150. One Last Time

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I saw the blood on the floor, Eve was shaking. I remembered exactly how I felt when I saw her on the worst day of my life, when Marius attacked her. It all came back, making me dizzy.

Eve screamed in agony. What a horrible sound. It took me a while to understand what was happening, my mind wasn't working properly, I saw the knife on the floor, and so many blood. I held Eve, but she shook her head, and then I saw what had happened. Ruby had cut her wrists and was bleeding badly. Eve took off her jacket and was pressing the wounds with it, but Ruby was pushing her away. "Let go, leave me alone, I want to die."

Eve screamed for help, and I wasn't sure what to do. I helped her pressing Ruby's wrists. Although I looked at Eve, she didn't let go of Ruby, who looked very pale already. "What did you do?" I asked Ruby.

She had a weak smile. "I'm sorry, Ville. This time you have to let me go."

"You're just being stupid again. Hold on, help is coming." I glanced at Eve, she was looking at all the blood. The flow was strong, inking everything in dark red. The smell of it was making my stomach twist. The image of Eve on the floor just flooded my mind like the blood was flooding the floor. I remembered it so clearly, like it was happening again. I closed my eyes for a moment, only to open when I felt people rushing me aside.

Gladly some staff appeared to help. They pushed us away, taking Ruby, who seemed to be passing out already. I sat on the floor, Eve was on her knees, holding her bloody jacket, as the nurses were trying to help Ruby. They took her away, hopefully she would be fine.

I got closer to Eve, who was in shock, she didn't move. She was shaking, and looked like she was holding her breath. She didn't look at me, and I was afraid to touch her. I had blood on my hands, I wiped them on my gown before touching her hand. "Are you okay? Did she hurt you?"

She shook her head, but still didn't look at me. She was holding her cry, trying to get a grip. "Eve, please. Look at me."

I felt like I didn't see Eve in years. Maybe a lifetime. When I saw her sad eyes, watching me, I felt everything would be fine, even though we were in a horrible situation. After everything, she was finally in front of me, but vulnerable, destroyed, and that broke my heart. I wanted to hold her so badly. "Come here." I was afraid to make such a request, my voice barely came out, but I did, and I felt so relieved when she accepted my arms. I felt terribly tired, breathing was complicated but I had her in my arms. She simply fell on my chest, I squeezed her strongest I could. She then burst into tears. I squeezed her in my arms best I could. Maybe my hands still had some blood, but I caressed her hair. Her face was resting on my neck, and I kissed her cheek, wet by her tears. I wanted to say so many things to her, but my voice simply didn't came out. Now that I was finally with her again, I just wanted to comfort and hold her close, feel her warmth. It didn't matter everything was falling apart, in that moment I only cared about her. 

Some hospital staff appeared again, but now they were looking for me. Lee and Mige also appeared, and they got desperate to see us around a bloody floor, but I quickly showed them we were fine and the blood wasn't ours. Seppo nearly fainted. I was killing my dear friend.

The nurses asked me to go back to my room and helped us to get up, but then Eve snapped to reality and she turned away from me. Lee was helping her, asking if she was fine, she just nodded, while the hospital staff was pulling me away. "Sir, you have to come with us, back to your room." They were helping me to walk and stand, I realized I was a bit dizzy, maybe from all that blood sight. "Take her there, please." I asked Mige, who nodded. I could barely walk without stopping to breath, and they put my in a wheel chair. Jesus, I really felt like an 100 year old man.

They gave me other gown and I washed myself from all the blood in the bathroom. They offered me help, but I just wanted to be alone. May this be the last time I wash my hands from someone's blood, that was a very unpleasant experience. Sometimes I had the impression the blood wouldn't come out and I panicked a bit. Nonsense. I was just tired, exhausted from all Ruby's story. I wished she could find some peace of mind, and go on with her life. I knew how could be difficult to endure life, to the point you don't want anymore. My body was weak, I looked at myself in the mirror, I was looking really bad. But the bleakest was my soul, I wished there was a reset button in life so I could start all over again. These past days were completely wrong.

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