175. A Nightmare Within a Nightmare

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"I can't believe you're going out again. Where are you going now?" Of course my mother would question my every move.

"I have some issues with my leg, I'll go to the doctor, back to physiotherapy." I was feeding Dylan and already had some bottles for him. I had no idea how long I would be away, but I should prepare. I felt horrible for leaving Charlie and Dylan again. Matthias was right, that excuse worked and my mother seemed convinced. For now.

Outside it was a hell. The vultures went over the car, it was ridiculously absurd. They were bored about me and Ville lately, just publishing silly stories, but now they were back with all strength after his disappearance. I drove to the address Matthias gave me, and it looked like a clinic indeed. I paid attention if someone followed me, but if they did, at least it would be very convincing where I was going. I grabbed my bag with the extra clothing, I already had my gym clothes on.

Inside, a receptionist smiled at me. "Hello, how can I help you? Do you have an appointment?"

"I have. My name is Eve Belinsky." For some reason I gave her only this name, and I didn't know if I had an appointment, Matthias didn't give me any instructions about that, I only hoped she would find something. She checked on her computer and nodded. "Can you fill in this form, please?" I didn't know if this was part of the game, but I did what I was told to. I put my real info and wondered if I should or not. I gave her back the paper and she asked me to wait in the waiting room. There were some other people in there. Were they faking it? Were they actors or something?

I was tense in my place, when after a while someone called my name. "Mrs. Belinsky?"

To my surprise, Matthias himself appeared in front of me dressed as a doctor, with a green scrub and a white coat. He acted as if he didn't know who I was, looking around the room.

"Terve." I raised from the chair and Matthias smiled, motioning me to follow him. It was a real clinic, maybe he was using it for other purposes. I saw some people around, employees, other doctors and nurses, and patients. I wondered how fake was that. Maybe the clinic was real and he was only borrowing it, it was more likely.

He opened the door of a room for me, it was a real office. When he closed the door, he pointed to the stretcher. "What?" I asked him, blankly.

"Sit there, please." I put my bag on the floor and sat. He had his long hair up in a bun, like Ville used to do. He pulled a chair and sat in front of me. "Excuse me." He lifted my right leg all of sudden, making it rest on his knee.

"What are you doing?" I didn't have time to react, he pressed a point and it hurt like hell. "Ouch!"

"I can see by the way you walk you have some issue in the nerve. Why did you quite the therapy?"

"It was useless. Did you read that in a file?"

"No, I observed the way you walk sometimes, like I've said."

"Wait, are you really a doctor?"

"Yep." I wasn't comfortable with him holding my leg, and examining it. But he seemed to really know what he was doing. He looked at me in a funny way. "Why, is it so hard to believe that?"

"Maybe a bit."

"You need some sessions. We can work on that."

"I'm here for another issue, if you don't mind."

"Yeah, about that. I called you to come here specifically because we have to be discreet. You have many eyes on you now. There's a detective that is investigating as if you're the main suspect."

"I know that." I was a bit impressed by how fast he had those info.

"That is because they have nothing on the case, they are desperate. But we do have something."

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