me at the stake Tristan, it's not like I want to die" I said to him while turning my head, looking at each other before we both started laughing and the carriage stopped as I instantly got out, followed by the three as we headed inside, walking through the entrance hall as I glanced down at my shirt



"The blood spots make me look like I support Gryffindor"

"Wow, Amelia"

"I'll just sort it when I sit down. Thanks guys" I smiled as we walked into the hall and I separated myself, making my way down to the spare seat beside Pansy as she gawked at me, the others turning their heads too while I looked between them


"Why the fuck are you covered in blood?!"

"Hey, be happy. It's my own blood this time" I told them as I was turned around and I looked at Pansy as she pulled the tissue away and looked at my face as she grabbed a napkin and went to spit on it as I scooted away in horror

"Don't you fucking dare you manky little bastard"

"I've done it before-"

"That's not the point-"

"That's gross-"

"Gross is understatement- what happened?" Lifting my head slowly I looked past Pansy and at Daphne as I raised an eyebrow at her while staring at her, glancing to Millicent who was beside her before I turned away again and looked at Blaise as I motioned to my face

"Is there any more blood?"

"There's a little bit here. Give it"

"I swear, if you leave a bruise on my face I'll punch you-"

"How could I leave a bruise on your face?"

"You're brutal Blaise. You have some force to you too" I told him laughing as he grinned at me and wiped at my face and nose for a quiet moment

"There. You're all good to go"

"You sure? Thanks Zabini"

"Oh look at that, I'm good at something"

"I don't remember saying that" I mumbled before turning, not being able to help the smile that started to grow on my face as I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye, making eye contact as we both started laughing and I looked away again, glancing at Draco who looked between us with an unclear look on his face before he turned to me

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine"

"What happened?"

"I just tripped"

"But.... you don't trip..."

"You're kidding, right? I'm the clumsiest bitch here" I told him quietly as I started laughing quietly, an amused look on his face.

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