|Chapter 183 : Unwanted Returns|

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"Amelia!" Finally peeling my eyes open I stared about, trying to see straight as my shoulder was shaken and I turned my head, seeing Nathan leaning over me as he held his hand to my forehead, cursing under his breath before running from the room, the door swinging wide open as I groaned under my breath. Laying there for a moment I kicked the covers off me, my legs aching and feeling like dead weight while I pulled myself over onto my side, not realising how close to the edge of the mattress I was as I toppled down onto the floor, not even having the energy to react as I laid there taking slow and shallow breaths.

"Amelia, no, no, come on"

"Get her back on the bed, Nathan" feeling myself leave the floor I groaned out, my head rolling to the side with my eyes clamped shut as my face was patted gently

"Amelia, it's Adam. Can you hear me?" Ignoring him I clasped my hand over my mouth and rolled over onto my side with my head off the bed, a shout on panic meeting my ears as I moved my hand from my mouth just as a bowl appeared under me and my hair was held back as I started throwing up, my stomach in agony as I finally stopped a couple of moments later, my back being rubbed gently as I dropped my head onto my arm, my body feeling limp as I slipped off the bed.

Opening my eyes I blinked heavily, my body cold as I instantly started to shiver, my teeth chattering together as the taste of sick burned the back of my throat and I turned my head, Cedric laying asleep on the bed next to me as I looked around, the feeling of dread setting in as I stared around the dreary hospital wing as I turned over slightly, ignoring the pains while I wrapped my arm over him

"As much as I'm glad to see you back I wish it wasn't in this circumstance" lifting my head I looked up at him, his eyes barely opening as he smiled at me, his arm wrapping over my back as I rested my head just below his shoulder

"How do you feel?"

I'm okay. I'm tired and sore, but I'm okay

"You took quite the turn, it was scary- Nathan told me he was shitting himself when you wouldn't wake up"

I wasn't waking up?

"He was talking to you for over five minutes and then started poking you, and you just didn't respond"

I just wanted to be dramatic

"Of course you did" he mumbled before starting to laugh, sitting up as he started peppering my head with kisses, a grin growing as I started laughing, trying to push him away from me before he hugged me tightly

"I've missed you so so much Lia. You should've taken me with you to Nathan's"

No, no. I couldn't take you away from your precious Cho

"She would've been fine with it" he scoffed after laughing at the amused look I gave him as he ran his fingers through my hair

"I'm so glad to see you again though, I really am"

I missed you Diggory

"I suppose I missed you too"

So I'd hope

"Yeah I've been lying, I didn't really miss you that much at all"

Keep lying to yourself. How're you feeling about the task?

"I'm okay, but the only thing is that I have no idea what's waiting for me. We have no clues and no preparation whatsoever"

Isn't that a good thing?

"Kind of. I mean, let's be honest, what could be worse than a dragon?"

A few things

"I mean, yes, obviously. But what are they actually willing to put me through that's worse?"

Cedric, they put you face to face with a mother dragon with a nest of eggs. I think they'd do anything

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