14. All Lips Go Blue

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I was desperate. I ran to Ville and made him sit.

"I'm calling the emergency. Just stay calm, ok?"

I tried my best not to sound terrified. I was shaking in panic. His chest made a rumbling noise, his lips were white.

"No. Call Seppo." He said weakly. Thank goodness I had his number already. He picked up quickly.

I didn't give him time to answer. "Seppo, it's an emergency, Ville needs his medication and he is having a crisis. We're still at my house, please hurry! But I think I should call the emergency."

"I'll be faster. I'll be there in a blink, leave your door unlocked. Go comfort him, make him sit still and don't make him talk."

"Okay." The phone clicked, I did what he asked me to. I left the door unlocked, and ran to him. He was already sit, I actually didn't know what to do. I was afraid getting near him would make him more nervous, after what I've said.

He looked at me, coughing violently. I was shaking like hell. I ran to him and dropped on his feet, in front of him, resting my hands on his knees.

"Calm down, Ville. Probably this is not the first time you have a crisis, right? Concentrate in breathing, Seppo is on his way."

He tried to say something but I didn't let him. "No, save your breath." Even like this he was smiling at me. I was doing my best not to cry. I had never seen an asthma crisis, it was frightening. I was fearing for him. His lips were turning violet now. That made me even more desperate, it was too fast.

I sat by his side and he held my hand. He was also shaking. I caressed his back and went to his hair. He closed his eyes, concentrating in breathing.

"I'm here for you, okay?" He made a pained expression when he looked the tears forming in my eyes and I felt so useless. "No, no, no, breath, Ville. Breath."

Seppo arrived in seven minutes. Thank God Helsinki was small, he was probably near. He flew to the couch with the medicine. I got up to give him some space. Ville took it and slowly, his chest was better, but his lips were almost blue.

He tried to say something, but he was weak. Seppo was asking him things in Finnish and he just nodded.

"I can't breath." He said in a whisper.

He took his medicine again. Seppo was already on the phone. I was almost calling the emergency, when Seppo said he would take him to the hospital himself.

"I'm coming with you."

"You better stay, Eve." Seppo didn't even look at me. He was helping Ville get up, who looked angry at Seppo. "She's coming." He said, almost choking on his words.

Seppo probably didn't like the idea and wouldn't argue now, but I couldn't care less. I sat with Ville in the backseat, and he supported his body onto mine, trying to squeeze himself. His chest was going up and down quickly. I could hear it rumbling. I held him, trying my best to let him comfortable.

"I'm here, we are almost arriving, okay?" I whispered to Ville, and he chuckled lightly.

"Can I..." He was breath shortened, so he just moved towards my lips. He just gave me a peck, and looked at me with pledging eyes. I caressed his face, and he looked comfortable in my arms. That warmed my heart a little bit, but still very worried for him.

Seppo drove fast. Soon we arrived at the hospital, where we were awaited. I helped Ville to get off the car best I could, but the emergency staff pushed me aside and caught him. He was almost losing conscience when they put him on the stretcher and I got deeply scared.

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