169. While We Dance Into The Storm

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The pain wasn't strong nor well located, but maybe I wasn't able to distinguish it because I started to panic. I was trying to comprehend what was going on, but I had no time to lose. I felt someone trying to comfort me, it was Dr. Virtanen. "Eve, just breath, tell us what are you feeling."

"It's the baby, there's something wrong, I just know. Please, I need to go to the hospital."

"We will take you and warn Ville." Henrik held my by the arm, leading me somewhere, but the panic really took over me. I could barely walk, I only sobbed. I looked down at my belly, looking for signs of something wrong. "I need you to move, Eve. Are you able to do so?" Henrik asked and I looked at him. He gave me a reassuring look and I nodded, doing my best. When we were at the corridor, I flinched when I felt a pain and Henrik had to hold me.

"What is it?" I knew that voice, but I didn't look. I couldn't even speak, Henrik was asking me all the time what I was feeling.

"I need to take Eve to the hospital."

"My car is close." When I looked up to him, Benjamin didn't ask, he held me in his arms and walked fastest as he could. I didn't oppose, I couldn't walk but not from pain, I was truly in panic and not knowing what to do. This couldn't be happening. Henrik sat with me in the back, and I asked him to call Ville. "I... Try not to scare him. Tell him we are going to the hospital, just that."

Henrik seemed nervous himself, I saw his hand shaking while looking for Ville on his cellphone. I heard Ville's voice. "Yes, she's here by my side. No, Koskinen is driving. I don't know, Ville. She... She seems fine, besides the pain. Uh, no, no bleeding." Henrik muttered, looking discreetly at my legs. "Okay, we will meet you there."

I didn't have the nerve to ask how was him. I was trying to remain calm, until we got there. I didn't feel much pain during the way, maybe I was exaggerating, I only had a discomfort.

"Does it hurt? I'm sorry, it's a stupid question. We are almost arriving, hang on." Henrik tried to comfort me.

"It doesn't hurt much, I just feel weird. Henrik, I'm so scared. You know what happened before."

"Don't think about it, it was a different situation, I'm sure it's nothing. Just take a deep breath, okay? We are almost there." Benjamin was driving fast, he was doing best he could. We arrived at the hospital very quickly.

"Can you walk? Do you want me to carry you?" He asked when we arrived, but I shook my head, I could do it. Inside the hospital, he quickly called for help, and I thanked him for that, because I could barely speak. It didn't take long for a nurse and a doctor to help me, and lead me to a room. "I'll be here, you will be just fine." He smiled at me, I was too nervous to thank him, and the nurse was keeping him away. A doctor came to examine me, I told her I was pregnant and she made a lot of questions.

"Just check if everything is fine with the baby. Please. You have to check if I'm losing it, I can't." I showed her I was feeling a pain at the bottom of my belly, I've always read that was a bad sign. The pain wasn't nothing alike I've felt before, I didn't know if I should feel relief or worried.

"We will make an ultrasound to check, but you have to calm down. There's no bleeding for now, Eve. We would know if you were losing the baby."

Fow now. Those words made my heart jump, I oscillated between trying to be calm and being very nervous. They brought the equipment, and I had to change for a hospital gown, so she could exam me better. As soon as the ultrasound was in my belly, I tried to look at the monitor, but the doctor asked me to stay still. She was silent, and I gasped. "Just tell me."

"You have to calm down, Eve." She rolled the equipment so many times on my belly, and didn't say a thing, I knew it was bad, even if I wasn't feeling anything. Maybe not feeling the pain anymore was also a bad sign. I don't know for how long she did that, but it took a while. Then she stopped, and turned to me. "Eve, the baby is fine. I don't see anything wrong with it."

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