58. Circle of Fear

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"What's your name?" I asked and motioned her to sit.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't introduced myself. My name is Sabrina. You're Eve, right? And you of course, Ville." He simply nodded. Ville seemed worried with what was about to come. Well, we were tense, to say the least.

"So, Sabrina, tell us what you know about Marius." I encouraged her.

"Like I've said, I knew him while I was in college, I studied engineering as well but we only got to know each other on our last year and we became friends. He was actually a good friend of mine in the beginning, but he always wanted to be more than a friend, and I was dating at the time. I have always been clear to him that wouldn't happen."

"It's almost the same story." Ville said.

"I didn't want to hurt him, so I backed off a little. Then, he got really obsessed. He started to follow me around, showed up like it was a coincidence." Sabrina looked at me and I understood her completely. He used the same strategy on me.

"It was weird I was always bumping into him, but you know, Helsinki is small. I never thought he was following me, but now that you've said it, maybe he was." I explained her.

"That's what he probably did, Eve. I know him too well, unfortunately. He destroyed my relationship at the time, my life was really complicated because of him. Of course, I only found out that he was responsible later. But the damage was already done."

"I'm sorry." I said. She looked really damaged and I felt angry. It made me want to punch him again.

"When I saw the story between him and Ville, I knew there must be something wrong. I saw your hand. Did he attack you?"

"No, actually I punched him." I said and Ville looked at me, maybe a little suspicious of her, still. But I knew she was telling the truth. "I broke his nose but we had to say it was Ville."

"Because you would lose something, right? He threatened and blackmailed me as well. You don't have to tell me what it is, but I'll tell my story."

It was crazy. Marius harassed her for months and tried to kiss her by force, and transformed into a monster when she denied it. Or showed his true face, actually. She told us that in the middle of the discussion he pushed her and she hit her head badly, going unconscious, even. She wanted to report him for harassment.

"He begged me not to, saying it would ruin his scholarship, that his father would kill him. At first I even thought of forgetting and let it go, but he didn't stop harassing me and I warned him I would report him. He then threatened to leak a video of me and my boyfriend he had." Sabrina sounded shy, I felt bad for her she had to share such details, but it was her choice. "I think he caught it on my cellphone, I don't know how he did it. He has a way with computers, he may have hacked me." She looked down at her hands, it wasn't easy to tell this to strangers. "I was afraid and did nothing, and I regret it. He followed me around for a while, until I disappeared, I went to spend a time in Oulu. But he found me there."

"When was that?" Ville asked.

"Around December, January."

"We've played in Oulu, and he was there." Ville said.

"That's where I met him." I remembered.

"Goddamned, I should have really thrown the mic on him. He looked at you the whole concert, I should have realized he was a psycho." Ville was pissed off.

"You couldn't know, Ville." I squeezed his hand.

"But after following me to Oulu, he stopped. Maybe he met you and let go of me. He won't stop until he finds another victim."

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