|Chapter 166 : Pressing Questions|

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Laying on the bed staring up at the high ceiling blankly I felt continuous prods at my skin as the healers bustled around me, Madame Pomfrey standing at the end of my bed as she watched intently as they mumbled to each other with confused looks before they all shuffled out, laying by myself for a few minutes before two people shuffled back in

"Miss Black?" Lifting my head I looked at Pomfrey while I was passed the whiteboard, my hands and arms throbbing as she sat at the bottom of my bed

"Did you happen to try and get up last night and fall down? Trying to catch yourself but have it not work?"


"Did you try picking a book up and it was perhaps too heavy for you to hold properly?"

No. Why?

"Amelia... your left wrist is now also broken and you have a couple more cuts up your arm" she told me quietly, a healer running his wand across my arm as I winced, watching as the cuts on my arms faded into thin white lines before pressing his wand against my wrist, murmuring quietly as I cried out after a pop filled the room, my wrist in even more agony as I pulled myself away from him and cradled my arm as pain coursed up and down my joints

"Amelia?" Not managing to grab the pen to write a reply my hand was gently pried away as I shook my head furiously, his wand against my skin again as I clamped my eyes shut, a numb feeling spreading through my skin as I opened my eyes, little feeling left in my wrist as I watched them swap looks

"I can't heal it"


"It's not a normal break.... It's been broken with a mix of physical damage and magic... it's almost as if it's a parasitical magical force... there's nothing I can do at the moment. Miss Black, you're going to have to let this heal by itself... but what happened?"

I don't know

Watching them look between each other their questions soon stopped after I gave no more responses. Finally being left alone I rolled over onto my side, pushing the whiteboard onto the table beside me as I hugged Dracos jumper to my chest while pulling my hood up over my head as I grabbed my wand again and waved it over me, the same stinging sensation washing over me as I closed my eyes.

"Lia?" Opening my eyes I blinked tiredly, trying to clear my vision as I turned my head and watched as Nathan popped his head around the corner of the curtain causing me to smile at him, a grin growing on his face as he sat down in the space next to me warily before holding his arms out as I pushed myself up slowly and leaned forward, hugging him as tight as I could

"There's my girl, we've missed you like mad y'know"

I'm dying here without you Nathan

"I'm not surprised, I am amazing after all" he sighed as he looked down at me amused, ruffling my hair as I hugged him tightly and he moved away for a moment before moving up beside me, resting against his side with our arms draped over each other as I sighed quietly, hugging him as tight as I dared

"I was scared you wouldn't want to see me"

I always want to see you Nathan

"Oh Lia, please, take me to dinner first before you flirt with me like that" he told me, moving his hand to pretend to fan at his face as I grinned at him, listening to him laugh as he leant backwards against the wall

"The team are asking for you"

They are?

"Of course they are, they're worried to bits and love you to death"

Tell them I love them

"I might... I'll see how I feel"


"What if I tell them that you said you love me? Will that do?"

You don't need to tell them that, they already know

"Everybody knows, you just can't contain yourself around me"

Humble yourself

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