75. Many Happy Returns

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Our new place was still a mess and Ville liked to call it "the dungeon".

"It's a bad name. It looks like I'm making you my prisoner." I complained. "And also, it's not that bad, we just need to fix some things."

"I'm definitely your prisoner."

I raised a brow. "How so?"

"I'm a prisoner of your love." He suppressed a laugh.

"I don't know why I even ask, I saw this coming. You're the cheesiest ever." I giggled and he kissed me. It was a Sunday, the windows still didn't have curtains, the sun was hitting his face. He removed all his facial hair already. His green eyes were smiling and I had a good feeling about everything, our new journey.

"I'm gonna fix our bed so we can test it again tonight." He said, and just by mentioning it, everything changed. He was looking at my lips.

"I will help you." We moved a lot last night and the bed fell. Probably we didn't set it up correctly. He kissed me, pulling me to him.

I interrupted his urgent kiss. "I must remind you we still don't have curtains." We were in the living room and the big windows gave us a good sight of the street. And vice versa.

"Let the voyeurs look." He said and kissed me again.

"You're impossible." I grabbed him by the shirt, taking him to our room.

The bedroom was upstairs, we had a spare bedroom we didn't know what to do with it. Maybe would be a guest room for friends. On the first floor Ville had a room for his mini studio. It was not prepared to be acoustic isolated, so we kept it far away from the bedroom for when he needed to work. He called a friend from the studio to help him assembly everything.

I was already having classes and I was happy about them. I just had to run against the clock, I was so behind the schedule. After a week, Ville was already in Finland to promote the new CD. And he spent three weeks there doing it.

What helped is that Nick was always around. We had dinner together almost everyday. "How are you fitting in?"

"I like it here. Actually I barely saw the city, I mostly go to the Uni and back. And now that Ville's away, it's worse, because we made plans to see some places together. So I'll wait for him to come back. But he called me today and they will have another tour. They need to promote the new CD and the record company is on their feet."

"Ville's life is complicated."

"Yeah. But I'm happy for him. If he has tours, it means he's doing it right."

Henrik came for the symposium and he stayed at home, it were five days of conferences. I spoke in public a lot these days and was really nervous, it was the first conference I had since I've arrived in Europe. But what made me really nervous was to see Arthur there. Wasn't he suspended?

"He will give a lecture today. And it's full already." Henrik told me.

"Can't believe this. Nothing really changes."

He saw me and quickly turned around. I wanted to punch his stupid face, but I had such a bad feeling about him, I'd rather not see him at all. His presence cause me sickness, I wasn't exaggerating. I never feared someone so badly in my life. He looked at me with a weird expression, it was similar to when he threw me on the wall, a mix of despair and scare. But I had to concentrate in my own matters.

It was a hard week and Ville arrived on the last day, at night. Henrik had already left for Helsinki. I was already in bed when I heard him opening the door, slowly.

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