15. Heartache Every Moment

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Ville's dinner came and they brought something for me as well. He barely touched it.

"Ville, you need to eat. You'll feel better with a full tummy. Look at those delicious vegetables." He made a face. "Don't make me do it, Valo."

He chuckled. "Do what?"

I picked his fork with some vegetables and waited him to open his mouth. He obeyed and chewed while he was laughing.

"Easy, you'll choke like this!"

He ate a little more, but he said he wasn't hungry and he was indeed, stubborn as hell. I helped him get up so he could use the bathroom.

"You wait here." He said by the door. "Sure, Ville." I tried to suppress a laugh when I realized he wasn't wearing anything underneath his hospital gown.

"Hey. You are staring at my butt." I looked away and we burst into laugh. "Let me pee in privacy." He didn't close the door because of the IV, but I gave him space, of course. "You're shameless." He chuckled and I protested. "I didn't do anything, Valo. Just do what you gotta do."

After he finished, he stopped in front of me by the door. He could be sexy even in that gown. This was the first time I could see his tattoos properly. I examined his arms and as I traced his tattoos, he got goosebumps.

"Are you cold? Come sit."

He held me. "No... I'm tired of the bed." He started kissing my jawline, and now I had goosebumps, I even flinched. "What's the problem?" He said between his kisses, and I could tell he was smiling. As I didn't answer, he went down to my neck.

"I love your scent." I could feel his teeth on my neck, and then he sucked it. My legs were limp. I sighed loudly and he quickly looked at me. His eyes were burning. I pulled him closer by holding his neck and he gave me a lustful kiss.

A knock on the door.

Of course it was Seppo. He gave us a suspicious look as he entered.

He brought my bag Leena had prepared to me. As I was checking my stuff, Seppo told something in Finnish to Ville. I totally thought it was rude of him, to speak another language in front of me. Ville then went to bed again and covered himself. He was suppressing a smile.

"Tomorrow morning I'll be here again. Nine o'clock, okay? Any news just call me, anytime. Goodnight to you two. And remember what the doctor said, Ville."

"Yep, Seppo. Thanks, for everything. Take a rest. I'm sorry for all the trouble."

Seppo just smiled and I waved us goodbye.

"Kulta, I need a shower."

"Hum, do you think you can manage? I'll call the nurse."

"Won't you help me?"

I just stood there without answer. Was he joking with me?

He then burst into laughter. Of course he was.

"You should see your face, sweetheart. That was priceless."

"Why? I was willing to help you."

He then looked at me serious, and raised a brow. "Really?"

I got near him. "No, Ville. Doctor said no more emotions today. I doubt this shower would be without any thrill."
He frowned like a baby. "Maybe next time. But really, do you think you can manage?"

"Yes, I just have to be careful with this thing. I think Seppo brought some clothes as well. But I have to stick with this hospital fashion."

"Let me see if I find a clean one. I'll catch your stuff for you." I searched the dresser but couldn't find any. I picked some towels for him and asked if I could check his bag for him. He nodded, while he read a message on his cell phone out loud from Mige. He was worried and wanted to visit, but Seppo thought it was better not and he could see him at home tomorrow.

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