56. Like St. Valentine

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Leena was at home and got surprised when she saw Ville with me. "Hey, you two. Are you okay, Eve?"

"Yeah, I am fine. And you guys? Sorry I didn't say goodbye yesterday."

"I get it." She looked at me and Ville.

"Oh, no, hum, actually..." I was about to explain that nothing happened, but it got confused and Ville was suppressing a laugh. "Nevermind. Ville, do you want something?"

"I'm alright, thanks darling."

"Okay then, shall we?" I went upstairs, Ville behind me and Leena looking at us.

I took off my jacket, I needed to shower. Ville was observing my room as always, and he took off his coat as well. I didn't remove his pictures, and I caught him smiling looking at them.

"Come, sit here."

Ville obeyed. He sat on my bed, leaning on the bedstand. He kicked off his Converse and got comfort. I removed his beanie and combed his hair with my fingers. I didn't have to remove it, but I loved to touch his hair. He was watching me.

"I'm not gonna use needles actually, that was only for dramatic purposes."

He giggled. "Okay. What are you gonna do, then?"

"I'm gonna glue these little things in your ear, and you're gonna press them every time you remember. I'll glue it on your critical points." I showed him how it worked. I would stick a seed on his ear on a point that reflected an organ or a local of his body.

He nodded. I cleaned his ear with alcohol and he shivered under my touch. As he had a back pain, I asked him where it hurts.

"Ouch. This one hurts a lot."

"This point? Okay. I'm gonna glue a seed here."

"What is this point?"

"It's the... Heart. Emotional area."

"Hum." He was thoughtful.

I found some more points of interest and he was done. I was wearing a tank top and realized he was looking at a specific area of my body while I worked on him. Ah, Ville.

"So, you are going to press these things whenever you remember, so you stimulate it. Like this." I showed him with a mirror.

"Alright. Cool, I hope it helps me. I think I am a bit tense these days."

"Yeah, you were all stiffened. Let me." I hopped into my bed, behind him. I squeezed his muscles and he complained. "Oh gosh Ville, relax."

"I'm trying, but you're trying to kill me!" He chuckled. "Hum, this is actually good."

"Of course it is."

"Your massage is nice."

"Why are you so tense? Is it stressful, the new recording?"

He turned to me. "No. I mean, just a bit. But, really?"

I looked at him blankly and he seemed disappointed. "What is it, Ville?"

"I was upset the whole week because of our fight." He was looking serious at me, and then he got up, picking his jacket.

"Are you leaving already?"

"Yeah, need to go to the studio. And I don't want to bother you anymore."

"You don't bother me. Ever."

He smiled shyly and I knew something was bothering him, actually. "But apparently I'm the one who bothers you."

He looked at me, wanting to say something. "You know what day is today?"

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