|Chapter 172 : Intrusive Visitors|

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Watching the eagle owl fly in through the back window with yet another letter it quickly dropped it on the table before flying off again, the pile of unopened letters having grown within the past few days as I rolled over and away from them. It having been soon a week since the healers last came to the hospital wing I kept myself to myself, having seen and spoke to no one since that day as I moved the chair from beside my bed to just outside the curtain with the whiteboard propped up against it with the message 'no company wanted'

Sitting up awhile later I looked towards the curtain, a shadow evident at the base of the curtain where Cedric and Hermione had been coming by and dropping off books and parcels from people as I let the pile grow, not having the energy or motivation to go grab any as I looked at the growing pile of work to do too, it also going untouched as I paid it no mind. Grabbing a book from the floor I started flicking through it aimlessly, having already read it cover to cover twice as I listened to the familiar creak of the hospital wing doors swinging open and close

"Sit down, Mr Bletchley. That bed there" lifting my head with my eyebrows knitted together I sat my book down, listening as a groan of pain came from one of the beds on the opposite side of the wing. Pulling myself off the bed I wobbled slightly while heading to the edge of the curtain, poking my head out just enough so I could look about as I saw Miles laying on a bed a little bit away from me, his face covered in blood as he held a bright red cloth over his mouth and nose, his face twisted into a grimace as I looked at the bloodstains on his quidditch robes as the hospital wing doors opened again

"Ugh... fuck you, Pucey"

"Language, Mr Bletchley"

"I didn't do it on purpose!" Yanking the curtain closed further I moved back to my bed, crossing my legs as I sighed quietly while double checking it was completely drawn around my bed before grabbing my wand and pressing it against my skin, the same familiar tingly feeling spreading over me as I watched my body clear of bruises and cuts

"You did! You literally saw me and fucking came at me with the beaters bat!"

"I mistook your hair for a bludger..."

"Oh just go and fuck off yeah? I'll grab that bat and hit you with it myself you intolerant shit"

"Mr Bletchley!"

"He bust my nose up!"

"Mr Pucey please leave the hospital wing" Madame Pomfrey asked exasperated as I heard his feet thud on the floor, the door slamming shut behind him as she gave an audible sigh before a crack filled the hospital wing a minute or so later, a cry of pain following it as I smiled from amusement

"Oh stop being so silly that's you all fixed up now. You can head back to your common room when the bleeding stops" slipping off the bed again after I heard her office door shut I peeked around the curtain again, looking at Miles as he sat there with a wad of tissues held to his nose, meeting my eyes as he raised his hand and gave a small wave, looking at the obvious dried blood as I smiled slightly, watching him start to laugh while he sat himself up properly

"Alright, Black?" He asked quietly, giving me a grin while pulling the tissues away from his face as I nodded slowly, flicking my wand as the whiteboard flew into my hand and I watched him swing his legs over the side of the bed

Are you alright?

"Grand" he scoffed as he wandered over, sitting down on the chair next to the curtain as I disappeared behind it again, sitting down on the ground while sliding the board under the curtain for him to see, drawing it back towards me to give him a response

What happened?

"We were training and then Adrian flew over and whacked me in the face with the bat- it ended practice early to be fair so I'm not complaining: nobody was enjoying it either"

Are you okay?

"I'm annoyed at him- he knew my hair wasn't a fucking bludger. He's just a blind git... it might make my nose look better though"

You wish

"Cheeky git" he mumbled quietly as I sat with a grin, drawing a smiley face on the board as I showed him it, having it passed back to me with a laugh as we fell quiet for a moment or so

"You have quite the stack of things out here"

I know

"Are you going to open or look at any of them?"

Not just yet

"Well I think you should.... I've been asked to make sure I get you to open this one" he told me as I watched his hand dig about the pile in front of me before slipping under a small black box that was matched with a silk ribbon as I sat and smiled at it, my smile slowly dropping as I thought about what he'd said

What do you mean you've been asked?


You said you were asked to make sure I opened this one in particular. Who asked you?

"Okay no I worded it wrong-"

Do you think I'm thick?

Smacking the board onto the ground angrily I gave him a moment to read it before pulling it back, my fingers turning white as I scrawled on the board annoyed

Adrian hit you on purpose. To get you in the hospital wing

"Amelia, you've got to understand-"

You dick. You utter prat- the only reason I looked out from behind the curtain was to make sure you were okay because I was worried and now I realise that it was all part of some bigger plan?

"Lia, we just wanted to get someone in here to check in on you- you haven't let anybody in here to speak with you in just over a week. Even Cedric agreed to the idea of getting somebody in here-"

Get out

"What? Lia, no please I'm just here to-"

Miles, go. And tell everybody else that I don't want to see anybody.

Leaving the board on the ground I stood back up and sat back on my bed, not listening to him as he rambled from behind the curtain as I turned and swished my wand violently, a strong gust of wind blowing against the curtain and annoying him until he finally left, the squeak of the hospital wing doors echoing across the empty and now silent room.

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