|Chapter 107 : Obvious|

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"You make it obvious"


"You're making it obvious"

"No I'm not-"

"It's so obvious!"

"No!" I hissed back to Pansy as I looked back down to the parchment and started scribbling furiously as my cheeks turned pink

"You've gone red!"

"No I haven't!"

"Yes you have!"



"I'll fucking smack you Parkinson-"

"Go for it-" she mumbled as I gently smacked the back of her head as she done it back and we carried on, the hits getting rougher as we grinned at each other and after I hit her again she grabbed my hair, pulling my head towards her as I let out a noise that resembled a squawk as I glanced around, Draco and Blaise who were sitting in front of us having turned around as my cheeks turned pink, turning away from Draco as she moved her head next to me

"I should tell him-"


"-That you like him-"

"Pansy please don't-"

"And you're head over heels in love with him" she mumbled as my face turned red and I shook my head frantically as she let go of me and I straightened up

"Please don't Pansy-"

"What in the name of Merlin were you two doing?"

"Well, Lia was just-"

"Nothing. We weren't doing anything. Nothing important-"

"What's got you all worked up?"

"Yeah Amelia. Why don't you tell them?-"

"Tell us what?"

"Nothing. Honestly it's nothing" I told the three of them, hiding my face in my hands as I let out a whine as Pansy started laughing quietly from beside me as I stood on her foot and she cursed as I lifted my head

"What's happening?"


"Why've you gone red-?"

"I haven't-"

"Yes you have-"


"So red-"

"Jesus fucking Christ Blaise stop pestering me!" I said to him loudly as I stared at him and he sat on the verge of laughter before I turned my head, looking to the rest of the class that stared at me silently as I sat back down properly with a small cough

"Ten points from Slytherin Miss Black"

"Noted" I mumbled as Binns continued to drone on and I looked at the three who were shaking with silent laughter and I turned to Pansy who was looking at me with a grin as I smacked the backside of her head

"You bitch!"

"Miss Black!"

"That wasn't me!" I defended myself loudly as I crossed my arms over my chest, stopping taking notes all together and sitting in a huff as I glared at my feet

"You have no idea how much I hate you" I told Pansy after we had left the class, walking through the bustling hall as she started laughing

"You don't hate me, you love me" she told me grinning as I gave her a look, an arm wrapping around my shoulder as I looked to the noticeable ring as my cheeks turned pink slightly, glancing at Pansy as she walked with a grin on her face as she looked at me and I turned away, looking at Draco who walked with a smirk on his face

"What is it?"

"I must admit, that was funny-"

"No it wasn't! I got a detention because Binns heard Pansy shout and not me! It was me that got called the bitch!" I complained loudly as the two of them laughed and we walked into the hall, sitting down at our table a moment later as Pansy poked me

"What do you want?"

"Your brother is staring at us"

"Just stare back, he'll get intimidated and look away" I told her as I glanced up, scanning the Hufflepuff table as I caught sight of him staring at us, his gaze slightly averted towards Draco as we stared at him while he turned to us and looked away after a couple of minutes

"Finally, my eyes were getting sore"

"Fucking hell Amelia"

"What? He's a sight for sore eyes" I shrugged, smirking as I reached forward for my goblet as I turned to Draco

"Why is your arm still around me?"

"Because I can't be bothered moving"

"Sounds like something Blaise would say"

"That's what I thought too" Pansy mumbled as I let out a laugh, looking between the two amused as I felt eyes on me as I turned and looked around, looking at Nott who was standing a couple of meters down the table and looking at me as I turned away, putting my goblet down

"Do we have practice later?"

"Yeah I think so, seven I think. I need to go"

"How come?"

"I just do, I'll-"

"Amelia, you haven't even ate anything yet"

"I know but I'm not really that hungry anyway"

"You'll be starving"

"I won't, honest"

"Don't start complaining when you become hungry later on and you have to wait until dinner then" Pansy laughed as I nodded and patted Draco's arm as he moved it off as I reached under my table for my bag, watching Nott leave the hall out of the corner of my eye and I got to my feet

"We'll see you in charms then-"

"I'm needing to talk with you-"

"Lia I'm coming with you" Draco mumbled hastily as Pansy grabbed his arm and I let out a laugh

"Oh no you don't-"

"I'll leave you two be then-"

"Lia!" Waving to Draco over my shoulder I left the hall with a smile, it dropping when my arm was grabbed and I was dragged down the corridor to an empty classroom

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