9.The Kiss of Dawn

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We went to the backstage. As I wasn't wearing an ID, Seppo said something in Finnish to the security guys. We went down in a long corridor, I supposed it was the dressing room area, as I saw some names at the door.

Of course it was. Seppo led me to the "HIM" dressing room and my heart beat faster. As he opened the door, the room was empty. What a disappointment.

Seppo gave me my coat, and motioned me to sit. There was a huge sofa, where I practically fell. He also gave me a blanket and I realized why.

I was shaking to death. Now that I was back to reality, I was feeling dead cold.

"How are you feeling? What on earth were you doing out there?"

"I don't know. I needed to breath."

"Why? Was it because of the concert? Ville wanted to surprise you. If he knew would react like that... You didn't like the surprise?"

''No, the concert was... Amazing."

Seppo gave me a mug with something hot on it.

"Here, have some tea. It will help you."

I obeyed and drank. The warm tea made me good, indeed. But I was so cold I was feeling a little nauseated.

"Where's Ville, Seppo?"

"Oh, you two. Won't you give me a break? Why don't you rest a while? Keep yourself warm, I gotta go. Somebody needs to work. When you feel better, I'll be here next door, at The Rasmus dressing room."

"Okay, Seppo. I'm sorry, didn't want to burden you."

"Just keep yourself warm, okay?"

I nodded. Seppo left and I spread myself on the sofa. My legs were still cold.

Then I looked at the dressing room. It was pure luxury. I recognized Ville's clothes on the rack. There was a lot of opened beer cans around.

I was tired. Not physically, but emotionally. I felt terribly alone and just wanted to go home. What a night. I glanced at the clock on the wall and it was only midnight. How many things happened in five hours.

There was a knock on the door that made me jump. Seppo wouldn't knock, would he? I just hoped it wasn't any paparazzo trying to sneak in. Well, he probably wouldn't knock either.

I got up and decide not answering, but opening it.

It was him.

Ville was alone. He stood there by the door a while, and said nothing. I didn't, either. I just moved aside so he could enter. He did, closing the door behind him but never removing his eyes off me.

We stood there, staring at each other, both choosing words and nobody said anything.

Far away from the spotlight, I couldn't stand anymore. I just threw myself in his arms. I needed that embrace so much. I put my arms around him and held tight. But what on earth I was doing? I didn't feel him holding me back and the fear and shame for what I just did consummate me. Tears where forming as I was letting go of him, slowly.

But he didn't let me. He held me back in place and squeezed me so hard I almost gasped.

That was the safest place in the world.

We didn't say anything for a while, just kept like this. I didn't mind. After a while, he broke the silence.

"Oh, kulta." He whispered, as he inhale my hair. Now that I knew what kulta meant, I squeezed him harder. He let out a delicious chuckle in response. "You're going to break my bones. Let me look at you."

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