|Chapter 150 : First Looks|

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"Oh my god.... Pansy you look stunning" I told her quietly, staring at her in awe as she done a little spin, showing off her dark green silk dress with the lace up back, a slit going to the top of her thigh with her black heels poking out from underneath, her hair twisted into a bun with locks of curled hair falling out as they framed her face perfectly

"Awh Lia you're melting my heart here... but go get changed!" Nodding with a grin I ran into the bathroom, coming out after a few minutes dressed with my shoes strapped tightly as I went to my desk and clasped the chain around my wrist as we looked at each other and squealed with excitement, a grin sitting permanently on both of our faces

"Look at you!"

"Look at you more like! You're gorgeous!"

"Come on!" She grinned while grabbing my hand, us running from the dorm laughing and up the stairs and leaving the empty common room. Walking through the halls we slowly got away from the dungeons, getting to the last flight of stairs before rounding the corner to the great hall as I stopped and she turned to me as I breathed slowly

"Everything alright?"

"I'm shitting a brick, Pans"

"How come?"

"What if he was expecting something more?"

"Who? Draco?"

"Yeah, like what if he was expecting me to come fully decked out in a big dress and-"

"But he won't because he knows you aren't into massive dresses and everything else like that" she reassured me quietly as I looked at her, mustering a small smile as she rubbed my arm gently

"I promise his jaw is going to drop when he sees you, whose wouldn't? I'd love to kiss you on the check for reassurance but I don't think you'd appreciate a massive lip stain over your perfect make up"

"Yeah, you can kiss me any other day"

"I'll hold you to that, and don't worry you still smell great as well. Good to go?" She asked with a laugh as I grinned and nodded, linking arms with her as we walked up the stairs, taking another little pause before walking round the corner as we smiled at each other for reassurance, a laugh getting the better of us. Looking ahead we scanned through the little groups of people standing about

"I see them"

"You do?"

"Mhm, right ahead and a little to the left" looking to where she nodded in the direction of I smiled, Draco and Blaise standing together by the walls, talking as I watched someone walk away from them and we squeezed past people, Blaise looking at us for a second then away and back again as his grin grew on his face and he nodded to us, Draco turning around, locking eyes instantly as he turned around completely to face us as our eyes never left each other while I watched a smile slowly grow over his face

"You've brushed up well Zabini"

"Effortless Parkinson what can I say? But I suppose you look alright as well" he laughed as we stopped beside them, smiling at Draco as I felt the heat rise to my cheeks, finally looking away as I felt Pansy pull at my arm slightly and I looked at her, a smirk on her face as she and Blaise continued talking while she tried her best to maintain her laughter

"Looking sharp, Zabini"

"Looking priceless, Black" he told me as I let out a laugh and Pansy pulled her arm away and sorted a strand of my hair

"So come on give us twirl you two" he laughed as I held my hand up for Pansy and gave her a twirl and she gave me one back, both of us laughing as Blaise stood there grinning while I glanced back to Draco, meeting his eyes instantly as he stood with the same smile on his face

"He hasn't blinked since you came over-"


"Hold your tongue, Zabini"

"Anyway, we're going to head in. Feel free to catch up when your jaw is off the floor Malfoy" Blaise called as I started laughing, turning my head to watch them walk into the hall as Pansy threw me a look before quickly enveloping Blaise into conversation as I turned back to Draco

"Looking very smart" I told him, on the verge of a grin as I dusted a little fluff off his shoulder before gently pulling at his white bow tie

"If my tie was squint blame your brother"

"My brother? What was he doing here? Threatening you?" I asked amused as he took half a step closer with a matching amused look as I admired him in his dress robes before looking back to him, my fingers subconsciously holding onto his collar as he glanced about briefly before looking back to me, a smirk taking over him

"Looking mesmerising without a doubt" he told me quietly, his eyes travelling as I felt my face flush again, glancing away briefly before he held his arm out

"Shall we?"

"I suppose" I told him laughing, taking ahold of his arm tightly as we walked into the hall, soon disappearing into the crowd of gathered students

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