162. We're The Ones With Moonlit Hearts

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I was distracted at class, but I wasn't feeling physically well, maybe Ville was right and I should have gone to the doctor. But I proceeded with my classes normally. By the end of it, Juha came to talk to me about his paper.

"Your daughter is so cute."

"Oh, thank you. She really is. Well, here, I pointed some things you should alter and then we can send it for publishing. Your first paper, are you excited?"

"Yeah, I am. Thank you, professor." He put the papers inside his bag but looked like he wanted to ask me something. "So, how it is to be married to a rock star?"

I chuckled, but didn't want to speak about my private life. "Well, it's pretty normal. I mean, of course he has a different routine if he was a doctor or an engineer or something else, he works in crazy hours sometimes and has to travel a lot. But apart from that, it's just normal."

"Is he going to release a new album soon? I really love his work."

"This you'll have to ask him." I raised from the chair. "I need to go, he's waiting for me."

"Okay, see you later professor." I nodded and was grabbing my stuff when I felt dizzy. I hold on to the table but I knew, everything spun too fast and faded out in black, I knew I was losing conscience. I remember I tried to hold myself on the table, but I failed. When I woke up, I was at the University's infirmary. "Ville?"

"Moi, love. How are you feeling?" Ville held my hand.

"My head hurts. What happened? Did I passed out?" I was trying to remember and it all came back in flashes.

Ville touched my head, putting my hair behind. "Maybe because you knocked it. Yeah, you did, just a few minutes ago, Juha found you. We're going to the hospital now."

"Where's Charlie?"

"I left her with Marie." I saw Benjamin was also in the room, a bit far away. I looked at him and he came closer. "I can give you two a ride."

"No, I don't want to give you any trouble. My car is in the parking lot."

"You're not gonna drive." Ville gave me a reprehensible look and I nodded.

"You have a fever. But you better check with your doctor which medication you can take, as your husband told you had some health issues." The nurse said and I nodded.

"Can you walk?" Ville asked me when I got up from the bed. "Yeah, I feel fine. Thank you, Benjamin. We can grab a taxi, I don't want to interrupt your work."

"Okay, I'll call you later." I thanked him and the nurse, Ville did the same. He was holding me close to him, and carrying my stuff, being protective and zealous as always. I only felt bad I was giving him trouble about my health again.

I saw the look on his face while we waited for the taxi. "Ville, don't worry. I'm sure it's nothing."

He closed his eyes and I felt myself breaking down when he covered his mouth and saw him holding back a desperation. "What if it is?" He turned to me with the saddest eyes.

"No, Ville. These things don't change like that, what I had was benign and benign tumors don't behave like this. Trust me, please. I'm telling you the truth, not only to calm you down. That's why I'm not worried. Please, trust me in this."

"I just get scare it's something serious." I squeezed him, trying to comfort his sensitive soul. "It's not, please don't worry, okay?" He nodded, but his worried expression didn't change, as if my words had no effect on him.

On the way to the hospital I called Dr. Reponen, who said would be there waiting for me. We filled in the papers and that seemed like a nightmare to me. I hated being here again, make tests and everything, but I didn't show my contempt, I had to take care of myself, and I had to look confident for Ville. I wasn't really worried, I was more preoccupied with him, I realized. While we waited for them to call me, he smiled weakly. "It was supposed to be the other way around, you are comforting me." For my beloved ones, I was selfless, I would always put them in first. I could see my positive attitude was calming him down. They called me, I would have to collect blood and they asked me to wait in a room, Ville had to wait outside. He was afflicted and I asked if he could join me, but they didn't allow. "Be right back", I told him, not knowing if that was true, but whatever this was, I knew it wasn't too serious.

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