|Chapter 50 : Nettle Stings|

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"So where's the nearest shop?"

"About a ten minute walk" I said as I took the handful of change from my pocket and counted it as we walked down the dirt road

"Is it a wizard shop?"

"No, muggle"

"But you only have galleons and sickles" Blaise pointed out as I nodded

"I know" I said smiling as I pocketed it

"I have to say- this is the first time that when you have ever wore casual clothes that it hasn't been fancy" I said as I stared at Draco who walked in a grey polo and pair of jeans

"It's about thirty degrees out here: I wasn't going to wear a shirt"

"Thank god or you would've been kicked out. But yet you're wearing jeans... while the rest of us are in shorts" I said laughing as I directed them towards a path on the other side of the road where we arrived in a small village after a bit of walking

"I love this place" I smiled as we walked down the old and wearing brick road as muggles bustled past us and I secured my wand in the waistband of my shorts and made sure my t-shirt covered it

"Make sure they can't see your wands" I whispered over my shoulder as I led them down an alley and stopped before knocking on a wall six times as I looked down either end

"Hello Derek" I smiled as I greeted the elderly wizard as he smiled at us all

"Just the usual today" I told him as I fished the coins out of my pocket and placed them in his hands as he counted and changed it into muggle money

"You'll have to be careful you lot- muggle aurors have been walking around here a lot. Anything suspicious and they're on you like a bowtruckle to a tree" he warned us before dropping a mixture of notes and coins into my hands

"Seventy seven pound and sixty three pence" he told me smiling as I folded the notes and put them in my pocket

"Thank you Derek- if we see them we'll keep them away from here" I told him smiling as he bowed his head and the bricks went back to their original position and I looked around

"Muggle aurors?" Draco asked confused as we walked out of the alley

"Police- they are literally aurors for muggles. He used a really strange saying there..." I told them quietly as we made our way into the shop at the end

"Hello Elise!" I greeted loudly to the dirty blonde haired woman who worked behind the till, light brown eyes matching her freckles that were scattered all over her face

"Is that you Amelia?"

"Indeed- pick up anything you want" I said smiling as the others disappeared into the aisles and I walked over to her

"Friends of yours?"

"No- they just follow me around for my amazingness" I said loud enough for them to hear as Blaise and Pansy looked around

"As if" they scoffed at the same time as I laughed

"Yeah, they are"

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