|Chapter 73 : Quidditch World Cup|

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We started climbing the steps in the stands for the match when we were momentarily stopped

"Ah, Mr Potter" a drawling voice called as the massive group of us turned around and I leant on the railing as we faced Draco and his father

"Hello Arthur"

"Lucius" Mr Weasley greeted with an obvious stiffness and strain in his voice as I glanced at Draco while he looked at his father

"I'm surprised you could afford tickets to the game, although I suppose the ministry didn't pay you for all the over time you've been doing"

"Father and I are in the Minister's box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself-"

"Don't boast Draco, there's no need with these people" his father said as I scoffed slightly while he held the spot just above his abdomen where he had been jabbed by the end of his fathers cane as he swapped glances between him and us as he looked away and caught my eye as I smirked slightly before he ever so slightly started edging nearer to where I was leaning, trying to disguise the small smirk that had started to grow on his face. I zoned out of the conversation but started listening again as Lucius Malfoy's cane disappeared out the side of my eye as the group started walking away and Draco turned to me

"Do you want to sit in the top box with us? There's a spare seat if you want"

"I'm fine, thank you though Draco"

"Are you sure? Remember, we have the privacy glass" He reminded me as I nodded, the two of us sharing a laugh as he turned his head to see where his father had gone

"Well you know where I am if you change your mind, don't feel like you need to sit with them" he said as I nodded, a small smile on my face

"The Weasley's asked me to sit with them, but I might end up coming down at one point or another Draco. But if not: I'll write, but I've got to go, I'll see you later" I smiled and offered a wave before jogging up the steps to catch up with the others. Climbing into the top row I grinned as we looked at the view we got

"Amelia! Where's Nadia?!" Harry yelled as I grinned at him

"You'll see" I said smiling, knowing that she'd be flying onto the pitch since she was taking the place of an Irish chaser

"No way!" Harry yelled as the teams flew onto the pitch with Nadia flying with the other chasers with a noticeable grin on her face, a slight sick feeling growing in my stomach as I pushed it aside and decided to enjoy the game.


The game passed by in a flurry and soon enough we were descending through the multiple levels of the stadium as we made our way back to the tent the Weasleys were in, Oscar not with us

"Let's go Ireland!" I yelled with a grin on my face as Ron stared at us glumly

"Krum's like a bird the way he flies in the wind" he said as the twins flapped their arms like wings and repeated what he said in deep voices


"Krum!" They yelled before they started singing and we all joined in

"Oh Viktor I love you! Oh Viktor I do! When we're apart, my heart beats only for you!" The lot of us sang grinning but stopped as a series of bangs and screams echoed from the outside of the tent as we turned towards the entrance

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