|Chapter 88 : Trolley|

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"I thought you'd be up here- what the fuck are you doing?!" Blaise shouted as he stared at me sitting in the trolley at the top of the astronomy tower, close to the edge as I looked at him with brush in hand as I held it firmly against the ground while I held my broom between my knees

"Amelia get away from there!"

"No Blaise, I won't. You live every day but only die once so I'm living life as it comes" I told him smiling as I pushed myself forward and felt the trolley topple off the edge of the tower as the back of my jumper was grabbed and I felt the fabric cut into my throat

"Blaise you prick!"

"Amelia are you insane?! That fall would kill you!" He yelled after dragging me over the edge as I crawled over and watched as the trolley fell before clattering onto the ground and I looked at him

"I'm going to have to find a new trolley now-"

"Amelia! Are you listening to me?! You could've died!" He shouted as he sat in front of me with a hold of my shoulders

"That's why I had my broom-"

"Why would you even think of trying that?!"

"Because I want to live my life before my life comes to an early end Blaise!" I shouted to him as I stared at him with a slightly shaking grip as he lowered his voice

"What do you mean early?" He asked as I looked away from him and pushed myself to my feet, looking over the side of the tower at LJ and Aaron who stood at the bottom looking up at me

"Sorry you two!" I shouted down as they stared up at me and shouted as I looked at them blankly before shouting back

"Sure!" Turning back to Blaise he stared dead at me as I flicked my wand as my broom and the brush disappeared

"Now if you excuse me, I'm away find myself another trolley" I told him before walking away and towards the door as I made my way down the stairs while Blaise followed after me

"Amelia- are you insane?!"

"Yes Blaise, I am. You've had years to realise it so don't act like you've never noticed"

"Amelia, look at me" Blaise said quietly as he placed his hand on my shoulder as we reached the empty corridor and spun me towards him and looked at me with a confused look

"What's happening?"

"What? What do you mean by 'what's happening'?"

"I mean what's happening? You've never even tried anything like this before"

"That's a lie: last year I desperately wanted to climb to the top of the quidditch post" I reminded him laughing as I watched the corner of his mouth twitch up ever so slightly

"Okay...  point made but, this doesn't have anything to do with what happened in the hall earlier does it?"

"I- no?"

"He was being a prick-"

"Yeah no shit Blaise- even Harry could see that without glasses on. I don't think I've ever had to avoid Cedric for this long before. I don't think I've ever had to avoid him actually"

"I don't think he knows what he was saying. He's looking for you" he told me before wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we walked down the corridor as I let out a scoff

"What one?"

"Both actually"

"Yes, well, I don't want to have to deal with Cedric's interrogation or having to see him disappointed and I really don't want to be near Draco right now"

"Well that's understandable but you can't avoid them forever you know"

"I do know that- unless I just hide in my dorm"

"Draco can get into your dorm"

"Not if I put my bed behind the door-"

"He'll blast the door open-"

"Stop ruining my plan Blaise" I mumbled as he looked at me with a grin as I leant my head against him

"I don't even know why he done it. He seemed fine and then he just sort of went off and started spewing everything out like an idiot"

"I know, I was surprised when he said it. He regrets it though-"

"Bull fucking shit, Blaise-"

"I'm telling you. You didn't see him after you-"

"If he knew he would regret saying something like that then I don't understand as to why he would say something like that in the first place"

"I know. I don't understand either but he looked like he genuinely regretted saying what he did"

"I'll believe it when I see it" I scoffed as we walked down the stairs that led to the dungeons as we eventually came across the common room entrance and walked in after a brief pause

"I'm just going to go-"


"To my dorm. I'll see you tomorrow Blaise" I told him as he nodded and I walked towards the girl's steps, ignoring Draco as I shut the dorm door behind me before falling face first onto my bed, mumbling incoherently into my pillow.

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