|Chapter 66 : Creaking Floorboards|

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Creeping across the floor I tried to avoid the creaking bits as I darted into the twins bathroom as quickly as I could. Shutting the door silently, I turned the light on and blinked painfully at the brightness of it before I slipped into the shower. Changed into a clean set of clothes I slipped out quietly and put my bag over my shoulder as I tried to leave the room

"What're you doing?"

"Oh holy shit! Bloody hell George I thought you were asleep" I said quietly as I tried to keep my laughter down as to not wake Fred who had his back to me while I looked at him from where he had propped himself up with an elbow and looked at me tiredly

"I was but the sound of the water going off woke me"

"Oh crap, sorry, but you should get back to sleep, it's far too early for you to be getting up"

"Same goes for you then, huh? What time is it?"

"Quarter to three, and I have a reason to be up"

"Oh yeah? What's your reason then?"

"I'm helping at the Quidditch World Cup but you should honestly go back to sleep"

"I was planning to. Well, have fun"

"I'll try, see you soon Georgie"

"Bye Lia" he murmured quietly as I slipped from the room just as he laid back down and I tried to creep down the numerous flights of stairs unheard as I got to the living room before going outside as I grabbed my portkey, disappearing in seconds as I landed on the fog covered field

"Is that you Amelia?!"

"Yeah that's me!" I shouted as I got up with portkey in hand as I dumped it in the box of used ones as I walked towards the man at the front, recognising him instantly as he shook my hand enthusiastically

"Good to see you Ludo"

"Pleasure like always Amelia, so should we get started?"

"Sure" I said to him, laughing slightly at the grin on his face as I followed him in, staring around at the hundreds of tents that were already set up

"This is amazing"

"It really is something, isn't it? Now, let me run you through what you're going to be doing. For the first two or three days you'll be helping out with the international teams, I've heard you know quite a few of them" he said grinning as I nodded with a smile as I caught the glint in his eyes

"But apart from that, you'll also help keep the use of magic to a minimum and help translate if needed as well as other things. And for the other days you'll be showing people to where they will be staying- is that all good and well?"

"Sounds great to me"

"Perfect. Now, remind me as to how many languages you're familiar with"

"Six, I'm fluent with- French, Spanish, Latin and I'm getting better at Arabic, Bulgarian and German- with help obviously" I told him grinning as I listed them on my hand as he motioned for me to walk in front of him as I pushed the door open to a comfortable sized makeshift office as he stared at me wide eyed

"Well it's certainly impressive to say the least. Now, you're getting paid... are you not?"

"Yes, I think I was told I'm getting paid around twenty three galleons an hour" I told him, trying not to make it sound like a question as he motioned for me to sit down as I slipped my bag off while he pushed a small bag across the desk in my direction as he nodded with a smile

"Yes I think that sounds about right, is it true you tried to bring the price down?"

"Yeah, I did. I thought I was being offered too much" I told him laughing as he joined in before pointing to the bag as I picked it up and opened it as I looked at the vial inside, recognising it as dittany as I looked up from the folded up piece of parchment

"That's a map of the site, if you don't know where you are all you need to do is take it out and tap it with the tip of your wand and it will show you where you are and how to get to where you need to go" he explained as I nodded amused before pulling out something that reminded me of an earphone, the type that looped around your ear to stay in place as I looked up questioningly

"Ah, now that is something I'm very happy to tell you about. I presume you realised that it's an adapted version of a muggle earmobile-"


"Well, I was close enough!" He said as the two of us started laughing and I turned the black earpiece over in my hand

"Anyway, we've adapted it. If there is anything that we need you to do their voice will appear in your ear and they'll tell you what you need to do and where you'll need to be. I must ask you to wear it at all times though" he explained as I nodded smiling before slipping it on, the only slightest bit of weight but pretty uncomfortable as I adjusted it slightly until it finally sat in a comfortable position

"Now the bag is to be attached to your upper arm and has a few more things that you'll find useful at one point or another. Well that's it all for now, you can leave your bag in here if you wish and we'll get started" he said happily as I nodded, zipping the bag back up before slipping it on my arm, tightening it by the strap as I pushed myself to my feet smiling before following him back outside.

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