34. Don't Fear the Reaper

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We enjoyed his free day and slept almost until noon. It was good to recharge our batteries. He wanted to have coffee somewhere else, so we took a shower - or we tried - and dressed. He called a cab and I let him lead the way to wherever we would go. We arrived at a cute, charming coffee shop.

"This is my second favorite coffee shop. No, it's the third. Because the first one is where I've met you, now." He smiled at me.

"I don't know many here in Helsinki yet, but surely that will be my first, too."

"I'm starving. They have an excellent brunch in here."

I didn't hear that much, so I even smiled. "What?" He asked.

"Nothing. I'm just happy, that's all."

"Alright." He was sitting by my side, as usual. His cellphone rang and he let out a roar. "It's Seppo. Excuse me, kulta."

He was talking in Finnish with him, but I didn't mind. I understood a word or two, I had to study it again, I was forgetting it already. And Ville spoke very fast.

I looked around and saw some stores and what looked like a mall. I still had to buy his present for Christmas, my days were so busy I didn't have time for it. Maybe tomorrow, because he probably would be busy with final arrangements for Helldone. But it was the last day of the year and I didn't know if the stores would be open. Damn it.

"So, what are the plans for today?" I asked him, our food already in front of us.

"Hum, Seppo reminded me of something, but I promise I'll be quick. I just have an appointment with the record label. It's nearby. If you don't mind, you can stroll around while I'm at it."

"Do you want me to go with you?"

"Nah, it's pretty boring. But I promise it will be no longer than one hour, I think. Is it okay? I'm sorry about it."

"It's alright, Ville." For me was actually good. I could search for his gift. "When do you have to leave?"

"After we finish, but take your time."

Food was delicious, but I realized he was a bit anxious, so I didn't ask for dessert, nor him. He looked around when we were outside. "Where do you want to go, kulta? It's too cold to walk around."

"There's a mall over there, I think it's a good call."

"Right-O. I'll take you there."

"It's across the street, it's okay. You better go."

"You want to dispatch me already." He playfully frowned. "But the faster I'll go, the faster I'm back. I'll get a taxi." He was already waving to one. "I'll call you, okay? Any problem you just call me, too." He kissed me. "Okay. Have a good meeting." He waved to me inside the cab.

Now I had a mission and I had no idea what to buy him. I didn't want to buy clothes or something like that. I wanted something with a meaning, but I was short on time. I thought about a book, but not any book. Some poetry that maybe he would like. He probably read many books, as I saw in his house and at his parent's, but I would take my chances. I decided to look for a poet I liked since I was a teenager, called Fernando Pessoa. He was Portuguese and I hoped he haven't read it yet.

I went inside a store and luckily they had an English version. It would be nice a Finnish one, but the lady from the store told it was sold out. I got worried and asked her how popular was the book, but she said it wasn't, but they received few copies in Finnish. Maybe I would be lucky he haven't read it.

I decided to make a box full of gifts for him. I had some ideas while I was on my shopping spree. There was a store that sold dairy-free chocolate. I bought some for him, he loves chocolate.

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