173. Disappear with me, love

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The flight was horrible for many reasons, I was anxious, nervous, irritated, worried. Dylan cried a lot, I was worried how he was feeling the pressure in his little ears. Being a mother was difficult in that part, we try to protect our children best we can, from everything. We were arriving in Paris, where we would make a connection and I was anxious for news. "Mommy, will we see dad in Paris?"

"No, dear, only in Helsinki." I was sure I was going to have news about Ville though. It wasn't possible I wouldn't hear from him, this was unlikely.

When I connected on the internet, my cellphone was blasted by messages, I didn't even know where to start. But I saw many from Seppo and none from Ville. I called him right away, bit his cellphone was dead. I didn't have a good feeling, but I called Seppo instead of worrying, I knew he would give me an explanation. "Seppo?"

"Where are you now?"

"I just landed in Paris. Our flight to Helsinki is in two hours. Is Ville with you? How's Kari?"

"Kari is fine. Still in the hospital but just to make sure he's alright."

"Oh, I'm so relieved. Seppo, what about Ville, did he go to the hospital? I can't reach him."

"Eve... Look, don't panic." Of course I would. Seppo didn't give me time to reply. "I... I don't have news on him. I simply can't reach him either."

I stopped, feeling a dreary feeling taking all over my body. "How come? What are you saying, Seppo?"

"I waited for him at the airport, but I didn't see him. I spoke to the company, but they didn't tell me if he was on the flight, if he had arrived in Helsinki. They said they couldn't give me this information. And his phone is dead. I don't know where he is, Eve."

I struggled not to panic near Charlie. I gave Dylan to my mom, and walked away from them. "How's that even possible? I mean, he must have boarded, why he would stay in Amsterdam?"

"I don't know, Eve. Maybe he's in there, that's the only explanation, if he was in Helsinki, I would find him. Or he would call me. What should I?"

"Did you call the police?"

"Not yet, I was waiting for you."

"Just do it, call detective Thomas. Oh my god, Seppo. Something must have happened, why he would disappear like that? Maybe he's in Amsterdam and lost his flight for some reason, but... We can't take any chances. Please, call detective Thomas right away."

"Do you... Do you think this is something to do what you've said about the Russian mob?"

"I don't know." I covered my mouth, now I was truly panicking. Yuri was lying to me, he had to be responsible for that. Otherwise, why Ville would disappear in thin air like this?

Obviously I wasn't fine and my mother tried to speak to me, but I begged her not to right now, I just told her Kari was fine. "Is it Ville, then? Is he angry or something, that I'm coming with you? Did you two fight?"

I wished it was that simple.

Was Ville in Amsterdam? Should I fly there? But I decided to fly to Helsinki, now that I had Dylan I couldn't do whatever I wanted. Seppo was there at the Vaanta airport to receive us. To my surprise, Thomas was there as well, and that wasn't a good sign. My mom looked spooked, she recognized him. "What's going on?"

"Moi Laura, Ando." Seppo greeted them. Charlie ran to give him a hug and he picked her. "Oh gosh, you're heavy now! You grew so much. Oh, here's the little one." Seppo caressed Dylan's cheek. "I will take you all home."

"Mom, can you please take care of them?" I told her and she had a puzzled look.

"What's going on, Ve?" My dad asked.

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