63. Soul on Fire

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I loved to see them playing live. I was enjoying it when my mom called, I went to the backstage area to pick it up.

"Hey, mom. Sorry about the noise, I'm at Ville's concert."

"I can hear it." I knew what she wanted to talk about.

"So, mom? Are you happy for us?"

"Sure I am, Ve. But I worry about you, you know that. Ville seems better, and he's a lovely person, I really hope he remains healthy. And I know he takes care of you as well." I was surprised to see her acknowledged it. "You don't let anyone do that. You're too proud or think you're invincible, it's always the other way around, so I guess he may be the person for you."

Now I was incredulous. "Thank you, mom. You know how important it is for me, for you to accept Ville in my life, because he's not going anywhere. After the tour is over, we're planning on visiting you, so Ville can meet dad."

"That will be wonderful. Now, just take care and please don't forget about your studies. Any news on Marius?" She was always worried about him.

"No, nothing. I really think he left Finland for good. I don't think about him anymore."

"You have to be careful, he may be around."

"I'm just living my life normally, mom. I'm not gonna let him haunt me."

"That's what I'm talking about. You can't be fearless like that."

"Ville also complains about that. But what do you want me to do? Live in fear? I really don't even have time to think about it. Don't worry, mom. I'm fine."

After the concert, we stayed a bit backstage talking with everyone, it was different today as Leena was with Olivia and Natali with Lara. Ville was playing with Lara as always, she loved him.

"I'm happy for you two. So many things happened already, you deserve to be happy." Leena told me, looking at my ring.

"Thanks Leena, I'm happy as well. It's been a lot, indeed. But here we are."

Burton and Leena decided to go because of Olivia, and we decided to go as well. Ville was going to return to Helsinki with me, then leave for Netherlands on Wednesday. It would be a crazy routine.

Next day Ville gave some interviews but it was quicker enough so we could have lunch together. We went to Shakespeare & Co. together, where we bought many books. "I don't know where we are going to put these." I said.

"We can always buy a bigger house. With some spare rooms, you know, when the time comes." I looked up to him and he wasn't joking. He was talking about kids too much lately. He smiled to me. "Right?"

I nodded. "Yes." I had a strange feeling, talking about kids, here in Paris, and we were near the park where we discovered I wasn't pregnant. I was a bit melancholic by remembering how everything happened and now the subject was up again.

"Kulta? Are you okay?"

"Yes, sorry. Got a bit distracted here."

Ville picked the book from my hand. "Are you thinking about what happened?"

"Kinda. But I'm okay, don't worry. Why don't we go to that ice cream parlor you liked it so much?"

"That's a good idea."

We flew back to Helsinki and it was good to see Ville at the tower again. Usually I didn't have any problem in being by myself but I felt a huge loneliness without him there.

"It's good to have you here again." I hugged him tight, I was so tired the comfort of his arms made me so good and emotional. I didn't want him to leave anymore.

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