161. We Belong To Another World

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I don't remember how I ended up sleeping, but I knew I was in Ville's bed. And I knew I didn't crawled into it by myself, but maybe I was so tired I didn't feel him carrying me. I only remembered it took me a while to sleep, because his words were banging in my head, as I tried to remember them all.

I opened my eyes and the curtains were down. I didn't turn, I simply got up from the bed and he wasn't there. Maybe he didn't even sleep in here. I was still struck by what happened last night, finding out we weren't divorced, and all the things he said to me. It was too intense, and it drained me a bit, I still felt tired, and even a bit sick.

I went to the bathroom to refresh myself and realized something weird. My period had stopped already, which wasn't common. It wasn't too strong but it lasted only a day, which was very odd. Maybe I was too stressed with this situation with Ville, and that always reflected on my period.

I went downstairs to check if he was in the kitchen, and he wasn't. That was a bad sign. Maybe he had ran away from me during the night. But I heard some noise and followed, he was outside, already working.

"You didn't wait for me."

He turned around to see me, and quickly returned to painting the house. "You were very tired."

I walked to him and he was doing a good job painting, I didn't want to ruin it, maybe it would be better if I left this work for him. He drew some lines even, it was looking very charming. Charlie would love it.

"I can try fixing the lights on the inside while you paint, then." I said, but I had no idea how to do it. I grabbed them and there was an energy connector on the top we had installed yesterday. It took me a while, but I managed to do it.

When I went outside, he was still painting it and I realized it would take a while. "Did you eat anything?" I asked him. He shook his head, of course not.

I went inside to prepare some coffee for us, and find something to eat. Marie called me, asking if everything was fine. We forgot to call Charlie last night and I felt terribly bad. "What's going on with you two?"

"We are... Sorting things out. How's our little girl?"

"She thinks you two are in some sort of holiday. That you two will come together, so you better ended this weekend as a couple, do you hear me?"

"I don't know about that."

I found some jams and toasts, he didn't had more things in the drawers, he even had an old bread that I threw away. I put them on a tray and took it outside, setting them on a table. "Come eat something."

After a while he came to join me. "Did you sleep well?" I asked and he nodded, he was quieter today. But as he chewed a toast with the cloudberry jam, he was looking at me. "You were snoring a lot sleeping on the ground, so I hope you don't mind I put you in bed."

"Me, snoring? That's impossible."

"I guess things change with time." He sipped his coffee but I could see him smiling.

"Well, I was really tired. So tired I still feel a bit."

"You were, you didn't stop snoring as I carried you." He let out a funny chuckle and I rolled my eyes, but I found it funny. "We worked a lot yesterday, but it was worth it, it's almost done. I really want Charlie to see the house so bad."

"Yeah, me too. Well, I can paint the roof while you finish the lower parts."

"Are you sure? I can do it, just rest a bit."

"Now that I had my coffee, I feel better."

While I worked I could get a glimpse of Ville. He looked very concentrated, today he put his hair in a bun, he had some paint on him already. He was smoking while painting, the sleeves of his t-shirt rolled and that image made him look younger, somehow. Sometimes he would look up to see me, and I felt shy to stare at him. But I would furtively watch him, maybe he knew I was admiring him. I looked up to the sky and got worried about some dark clouds. "We better hurry, I think it's gonna rain later."

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