|Chapter 3 : Attacking Hugs|

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"No breakfast.... no lunch and no dinner"


"You're not hungry?"


"How?! I'm starving!"

"Blaise, you're always starving and tired. Here" I told him before pulling out a box of biscuits from my bag and handing them to him as he stared at me while he stopped in his tracks to look at me, the sky turning dark with the torches in the castle already lit as we turned to him

"You've had these in your bag all day and didn't tell me?"

"You didn't ask" I shrugged before we walked in, a small smile on my face as we went through the empty corridors until we got to the potions corridor

"Lia" looking between the two confused they both shook their heads at me before I looked down the hall, Theodore walking over as I was pulled into a hug and I hugged him back with a quiet mumble

"Are you okay?"

"My standard okay or your standard okay?" I asked quietly as he moved his hands and tightened my ponytail gently, a smile crossing my face as I kept him in a hug

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know Nadia was going to start screaming those things, if I did I wouldn't have of went into the hall-"

"Not that. Why didn't you tell me you'd gotten yourself into a duel?" He asked quietly as I let out a quiet mumble, moving my hands behind his back as I fumbled with them before he stepped back

"Come on"

"What? I just want to go to sleep Theo, honestly" I mumbled as I was walked past the other two and towards the common room as he stayed silent and I was led in, instantly greeted by an explosion of noise as I looked about

"Jesus fucking Christ..."

"If your mother won't love you then I fucking will" Pansy declared loudly, jumping down from the couch as I was ran at and tackled to the ground, a kiss to my cheek as she grinned at me

"She can go and fuck herself-"

"She's a useless piece of shit!"

"A waste of space!"

"A disgusting cow!" I heard Daphne scream from the back of the common room as I smiled at Pansy

"Thank you"

"You deserve this. We raided the kitchens and threw a party to show you that we love you" she mumbled as I smiled at her gratefully, music starting to blast around the walls and in my ears

"I love you guys so much, honestly-"

"Fuck you, we love you more"


"Do you know what the best thing is?"


"Snape literally doesn't give two shits" she told me, both of us laughing as she nodded

"I'm being serious! He even made sure that you three were registered and we were let out of potions to sort this out"


"Really! It was hilarious!" She laughed before pushing herself to her feet and dragging me up along with her as I was instantly passed a shot glass, my hair getting ruffled as I stared at Flint before he took the glass back, swapping it for a bottle as I grinned at him


"Yeah. Drink as much as you want, Snape isn't going to stop us. He even put up a silencing charm" he shrugged, grinning as I let out another laugh, watching him wander off after a few more minutes of talking as I lowered my drink, not wanting any as I walked over to an empty couch, sitting the bottle down as the seats either side of me were taken

"Fancy seeing you here"

"Well this is my common room as well" I mumbled to Adrian and Miles as I glanced at the grins on their faces, offering a small smile as I drew my knees to my chest

"What's up?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all"

"You're lying"

"I'm usually quite a good liar too. I don't usually slip up-"

"You're a good liar when yourself"

"If it makes you feel any better: you were amazing when kicking Weasley's arse this morning" Adrian told me, grinning as I let out a laugh while looking between them

"If only everybody seen it like that"

"You're not beating yourself up are you? You were defending yourself"

"You were doing what any Slytherin would have of done"

"The only reason your mother can't see that is because she's blinded by her ego" Miles told me as I smiled at him slightly, getting passed my bottle back as they grinned at me

"Let loose"


"And just enjoy yourself. It's Friday and we don't have classes tomorrow"

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