|Chapter 158 : Changing Room Chats|

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"Do we have training tonight?"

"I think so, are you coming along?"

"I think I will, yeah" I nodded, sitting on Blaise's bed as I looked at Draco who was at his desk as he turned with a grin


"Shock horror, I know"

"Not really a shock to me, probably just to everyone else- it's been that long do you still remember how to fly?"

"Right, shut up you" I scoffed as he glanced back at me again before flipping through his book as I wandered over and leant against his desk and looked down at his work

"Are you alright?" humming a response I gave him a smile as he went back to writing, a small smirk on his face as I glanced down at his hand resting on his open book while I took ahold of it gently as I peered at the two rings on his fingers, one being a snake and the other a signet ring with the Malfoy family emblem on it while I gently rubbed circles on to the back of his hand as I stared around the dorm

"You're thinking about something"

"Can I have a hug?"

"Is that what you're thinking about?"

"Maybe" I shrugged, a small smile growing on my face as I looked at him and he leant back in his chair with an amused look before he put his quill down and twisted the cap back onto his ink and standing up as I slipped my arms under his robes and hugged him tightly with my head leaning against him

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah no I'm good, sorry I was just wanting a hug" I explained to him as he nodded, the two of us starting to sway ever so slightly as I let out a little laugh and I looked up at him grinning, a small smile etched on his face as the dorm door opened and we turned, Pansy strolling in as she kicked open Blaise's trunk

"Oh hello you two"

"Hiya Pansy"

"Just so you know, Bletchley is in the common room asking about you two and if you're heading to training tonight"

"Pass along the message that we are"

"Will do Malfoy- also Lia I love that skirt by the way"

"Thanks, Ali got me it for Christmas" I told her as I looked at the pleated black skirt and I felt Draco move a hand and hook his thumb into the back of it as she kicked his trunk shut again with a bottle in hand as she stood up and grabbed the door handle

"It really does look great, it's really cute but do you know where it would look even better? On Draco's floor"

"Did you just hit on Draco... for me?" I asked confused, biting back my laughter as she nodded

"I did, seeing as you won't do it for yourself. Anyway, kisses!" She called as she blew me a kiss and I started laughing while she shut the door behind her and I turned back to Draco as he stared at the door lost for words

"I'm not going to comment on that"

"Good choice... sorry you can go back to your work now" I told him, stepping back as he threw me a look, pulling me back into the hug as I held at his shirt

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