151. We're Dancing with Tags on our Toes

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The doctor didn't give Ville good news, he recommended him to stay in the hospital for observation. Ville hated the idea, but he agreed to it, not many options available anyway, his breathing was still too difficult and the equipment and medications helped a lot.

Charlie stayed with us in the hospital, she was a bit bored in the room but at the same time she was happy to see us all together again. Seppo came to visit, and Marie was with him. She greeted me shyly, and she was asking Ville how was he, but I could see she treated him differently. Maybe because of everything I've told her.

When Kari and Anita came, they just knew there was something wrong with us. Anita was looking back and forth to me and Ville. "Oh dear, what happened to you?"

They would have a lot to catch up, so I made my way out, excusing myself to grab a coffee. I didn't want to hear Ruby's story all over again.

I walked in the hospital corridors a bit, thinking in my own hospital days in the future. I should talk to my mom, I was only ditching her calls and sending messages, because she would always know by the tone of my voice things were bad with me.

I sent an email to Dr. Ecclestone, confirming him I would be back to Paris soon. He quickly replied saying he would receive me to set a date for my surgery. I would run some tests first, and I remembered the blood donation. Hopefully wouldn't be a problem.

Anita found me while I was waiting in the corridor and sat by my side. She looked at me differently, and by the look in her eyes, she knew. We didn't say a word, I smiled at her and her brows curved together. "Oh, dear." She reached for my hand and squeezed it hard. "I am fine, Anita."

"I'm so sorry about that. I just can't believe it, you don't deserve this, you've been through an awful lot already."

"Well, it's just one more challenge, right?" I smiled to reassure her I was fine and would be okay. But sometimes I did had a bad feeling about my unknown future.

"Ville is... Ah, what a mess. I'm so sorry about everything. He told us what happened in Norway, but above all, he's so worried about you. He cried like a baby, it broke my heart. He feels guilty for everything. He's disappointed at himself."

"He did disappointed me, Ani."

"I know. But I trust you two will find the best outcome from this." I just smiled at her, I wasn't so sure about that. I was so drowned in our problems, so deep in the bottom, the way up seemed too far away.

The most difficult was to speak to my parents. Unfortunately I had to do it during a Skype call, my mom had to understand why she was going to meet me in Paris. My father wouldn't show, but I knew he was sad. My mom would react in an explosive way, demanding to know why I hid this from everybody and I didn't had a good explanation. It was painful, worse than I had foreseen.

Ville stayed in the hospital for two days, before he could leave. He was having tons of pills, but he got better. I took Charlie to see him, but I didn't stay much, as he had his parents, Jesse, Seppo and Marie to look after her. I needed some space.

I was relieved to see Ville entering our house, he seemed way healthier already. Charlie went to him, and I didn't know how to act. I got closer and he was waiting for something. "Moi." He smiled shyly, as Seppo also entered, putting his things inside.

"How are you?"

"Alive and kicking. And you?"

"I'm fine."

It was awkward. We were still living under the same roof, but we didn't act like a couple anymore. He was sleeping in another room, we didn't talk much, only the essential. We planned the trip to Paris, he was anxious to know details about my surgery, but I said Dr. Ecclestone could explain better than me.

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