|Chapter 77 : Rude|

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"Woah! What happened to you?!"

"Blaise, that is so unbelievably rude-"

"Do you own a hip flask?"


"What happened?" Blaise asked again as I dumped myself down onto the seat opposite him, the train pulling out of the station as I grinned at him, Pansy and Draco

"Well, I spent the night at Nathan's, had a partial mental breakdown and then the two of us had a couple of drinks and then I decided to flick through a catalogue on the floor and bought, like, a whole new wardrobe"

"I like the last idea-"

"I got you a couple of things as well"

"You did?!"

"I did-"

"Awh, Lia. I love you"

"I'd hope so-"

"I'll get the money back to you as soon as I can-"

"Don't worry about it: Nathan was that drunk he let me tell the company to take money from his vault. He'd still let me use his vault even if he wasn't drunk but that's not the point" I told her laughing as I leant against the window, looking out before turning back

"Why did you ask if I had a hip flask?"

"Because you seem like you own one"

"Well I'm never letting you have it: you're a lightweight-"

"I am not!" She defended herself as the three of us either let out a snort of laughter or a scoff as she crossed her arms over her chest

"Fuck you all"

"Love you too hunny. Where's Daphne?"

"Talking to Millicent-"


"She's actually wanting to talk to you-"

"She can go and do one then-"

"Amelia. She wants to apologise. Anyway, please stop ignoring us two for we have questions too"

"As much as I love you both I don't really care for your questions. No offence"

"Offence taken-"

"No surprise there-"

"That's to be expected-"

"Knew he'd say that-"



"Anyway, why didn't you write?" Draco asked as I turned to him and he chucked something to me, catching it singlehandedly as I grinned at the fudge flies

"Didn't know what to write"

"Well, you could've explained what had happened after you had disappeared"

"Ah right, well, in that case all I would've had to write was 'I hate Nadia. She cares about Holly. Not me because she doesn't like me. I fucked off to Cedric's. Went to Nathan's for one night and I had a mental fucking breakdown'. Good enough?" I asked laughing as he sat with a slight smirk on his face

"Not really-"

"Good. Anymore questions?"

"Yes, I want to know-"

"Draco. Be quiet. What happened?" Blaise asked as he leaned forward and propped his elbows on his knees as he stared at me while I looked at him confused, Draco staring at him after having been silenced as I laughed at the look on his face

"I told you-"

"To your face-"


"That's rude" I muttered again, amused, glancing at the other two with a smirk as he sort of nudged my foot while I turned back to him as he stared at me with his eyebrows raised

"What do you mean?"

"The bruises-"


"What bruises?"

"It wasn't anything important-"

"But they're all the way down the side of-"


"What do you mean 'all the way down'? There's only two" I told him as my hair was brushed around slightly as I turned to Draco as my hair was held back and I raised an eyebrow at him as he ran his thumb over them and I winced ever so slightly

"How did you get them?"

"It doesn't-"


"It's nothing impor-"


"Fine. Cedric threw a book at me and I didn't catch it" I lied in a mumble as Blaise started laughing, Draco drawing his hand back as Pansy sat there amused

"Shut up Zabini"

"It's hilarious how you can fight off someone years older than you but can't defend yourself from a book"

"Fuck off"

"I don't believe you"


"I don't believe you. I don't think it was a book. I won't argue, I'm just saying what I think" Draco told me as I looked at him for a moment before turning away, shuffling as I put my feet up beside Blaise silently

"Oh well done. You've closed her off"

"I was just saying!"

"Yes, well sometimes you just say too much-"

"Just because I dinnae say anything doesnae mean that I've closed myself off Blaise" I told him quietly, an unintentional sharp tone to my voice as I stared at him, apologising quickly as he and Pansy started laughing

"I love it when your Scottish side comes out"

"At least she wasn't talking to you when it came out"

"I didnae mean for it to- fuck, sorry" I mumbled quickly as my face burned and all three of them started laughing as I hid my face and let out a quiet mumble

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