105. Wounds Remain Unhealed

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"When I say it's my fault, it's because everything started because of me. Marius is an obsessed person, and he was an obsessed fan, for starters. We've just found out it." Ville started to explain.

"But people can be crazy, you don't hold any responsibility for their actions. How obsessed was he?"

"Yeah, maybe not. But it's something that bothers me a lot anyway. Well, apparently he knew all about my life, for a while already. He had a lot of info about me, it was creepy. He had photos he took himself, from a distance, like a stalker, really. He even acted like he was me in social media, not really saying it was me, but many people thought it was true because he knew a lot. He probably saw your photo with me, because the paparazzi was always on our feet. That's how he probably put an eye on you."

"Because he was stalking you?"

"You've met him in a gig in Oulu. We were by the end on the European leg. This was our first tour together, kulta. I've had just left rehab, I was still recovering and you accepted my invitation to join me."

"Rehab?" Eve made a worried expression. Ville shrugged. "Yes, I can explain but this will have to wait, I was there a while. And so, I was at the stage, I saw him looking at you. It wasn't normal, I should have known. He was mesmerized, and he started speaking to you. You exchanged some words, and that was it. Some time later, maybe a month or even less, you've met him at the Uni. He said he was also a student there."

"What a small world."

"Not so much. Turns out he was lying, he wasn't a student there, he fooled everybody for a long time. And when he approached you at the gig, he already knew you were my girlfriend. We are not sure about that, but the police found evidence he did, because he knew my friends, we had pictures together like I've said, the media started to speculate who you are, they didn't know your name. But he probably found out, somehow. He thought of everything, Eve. He was always near, always misteriously showing up in the same places you were, the fact is that he was obsessed by you. Really, obsessed."

Eve was getting scared to where this conversation was leading. "He said... He said he loves me."

Ville sighed. "Maybe. You can't say that is love, he's sick, but in his crazy mind he thinks it is."

Ville told about the crazy Valentine's Day attack. "He went to your place, and threatened you. You managed to call me and I listened everything, I went fastest I could. He was nervous when you rejected him, and in the end, you punched him. Kulta, you broke his nose." Ville smiled all proud and Eve was astonished.

"Did I? It seems I'm a violent person, gosh." Eve remembered Marius' wound.

"No, you're not. You've just defended yourself, love. I arrived and saw so much blood, that was scary. Then we got blackmailed by him."

"What?" Ville told her everything, how he had to say he was the one who punched Marius in order to protect Eve and her future, that he had to punch a tree and ended up spending a night in jail. "This is so horrible, I can't believe it, he's a psychopath. Oh Ville. I'm so sorry you had to do this."

"This was nothing, dear. I would do everything again to protect you. We thought he would leave us alone. Sometimes I think about it, but no, he probably wouldn't. After that, a girl showed up. Her name was... Sabrina, I guess. She came to us, and she told her horrible story about Marius. She helped us to unsmask him. After her, two more girls reported and exposed him, and we could tell the truth. He became a fugitive, then. He did all that and was desperate to maintain his image, he said it was because of his scholarship, but now we know he didn't have one, he was probably hiding himself."

"What did he do to those girls?" Eve was afraid of asking.

"He threatened them as well, for him it's like a game. He had a pattern, like I said, he is an obsessed person and all these girls suffered in his hands. They all had a story of how Marius turned out to be a friend who was always near and wanted more than a friendship. He acted like he... Earned it. It's disgusting. He's very clever and manipulative, he stalked them, he was really crazy. It's... Those girl's stories are really hard. But thanks to you and Sabrina, they came forward." Ville was saving the details, Eve was bad already and he wasn't even half way through. "They all looked alike. They were small, fragile looking girls. He thought he could do the same to you. But he was so wrong, he didn't know you may look fragile on the outside, so small and delicate you are." Ville smiled, caressing her arm. "But you're terribly feist and combative. He could never imagine someone could stop him. One day he showed up, and asked you to stop, to not go ahead with the investigation. He asked you to not tell the truth, but obviously you ignored him. He needed to pay for his actions."

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