89. In the Mäelstrom of Love

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In a few days we had everything settled for our new home. Ville had a big help from Mige and Burton with his technical stuff, they were very helpful. Leena came with Olivia, she enjoyed running in the unexplored territory.

"I'm so happy for you both. And I'm so glad you're fine, Eve. It's so much, I don't know what I would do in your place." Leena said, picking Olivia. "I keep telling Janne we were lucky that we went away early. Gas and Natali with Lara as well."

I was still recovering from my ears. "Sometimes we are stronger than we think, Leena. The survival instinct just kicks in."

"Mine must be very awful." We laughed.

"No, you probably have a maternal instinct that is bigger than anything else. I bet you would anything to protect Olivia."

"Yeah, guess you're right." I was making some appetizers for us. I was relieved Ville had a lot on his mind to take care of. I was better, but Ville still had that worry, I knew it was because of Marius. Something was eating him, but he didn't open up with me. I've learned he had his time to share when he was ready, so I tried not to worry. Sometimes in the middle of the night I would woke up and he was there ensuring I was alright. I caught him staring at me many times, I didn't know what to make of his expression. It was a mix of worry, sadness and exasperation altogether. He was edgier as well, he complained with the security guys they weren't close enough to me and I talked to him. I didn't want them on my back, that was too much. Marius wouldn't be crazy to show up from nowhere.

"We should watch the Evil Dead in this be television. It's so big." Mige said.

"Bring that DVD collection I gave you."
I told him.

"I'm still not over the fact you gave it to him and not to me." Ville complained.

"You can borrow from him, come on." I said, playing with Ville's hair. He was lying down on the couch, his head on my lap. This was a rare moment, we both were on some sort of vacations, just passing time with friends.

"This new house is way cooler than the tower. I mean, the tower was magnificent, but here is very nice." Burton said. "It has a lot of rooms for future children."

"Oh god, I saw this coming." I said and we laughed.

And I was glad Nick was back to Stockholm, far away from my problems, although pretty soon my parents would arrive. It was good we had the new house and they would be here. Anna and Leo would arrive later, George and Marcela as well. Gosh, the house would be full and I could only imagine the mess. Ville insisted in having everybody at home, I didn't thought it was a good idea. Marie would give us a hand as I would go to the Uni everyday pretty soon.

I had a huge impasse, invite Henrik or not? He came to visit me right after what happened in Helldone, maybe three times. Yeah, he was worried. We wouldn't invite many people, just the closest ones, but Henrik helped me so much, I thought it wasn't fair not inviting him. But I asked Ville anyway.

"Do you mind if I invite Henrik to our wedding?"

Ville was thoughtful. "Hum. If you want." He shrugged.

"But you don't mind?"

"Maybe I do. I don't know. I guess he's someone important to you."

"Well, he helped me a lot, Ville."

"I know, you don't have to explain, love. Feel free to invite him." He kissed the top of my head. Maybe the jealousy was better, I still had my doubts but I invited him anyway, for my surprise he was very happy with the invitation.

"I'm happy for you, Eve." Henrik had a genuine smile.


"And I hope everything works out for you. How's your ear?"

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