|Chapter 18 : Pointless Wake Ups|

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"We don't even have classes"

"I know-"

"Or any plans, to like, Hogsmeade or anything-"

"Again, I know-"

"So why are you trying to get me to get up?" I asked whining as I pulled the pillow over my head with an unhappy mumble as it was pulled off and I lifted my head, looking at Blaise who was sitting there with an amused look as I cuddled my quilt with a sigh

"Because there's also quidditch practice"

"You tell me as if you go to it" I muttered as he sat with a grin and I raised my limp hand, jabbing his stomach as he jumped slightly and a proud smile grew on my face as I felt a violent poke to my side and I let out a shriek, swatting his hands away as I tried to sit upright as he started repeatedly poking my sides forcefully as I started letting out noises that resembled half a squeak and a laugh as I rolled over away from him, tumbling off the bed as I landed on the floor loudly while I let out a groan of pain, my legs still on the bed as I made an attempt to rub my back

"You're a bastard"

"You love me"


"Is it?"

"Most definitely-"

"You've broke me-"

"You were already broken-"


"It's the truth"

"I know. Fine, you hurt my feelings" he told me, looking at me with a growing smirk as I let out a scoff, lifting my head up so I could look at him properly

"What's it like to have feelings?" I asked as he let out a laugh, shoving my legs as they crumpled on the floor and I started laughing

"You're a depressive bitch"

"Oh I know" I told him with a sigh as I pushed myself up and off the floor, looking around confused as I was grabbed, shrieking again as I was dragged down onto the bed and I stared at Blaise with ever so slightly narrowed eyes

"Blaise Zabini you bastard-"

"You've already called me that"

"So what do you want?"

"I want to know what these are" he said to me, dropping his head onto my shoulder as I looked at him, the two of us staring at each other for a moment as he moved the side of my top and I glanced down, trying to fix it again after he had rolled it up past my waist as I mumbled quietly to myself




"Blaise just drop it-"

"Absolutely not I want you to answer me. Have you been-?" he cut across me, a slight forceful tone to his voice as I smacked his hands away and stood up as I was instantly dragged back down again as I tried to push him off, the two of us kicking each other and wrestling while he tried to pin me down

"Fucking stop it!"

"No, get away from me-"

"Stop bloody kicking me woman! It fucking hurts!"

"Well fucking let go!" I shouted at him as he grabbed my wrists with a hand as I tried to knee him in the stomach and I was held down completely as I lifted my head, head butting him forcefully as we both let out a shout of pain as he dropped his forehead onto mine with a groan as the door opened

"That's disgusting"

"Fuck you Malfoy I need help-"

"You need help?! You've fucking pinned me down!" I screamed as I head butted him again as he moved his head out of the way and I turned my head, looking to Draco who stared at Blaise with a look of sour disgust as he looked at me and raised his eyebrows

"What's happening?"

"I'll explain later just hurry up and help me"


"Because if you don't I swear to Merlin when I next get up I'll break your fucking ribs" I told him quietly as I stared at him with narrowed eyes as he walked properly into view, slouching against the wall with a shrug and an amused look as Blaise dropped down, lying on top of me as I shouted in pain, pressing my head into the pillow with a hiss


"No, not until you answer-"

"No, get off!"

"Amelia no-!"

"No Blaise please move I can't-"

"Amelia I swear to Merlin if you-"

"I can't breathe-" I managed to tell him quietly as I tried to push him off me, no air in my lungs as I tried to breathe, hitting his shoulder desperately as he looked away, already feeling my face pale as I lay there in pain

"I'm not moving until-"

"I can't breathe!" I shouted, sounding quiet as he instantly moved and I rolled over onto my side and started coughing as my inhaler was passed to me and I tried to use it quickly


"It's fine, don't bother-" I muttered a few minutes later as I rubbed my chest and the dorm fell silent as I pushed myself up a few moments later, looking to the two who were staring at me intently


"Are you alright?"


"Are you-?"

"Are you going to tell us what those cuts are?"

"Bloody hell Zabini-"

"What? I'm only asking-"

"And I'm not answering"

"I just want to make sure that you haven't been doing this to-"

"I haven't" I told Blaise, lying through my teeth as I kept my top covered over the cuts on my sides as he stared at me, a slightly suspicious and concerned look as I glanced down to the inhaler in my hand

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