88. We're Running Just to Get Caught

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My head hurt like hell, but I prepared myself to fight Marius. I was trying to understand what he was going to do next, he glanced at me with a cynical smile. He then looked at our surroundings and was getting up. Then I understood he was trying to escape, not get me, maybe someone was near, so I pulled him back. I grabbed his arms and pulled him with all my weight, he slipped and fell over me, he held himself on the floor. The impact hurt my back like hell.

I tried to lock my legs on him, but unfortunately I don't know jiu jitsu and my legs were trembling. I couldn't find forces to do it and he was pushing me away, the floor was slippery of the snow as well. He was saying something but I didn't understand. He looked angry.

I held him by his coat, but it was so thick I couldn't get a good grip, and the blizzard was making it slippery. I didn't know what to do next, I wanted to roll over so I could hold him down better, but everytime I tried I felt my head very heavy, like something was holding me back. He had a wicked smiled, I screamed at him and didn't hear my own voice. His face was so near mine, I found it so repulsive I turned my face. It wasn't a good idea pulling him, after all.

He then held me by the neck, squeezing it, and he made me look at him. He was squeezing harder, his hand pressed my jaw as well, I could see in his eyes he was enjoying it. Now I was pushing him away, and I inclined my head behind, trying to get out from his grip, he was choking me. I gasped and he squeezed more. I tried to take his hand but he was strong. I slapped his face but he backed up so I couldn't reach him. He seemed to enjoyed even more when I threw my head behind, he said something but I couldn't read his lips. He was studying my features, he got near me and I pushed him the best I could, with my hands and with my body. His body over mine was making me sick. I felt him heavier, I had to do something.

I was missing air, I couldn't feel the air entering my throat anymore. And it hurt like hell. I felt like he was going to break my neck any minute. He then inclined over and said something in my ear.

That woke me up and I used all my force to give him a nudge on the face. You dumbass, you shouldn't get this close. He looked mad and then I kicked him in the balls with all the strength I still had. He flinched and got up, looking sideways, and ran in pain. I tried to get up, but I slipped on the snow and fell with my back to the ground. I felt a sharp pain, the air escaped my lungs and I knew that feeling. I probably broke a rib, again. I rolled and saw Marius disappear.

I looked at Ville's direction, he was crawling to me, trying to get up but he looked dizzy. That image made me panic, I was worried he was hurt. Nick was by my side, he had a horrified looking in his eyes, telling me something.

"That's Marius, stop him!" I screamed, Nick froze at first and tried to go after him, but then I held him. "No. No." It wasn't a good idea. Marius could harm him. "Don't. Ville, help him."

Nick tried to put me on my feet, I supported myself on him. I was confused, everything was happening so fast. Nick held my face while he spoke to me and I shook my head. He looked at his hands, he had blood. I touched my ears, I was bleeding from both. Everything was spinning, Nick held me. I tried walking to Ville, he had some difficulty to walk, but he managed to get to me. He was speaking, I didn't hear a thing. I read "kulta" on his lips. He had the most scared look in his eyes, he was exasperated. He was touching me, looking for something wrong. He saw the blood and I saw in his eyes, he was panicking.

"I can't hear you." I said, pointing to my ears. "Marius, it was him." Ville's eyes widened and he nodded, he pulled me to him, we slowly sat on the floor, we were both shaking, maybe because of the cold, or the adrenaline. I glanced at the fire. The police cars, the firemen and ambulances arrived almost together.

The paramedics were talking to me and Ville, they put a blanket around us, Ville was looking at them and pulling me to him, they were trying to separate us and he didn't let go of me.

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