|Chapter 28 : Falling Asleep|

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"Greengrass was muttering to herself"

"Did I ask?" I asked Draco after he had sat down next to me, pausing while opening his book as we looked at each other and blinked


"Don't, honestly. To add onto what I was saying: he has been too" he murmured quietly, nodding to Blaise who sat in front of us, scoffing quietly I turned away and started taking my things out

"Are you going to-?"


"Why not?"

"Because it wasn't me that caused the situation"


"Don't even say anything"

"Will you ever-?"

"Can I borrow a quill?"

"Do you not-?"

"It snapped- thank you" I told him as I took the quill from his hand with a smile as he stared at me before sighing with a shake of his head as he reached for another one

"Yours probably snapped because you've been writing so much with it"

"Doubt it-"

"I don't" he mumbled as Lupin stood up, starting to talk as I propped my head up in my hand, staring down at my desk bleary eyed, his words barely meeting my ears.


"You have to be fucking kidding me"

"Shake her. Shake her!"

"Don't fucking shake me" I mumbled quietly as I opened my eyes eyes and rubbed them, groaning quietly as cramp took over my neck

"Hey hey! She fucking woke up!"

"What do you mean woke up? I was up- I wasn't sleeping-"

"You lying whore"

"Fuck you Parkinson, I wasn't asleep" I muttered as I looked at the parchment I was taking notes on, completely blank as I looked past her and Theodore as I looked around the empty class and groaned


"Yep. You feel asleep within three minutes of Lupin starting to talk"

"Might've been quicker than that-"

"You didn't think of waking me?!" I asked Draco loudly as he shrugged lazily, starting to pack his things up as I scratched at my wrists angrily, cuts starting to open as I clamped my eyes shut in agony as I dropped my head onto the table

"Did Lupin notice?"




"He was talking and glanced at you for a minute and sort of tried to hide a laugh-"

"Did he say anything?"

"No. He left you sleeping"

"Oh for fucks sake" I groaned, annoyed at the fact I had let myself fall asleep and realising that I had even more work to catch up on

"You seem annoyed-"

"Of course I am! I now have even more work to do!" I ranted annoyed as I packed up my unused things, passing Draco his quill back as I stood up and finished clasping my bag shut

"Relax. I've taken notes for you Lia"

"You have?"


"Are they reliable notes? Are they good? Can I use them to study?"

"That's so fucking rude. But yes, okay?"

"Are you sure-?"

"Yes!" Pansy told me as I nodded before walking towards the door

"Where're you going?"

"Library. I have work to catch up on-"

"Absolutely fucking not-"

"I have to-"

"No. Because Lupin said you were to go back to the dorm and go to sleep during lunch because he's marked you out of the afternoon so you can get some rest so come on" Pansy told me as she walked over and I was directed out of the classroom.

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