|Chapter 123 : Evading Others|

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A few days having passed I left the potions classroom first and by myself, Draco and Blaise have seemingly taken a step back for the time being as I vanished up the flights of stairs towards the library

"Amelia!" turning around I looked at Harry who was jogging up the stairs after me and I looked around us, still distancing myself from him nonetheless as he caught up

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to-"

"I'd love to Harry, I would but unfortunately I'm busy at the minute" I told him, picking up my pace, feeling bad for leaving him to trail behind as I turned my head slightly, calling out to him

"Another time or day I'll catch up" I reassured him before disappearing to the back of the library, stopping as I watched Professor Trelawney peer amongst the books on the shelf and she jumped slightly when seeing me and I forced a smile onto my face

"I had no intention of scaring you there, Professor" I explained as she stayed quiet, peering at me intensely and slightly frighteningly through her wide glasses as I glanced about concerned

"Is everything-?"

"You need to get yourself out of your own danger, dear"

"I-I'm sorry?"

"You don't have much time left to do so, so you might wish to act quick" looking at her I quickly backed away and left the library, freaked out by the way she stared at me as if in a trance as I made my way up to the astronomy tower, closing the door I slowly wandered over to the railing, sinking down beside it as I let my legs rest over the edge of the tower while I stared out onto the vast stretch of ground around me. a few hours having passed I looked up from my book and turned my head after having heard the door behind me open as I peered about, watching as Cedric came over to me with a small smile as I quickly shut my book and packed it back into my bag and got to my feet, brushing myself free of dust

"Hey Lia"

"Hello, Cedric"

"I know I'd find you here since you weren't in the library"

"Lucky guess then"

"Are you alright? You look a little peaky...and you're quieter than usual"

"I'm fine"

"Are you-?"

"Unfortunately I have to go, Cedric, I have things to do" I told him quietly as I reached for my bag and started wandering to the door



"Are you free tomorrow-?"

"Not tomorrow, no"

"The day after?"

"Not then either"

"Do you know when?"

"Not right now. I do have to go though" I told him again as I opened the door and started leaving

"Amelia, I don't get it.... it's like you're running away from me" he told me quietly as I stopped on the stairs  and looked at him, a slightly hurt and confused look on his face as I looked at him for a moment, stopping myself from saying anything as I turned and carried on down the stairs and away from the tower.

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