191.Heartstrings Out of Tune

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They say, desperate times, desperate measures. I didn't know this woman, but still I was willing to strip my fears in front of her. I could feel she was analysing, measuring me as we spoke. Eve said we should always trust our guts and our first impressions because deep down, we always know when something is wrong - not because of some mystical bullshit, but because people would always give us a signal of whom they really were. Well, we've crossed paths with a lot of people who wronged us, so it wasn't that easy. I had no choice but to try, and get all info I could, but I knew there was something wrong with Olga.

"Well, Olga... I'll be very straight with you, I have no time to waste. Have you met Eve before? How was it, did you two speak a lot?"

"Yes, I did meet her, more than once. Each occasion was different, we never really spoke that much... Still, I can say she caused a lot impact in my life."

"Why? When was the last time?"

"It's been a while, actually. It was here, in this clinic. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know if you are aware she's... Missing."


"Yeah, kind of."

"I wouldn't say that, but I understand your concern."

"Why do you say that?"

"You've asked me about the last time I saw her. Well, it wasn't the nicest encounter. She was really aggressive towards me."

"Why?" This didn't sound like Eve but I had to let her speak. If Eve was aggressive, she had a reason to be.

"First, I'd like to say I'm sorry for everything that happened to you."

"Yeah, I guess everybody knows about it. Thank you."

Olga lifted her brow, questioning my answer. "Oh, I meant between you and Eve, and everything. We were victims of the same issue, so it is interesting to meet you, finally."

"I'm a bit confused. What are you talking about?"

Olga blinked, as if she regretted saying something. "I'm sorry, I don't think we are on the same page. You know what, it's nothing, let the past aside. There are things to look ahead now, right?"

"No, you can tell me whatever it is, what are you talking about?"Olga sighed, wondering if she should proceed, but I encouraged her. "I know we've just met, but I feel we have a lot of things to talk about. So, please, don't leave me in the dark."

"You are right. It's just... These things aren't easy for me, but I think you'll understand me. Actually, maybe you're the only one who would fully understand me. I'm talking about the fact that we both were... Oh right, you probably don't know that, but I was in a relationship with Matthias. A very long one. We've know each other since we were kids, we've studied together, later we chose the same profession. So it is still hard for me to talk about it. I completely understand you."

"I'm still not getting it."

Olga analysed me, struggling with her words. "Ville, are you aware what happened between Eve and Matthias while you were missing?"

"I have no clue what are you talking about." I was more than uncomfortable. What was she talking about?

"Matthias and Eve... They had an affair behind our backs. I'm really, really sorry, I thought you knew about this backstabbing. I thought that was obvious and that she was honest to tell about it herself. After everything, you deserved that."

"No. You're mistaken. Eve didn't have an affair with him, he was just helping her."

"He was, at first, that's how things happened. But they did get involved with each other, I saw with my own eyes, Ville. I know this must be hard for you, I had no clue, I thought you knew. I even quit my job here, you can ask around. I just came back because the clinic was abandoned, the employees let me know Matthias left all of sudden and asked for help. I don't know the details, was it just a fling that lasted a day or two, or did they went through that during your disappearance. That, I can't tell you for sure. Ville, are you okay?"

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