193. Trap Me in Amber With You

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I tried not to panic, but I felt my body shaking. Matthias entered his fight mode, putting his hair back in a ponytail, and I mimicked him.

It was deadly silent outside and the air getting cold with the heat off, I was heavily dress now so it didn't matter, I was even sweating from the adrenaline.

My eyes were still adjusting to the dark, Matthias put a backpack on him and on me. "Stay close no matter what. Are you ready?"

"Yes. I mean, no, but I don't have a choice."

"You will be alright, Eve. I promise you." Matthias smiled reassuringly and in a quick and surprising demonstration of affection, kissed my forehead. "Let's go."

Outside the room, it was all silent in the corridors. We could hear some steps downstairs, Matthias pointed out that we needed to go there, since our aim was outside. It wouldn't be easy though, we could hear some people walking around, it was difficult not to understand a single word they were saying.

We heard a noise behind us, but gladly it was Darya. She motioned to follow her, so we did. She probably knew some secret exit or something like it.

And it was exactly that. We walked through an unknown area to me, I was very tense but we reached out a room, where we could see a hidden staircase. "This takes you to the pantry. The problem is that the kitchen is surrounded." She whispered.

"Can you try clearing that area for me?" Matthias asked. Darya spoke fluent Finnish, without accent. It sounded so welcoming at this point.

"I can try. I'll beep you if I manage to. Otherwise, you'll have to find a way."

"Did you see Pavel or Nikita?"

"Nikita was histerical some hours ago, I couldn't understand why. He was truly out of his mind."

"That can't be good." I whispered and hoped for the best.

"Stay safe." Darya disappeared quickly, while we checked if it was possible to use the stairs.

"Stay behind me, always."


"We're going to leave this hell."

I just nodded, feeling my hands sweating. We slowly went downstairs, when Matthias checked if it was clear. We were near a huge pantry, it looked like a restaurant kitchen.

We heard voices and quickly hid behind a shelf. It didn't sound like a lot of people, but still the way out was blocked. There were some emergency lights, so it was easier to see. Still, looking very dark and dangerous to me.

"Stay put."

"Where are you going?"

"Clear our path. Stay here, no matter what. Do you hear me?"

"Okay." I followed him with my eyes only, but he quickly disappeared in that bloody kitchen. He moved fast, stealthy, as if he was a secret agent.

The wait was unberable, but I wouldn't be like silly people in movies, I waited. I checked from time to time if he was coming back, but no sight of him. My heart was beating so strong I was afraid someone could hear it. I was holding to the knife like I depended on it. He wouldn't leave me behind, he was just clearing the way. But what if he needed help?

I couldn't wait anymore. I had no idea how long, but it was more than enough, I needed to do something. In the end I was like those stupid people in movies. I didn't hear any noises, no voices anymore, maybe this was a good sign. What the hell, I needed to go.

I carefully stepped outside the kitchen. It was the dining room, and I had to hide away since it had big windows and people outside could see me. No sight of anyone.

But then I looked down and saw a body. It was a bodyguard, he was lying on the floor with his face down, his hands tied behind his back. He was unconscious for sure. I checked outside before I crossed the room, the exit was near now.

A hand covered my mouth, and someone grabbed me by the waist. I was ready to fight, with the knife in my hand.

"Shh, it's me." Matthias quickly released me. "I told you not to move, goddamnit."

"You took too long."

"I was busy."

"Oh my god, are you okay?" There was blood on his clothes.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Come, stay behind me. We're going to cross the other room, but I'm sure the exit is blocked. I just need to take care of something. Hold the flashlight for me."

Then I saw another guy on the floor. Was he dead? I quickly had an answer since Matthias had a rope, and was putting it on the guy's wrists. He was so fast, and wrapped the ankles as well. He knew what he was doing.

"Nice technique. The knots look tight."

"I can show you later if you want." He winked at me and I almost threw the flashlight in his head.

"That's not the time to flirt."

"I know, I'll do it in a proper time." He had a big grin in the dark. He pulled the guy aside, so easily that I wondered how frequent he did such a thing. "Now, we are going to check the other room. Stay behind me. Put a hand on my shoulder, and tap me if you see something I don't see."

"Right. God, I'm nervous."

"We will be fine."

I could only hope. We walked slowly, and I knew the silence was a trap. Or maybe we were lucky. We were going around the wall, checking the stairs or any hidden place. There were some movement outside, Matthias pulled me down. The exit wasn't clear.

"What, now?"

"Let's retreat to the kitchen, I have another idea but we need to wait, come." He pulled me back by the hand, I followed him checking my back.

But we didn't see when someone jumped on us in the dark. I was tackled, flying away from Matthias. When I checked what was happening, a huge guy was on top of Matthias, trying to stick a knife on him.

I didn't know what to do, I threw a chair on the big guy. That got his attention, so Matthias turned him around, but that was a lot of effort, even with his jiu jitsu techniques. The guy was a giant.

And hella strong. He punched Matthias a lot, it was an unfair fight. I needed to do something else. Checking my surroundings, I saw the heaviest thing to throw on his head, a fire extinguisher.

I hit him in the head with all my strength in the first chance I had. The guy flinched, but that wasn't enough to knock him down. Instead, he got mad.

He left Matthias for a while and went straight to me. I ran, in the opposite direction of the kitchen, but he grabbed me, throwing me in the wall as if I was an insect. I hit my head hard, and barely had time to recover when he tried to choke me. "You're the little princess, aren't you?" Weirdly, he didn't have Russian accent. But I should worry about other things right now.

I kicked him best I could, but I barely made tickles on him. He only let me go when Matthias pulled him away from me. I gasped for air, but Matthias was taking the worse again.I got desperate when the big guy was mercilessly choking Matthias with a single hand. I grabbed my knife, sweating a lot and thinking what to do. I knew I had to help Matthias, but I don't do these things. Hit where, how? Before I could debate more with myself, another guy appeared.

But he passed by me, and rushed to help Matthias. I recognized him, he was Nikita's bodyguard, the one who Matthias told me about. He was also damn strong and managed to grab the big guy. I tried pulling Matthias away from them. "Run!" The bodyguard told us.

"Come on." I helped Matthias standing. Oh god, he was bleeding. "Can you walk?"

"We need to run, quickly. Outside."

"There are people over there. We can't get through."

"Not yet, but cover your ears."

I didn't have time to ask why. I just saw him pressing a button on a small device, and then everything shook. The floor behind me, the noise was deafening as something exploding, but we were safe. "What did you do?"

"Some distraction. Prepare to run." He pointed to the door, the two men guarding the exit were running towards the east side of the house. I smelled fire.

Then I realized he had a device in his ear. Maybe someone was giving him some coordinates because he seemed to be listening. "Come. We are going to run a lot, okay?" He grabbed my hand, squeezing it hard. The light from outside made me saw how hurt he was.

He didn't wait for my answer. We ran towards the door, and soon I felt the cold air from outside. When I looked to the left, I saw part of the house burning. I was sweating, but when I felt the cold I was glad I had enough clothes.

We had to hide from a small troop of men. They looked like an army or something, they were running towards the house. I saw Matthias flinching in pain. "Can I help you with something? Are you badly injured? Let me see you." He jumped when I touched his face. "Oh, sorry. Did I hurt you?"

"You didn't hurt me." He smiled. "I'm fine. He punched me a lot but he didn't puncture anything. We need to go, in that direction." He pointed to a small barn.

"What's in there?"

"You'll see. Hold tight." Matthias pressed a button, again. I saw a small fire inside the house.

"You're exploding the house."

"Partially. It will buy us time. Come, let's run." We did, and very fast. I had no idea how cold it was, but it was very much and my lungs hurt. But I ran as if my life depended on it, and well, I guess it did.

We reached the barn, and inside was slightly warmer. I was recovering my breath, when a bloody Nikita, literally, appeared in front of us, pointing a gun. He had blood all over his face, but he didn't seemed hurt. Probably not his.

"Leaving already?" Matthias made me step behind him. "Hands in the air, Matthias. You too, Eve."

We did as we were told. Matthias dropped his flashlight. "Nikita, I'll do whatever you want, but Eve will go."

"Do you think I'm dumb? Just shut up, you don't give orders here." Nikita seemed distraught, anxious, his voice very altered.

"We can negotiate. I know what you want. I don't need it, I don't want this fucking empire. You can have it."

"It's not that simple. Well, actually it is. I just need to remove you both from my way. Our papa is resting in peace already."

"Right, you killed Maxim, without any remorse. Did you kill Ilya as well? I know you two weren't exactly close."

I shivered and it wasn't the cold. I could see the coldness in Nikita's eyes. I've seen that gaze before - at the police during my work, in Marius as well. Once this behaviour would intrigue me, I studied it so much but I still couldn't get use to it. It would always make me feel scared, that empty stare.

"Move." Nikita pointed the way. Matthias waited for me to move ahead, but Nikita had his own mind. He pulled me next to him, and I felt the gun on my back. "Try something funny and I end Eve's life. You know very well I'll do it."

I could see Matthias thought for a while if he should break Nikita's bones, but he started walking. Nikita was holding me with some strength, but I realized he was actually using me as a support. He was probably hurt, walking slowly. He was close, I could try something. I had my hands free still.

We heard some other people running around the house, but it felt like Nikita was trying to hide himself, he looked bit scared.

We reached the end of the stable, another door, but it was closed. "On your knees, Matthias." Nikita ordered. Matthias turned around slowly. "I won't say it again."

Matthias obeyed, his eyes on me. He was calm, I was trying to read if he was trying to tell me something. Nikita couldn't see me proper, so I looked down at his leg, to show Matthias he was injured. I had my leg near his, I could throw him.

Matthias shook his head lightly. He was telling me not to try anything, but Nikita was about to kill both of us.

I didn't understand what happened next. I heard Nikita screaming in pain, while Matthias quickly got up and pulled me away from him. I fell over some hay, which cushioned my fall. When I looked behind me, I felt a huge relief.

Viktor was there, immobilizing Nikita, who was in pain and didn't have the gun anymore. Matthias helped Viktor to tight a rope around Nikita, who was hysterical.

"Oh, shut it." Viktor got irritated and punched Nikita in the face, knocking him down. Once they checked Nikita was really passed out, Matthias and Viktor laughed to each other and hugged, liked old friends meeting after a long time.

"Hello, miss! It's so good to see you!" Viktor waved at me, as if we were meeting for a coffee.

"I can say I've never been happier to see you, but... What are you doing here? How?"

"We came to help."


Yeah, he wasn't alone. Olga came out of the dark, smiling wide to Matthias, who didn't seem exactly happy to see her. I could see she got a little upset with his response.

"Are you alright?" She flew to him, trying to see his injuries. She touched his face, but he flinched.

"I'm fine." He stepped away from her, as if he didn't want her close. "Viktor, we need to stick to the plan. Eve, come here. Are you okay? Did Nikita hurt you?"

"No, he didn't. So you had a plan all along. Hey, I'm fine." Matthias was checking if I had any injury, while he was still bleeding. "You're the one in need here."

"Sorry I didn't tell you, about the plan. I wasn't sure this was going to work. But let me tell what happens now, we don't have much time."

"I'm all ears."

Matthias came closer to me, holding me by the arms, like when he wanted me to pay attention to him. "You will leave this hell, like I promised you. You're going back to Helsinki, Viktor will tell you all about it. Please, follow his instructions carefully, he knows what to do. When the time comes, you'll be asked what happened here. You don't have to lie, it's fine. Don't worry about it, just be careful about yourself. The rest can all go to hell."

"Aren't you coming? Are you coming later?"

Matthias smiled, but I could see the sadness in his eyes. "I can't. Not now. I need to put an end to this mess first."

"But... No, we have to go. You can't stay here, it's all falling to pieces, and Darya said they had a team of killers here, after you!"

"Don't worry about me, kitten. I know how to be safe. But I need you to move, now. Viktor."

Viktor and Matthias exchanged some words in Russian. Why he didn't want me to know what they were talking about? But I could see, I sensed it.

They were saying goodbye to each other.

Olga couldn't even look. She was fighting back tears, while Viktor and Matthias hugged. Maybe for the last time.

Matthias turned to Olga, and they also exchanged some words in Russian. He sounded as if he was comforting her, actually.

She looked at him with tears in her eyes, angrily. At last, he smiled at her and held her gently. She then let the tears fall, finally. She held him like it would be the last time she would see him. Her treason was unforgivable to Matthias, but he forgot about it for a moment.

He then came to me, again. "Be safe, Eve. I..." He chuckled a little. "There are many things I want to say, but I don't know how. Just... Thank you."

"Don't tell me this is goodbye."

"It is, for now."

"Why can't you come? Leave this place, it will explode, it is burning to pieces."

"I have to finish it. Otherwise, there won't be a safe place in this world for you, your family, for my friends, and for a lot of people, too."

"But you said we would get out of here together. It's not fair."

"We don't have much time, Eve. You need to leave. Trust Viktor, okay? You will be fine. Just behave, please." He smiled.

I was lost for words. I didn't think about this possibility, I was so used in having Matthias around. And it wasn't a simple goodbye - it was sounding like a farewell. "No. Like you always say, we will find a way. Come with us."

"I wish I could, but I really can't. You understand me, don't you?"

I never thought it would be so sad to say goodbye to him like this. He was so hurt, his hair getting stuck in the blood over his eyebrow. I removed it from his face, he was so hurt from all the punching he took. When a tear fell, he wiped it away. Olga abruptly walked away from us.

"Matthias, the time. I'm sorry. Eve, we need to go." Viktor interrupted.

"Go, kitten."

"Promise me you'll come back."

"Yeah, I promise." Matthias smiled, and pulled me to a hug. He squeezed me tightly. "Be happy, Eve." He whispered in my ear, and I felt his lips in my cheek. He kissed me tenderly, before letting me go.

And just like that, he walked away from us, without looking back.

"Come, Eve. We need to hurry." Viktor pulled me back to reality. Olga opened the back door, which led to a field. There was a car there, Viktor rushed me to enter. He told me to go in the front seat, while Olga sat in the backseat and he was going to drive.

"Wait." Olga said, when Viktor started the car. "I can't go. I can't leave him alone."

"Olga, we've talked about this."

We heard a big explosion behind us. I could smell the fire, and saw a black cloud forming in the sky. My heart shrunk inside my chest.

"I won't leave Matthias to die. You can save this stupid woman if you want. I don't know why all of sudden everyone cares so much about her. Matthias would never leave you behind."

"It's not about that and you know."

"Doesn't matter. I won't leave him." Before Olga could leave, Viktor held her hand.

"Don't, Olga. Just follow the plan, stay here. Like he said."

"Let go, Viktor. I've made up my mind. Are you coming with me? If not, let me go."

Viktor released Olga. I could see he was struggling with himself. "You can go, Olga."

"Olga, wait." I jumped out of the car, after her.

"What do you want?"

"What happened to Ville? Is he safe?"

Olga sighed, shaking her head. "You can both go to hell. I have more important business." She ran back to the barn, leaving me hanging.

"Eve, we need to go." Viktor called me. I reluctantly went back to the car. "Olga is difficult. She never listens."

"Viktor. She's right. Matthias can't survive here on his own."

"Matthias trusted me, to keep you safe. He will kill me himself if I don't do it."

"He can't kill you when he's in such danger himself. I know you want to help him. It's only fair."

Viktor gave himself a thought, and he was struggling with it. I felt guilty that he was here with me instead of helping his best friend.

"No, Eve. I promised him with my life that I would keep you safe, no matter what. We knew it would come to this. That's the way I'm going to help him. Fasten your seat belt."

Viktor started the car and drove like mad. It was dark, I couldn't see much but it didn't take long to see another car behind us, as if we didn't have enough adrenaline for the day.

"Hold on tight, we have company." Viktor took a detour, but with the snow on the road the car was difficult to control. Gladly, Viktor was an excellent driver. If he was calmer than Olga, maybe he knew something she didn't. Maybe Matthias had more help than I knew.

We waited a bit to go back to the road, we were able to hide. Viktor took another road, and I could see from afar where we were headed to.

It was a hangar, so I could only guess our next transportation. Inside, there was a small plane. "Come, Eve. Let's run to the plane."

I only did what I was told. I tried to pay attention to my surroundings, but I didn't see anyone. When I was about to ask if Viktor would be the pilot, someone else appeared.

"Eve, this is Rasmus. He will be our pilot. All clear, Rasmus?"

"Yeah, I was waiting for you. You're late."

"I know, sorry."

"Take your seats immediately."

It was a commercial jetplane, one of those very fancy. There was another pilot inside already. Everything happened so fast, I couldn't believe we were flying in minutes. We left the hangar without any troubles, but I got nervous when I saw from a distance some car coming for us.

"Get down." Viktor said, watching outside. I could hear angry shouts from the pilots as Viktor rushed them.

My heart jumped when I heard noises that resembled shots. Not a common shot, but from a big weapon. I just waited for the plane to be hit and then, fall to my death.

Was it the end of the line?

Viktor laughed, cursing in Russian. "We are in the sky, safe. They can't reach us now."

I breathed again. I risked a sneak peak from the outside.

I looked down at Maxim's house. It was all in flames now, I couldn't believe my eyes.

Viktor's laughter quickly faded when he got a vision of it as well. As if he didn't want to look, he sat back in his seat, facing me, but looked down at his feet. He was struggling in his seat, with shimmering eyes.

I trusted Matthias would find a way like he always does, but hope left me when I saw the fire from above. It spread fast, making everything crumble. But I had to believe he would find a way, this couldn't be the end.

"Do you want anything? I have water." Viktor got up and took his time trying to find it. When he came back, he could barely look at me.

"I'm so sorry, Viktor."


"That you had to stay with me."

"It's fine, miss."

"How did that happen, by the way? Can you tell me?"

He didn't hold back, and that distracted him a bit. Viktor was also at the wedding, surprisingly, but disguised, of course. "I passed by you, and you didn't even see me. I was working as a waiter."

"I really didn't. I had no idea, Matthias didn't say a thing. Did you have time to plan all this, since when?"

"Me and Olga had a plan. We gave some info to Matthias."

"Olga. You trusted her, after everything she did." Viktor lowered his eyes again. "Anyway, what about Ville? Is he safe? What happened to him? Is he in Helsinki?"

"He was, last time I checked and that was a couple of days ago. He is safe, don't worry. The biggest danger was Sascha, but he has other matters to worry now."

"Why did Olga take him to the wedding?"

"To fool Cassandra. It worked."

"So Cassandra was behind it all the time."

"Cassandra is an awful woman, believe me."

"What happened to her? Was Maxim back in the house? Nikita just said Maxim is dead."

"We know he returned today, early in the morning. Cassandra stayed behind in France. She knew what would happen, I'm sure."

"So Pavel and Nikita wanted to take over?"

"Most likely. From what I know, they didn't endure all these years in the shadow of Ilya and Maxim just to let a stranger take power."

"But to kill even their father."

"Eve, Matthias didn't grow up with Maxim, but I'm sure he still had a strong consideration for him. Only because he is Cassandra's son. You have no idea how Maxim always loved her. That helped setting a war between Orlovs and Stepanovs all these years. It's like Cassandra knew one day would come to this. Nikita and Pavel would never submit to Matthias, nor Cassandra."

"I don't doubt she planned all these years. If she's alive, is she... Like, the big boss? What happens to the Orlovs' legacy?"

"I don't even want to know."

"Are we going to Helsinki?"

"Not yet."

"Where, then?"

"Lahti. Matthias has a house in there, we will need to lay low for some time until things are better."

"I won't be able to see my family? I've been locked down all this time."

"Be patient, Eve. Please, you'll understand."

I was damn tired. The adrenaline lowered now, and I felt sleepy. I tried to rest a bit, but there was so many things in my mind. I knew Viktor also had a busy mind, he seemed restless, but I couldn't help but asking him everything.

He explained me Olga took Ville to the damn wedding, but Viktor believed this was the best option. "Cassandra wanted him there anyhow, she wanted to manipulate you somehow. With him there, she could ask you anything. We just don't understand what she wants from you. ANy clue?" I shook my head but I had an idea. "With Olga, he was safer, believe me." I felt chills on my spine just to imagine if Ville appeared there against his will. When Cassandra wants something, she gets it.

"Can you tell me the plan? Why Matthias had to stay behind?"

"He probably told you about Darya and Vladimir."

"The cooker and the bodyguard."

"Yeah. They were one of the reasons, they are friends. He wouldn't leave them behind. Also... He needed to be sure this all is coming to an end. Eve, he fought against this system his entire life. I think he dreamt about it, even. And I don't blame him. He saw many things, growing up, I did too. But he is more... Sensitive."

"You mean Ilya's workline?"

"Yeah, and other things. He has his reasons, no one would change his mind."

"So he went on a kamikaze mission."

"I hope not."

When the plane proceeded with the landing, my heart beat faster. To be in Finland again, I couldn't believe it. Maybe everything would be alright now, maybe I could start again, maybe I could still fix things. My eyes filled with hope, but I was also afraid.

It was dark as a normal winter day. I didn't ask anything, just followed suit. When we landed, everything was fast again. There was a black van waiting for us, Viktor jumped in it. If Matthias trusted him, I guess I could also, but the black van gave me the wrong vibes. But I guess we needed some discretion now. Whatever will be, will be.

"I'm worried about Ville, with all these new happenings. Do you know if he's really safe? How can you be sure?"

"Yes, we are doing our best. We have people watching your house and him. Anything alarming I would know."

That wasn't enough to calm me down. After all, it was a war. "Any news on Matthias?"

A darkness crossed Viktor's face. "Not yet."

We drove for a while, I couldn't see much from my seat, I saw we entered a garage, and finally parked. The driver said something and quickly left, everything was really coordinated. It wasn't a big garage, like from a building, it was a private house. There was a big security surrounding it, it was visible - thick doors, cameras, it looked like a bunker.

We went upstairs and when he turned on the lights, it was a house. It looked like a normal one, bit fancy and clean. "Welcome, Eve. I'll show you around in a minute, but if you need there's a toilet down the hall. I need to work on something, feel free to explore, I'll be with you in a minute."

Viktor rushed to use a computer. I guess he needed to find info about Matthias or something. I checked the surroundings, it looked like a normal house. "Is this Matthias' place?"

"Yes, it's one of his refuges. We are in Lahti like I've said, bit far away from other houses, but we can monitor everything around. You're safe in here."

Viktor seemed frustrated when he didn't find anything. "Any luck?"

"We had a GPS on him, but it doesn't show me anything. Nor his, nor Olga's. This can't be good."

"I'm sure they are fine." I wasn't, but Viktor looked really disheartened.

"Let me show you the house, and where you can rest a bit, if you want." The first floor was the kitchen, living room, an office. Everything simple and minimal, but looking expensive. Second floor there was a sort of library - a quick look and there were many Medicine books, and two rooms. The last one Viktor showed me was bigger. "This is where you're staying."

"Viktor, for how long do I need to stay here?"

"Hopefully not long."

"Viktor, now that we are here safe, I really want, I need to see my family. Can I call them now?"

"Only if you want to put them at risk."

"But... What else is going on? I wasn't locked up in that place in Russia, just to stay locked up here as well."

"Eve, this is for your own safety. I need you to be patient, okay?"

"I'm done with being patient."

Viktor sighed. "Come here." I followed him to the library, where he turned on a computer. He typed something, looking for some file. "Here. This is from two days ago."

It was some news from TV. My heart jumped when I saw Sascha's face in it. He was now a fugitive, and the police couldn't find him. "Right. Okay, the police is after him, so until Sascha is not captured, do I need to stay here?"

"Eve, he wants revenge. You would be one of his targets."

"Ville. Ville is not safe!"

"The police is taking care of it. And not only them, we are, also."

"God knows what he's capable of."

"We are almost catching him."


"Anyway, be patient. It might last just a couple of days. Now, I need to work a bit, but as I said, feel free to explore, there's food in the kitchen. Just don't leave the house, of course. Ah, you can grab towels and clean clothes on the drawers in your room, I'm just afraid you won't find anything your size."

I went back to my room. Was this Matthias'? Nothing showed me otherwise, there wasn't pictures or books. He probably didn't come here much.

I had the stench of smoke, so I decided to take a shower. Exploring the drawers, it was definitely Matthias' room. I guess he wouldn't mind lending me a t-shirt.

I was feeling really tired, but went to check what Viktor was up to. He seemed busy in the computers. He still didn't have any news on his friends. We had a small dinner together, his humour was always uplifting, but he was quieter today. "Can I watch TV?" I asked him. Maybe having some news from the outside world would make me feel less lonely.

"For God's sake, you're not a prisoner. Of course. And I'll get you some clothes. Meanwhile, you can wash yours if you want. Not that Matthias will complain if you use his." Viktor smiled. "I hope we have news soon."

"Me too, Viktor. Hum, do you mind telling me more what about the plan?"

"Of course not. Matthias asked me to help him to get you out of there. Olga wanted to help, he didn't want to, but he knew it would be too difficult for me. I mean, I had backup as well. Of course, the plan was to retrieve him too, but we knew there was a big chance that this would be difficult. We didn't know what would be the Orlov's plans. We knew it would be dangerous once Cassandra and Maxim weren't there. Matthias gave me the signal 3 days ago. So, we waited."

"Maxim would never expect that, but Cassandra did. Maybe she planned it with Nikita and Pavel? "

"Maxim returned from Paris today, very early. Nikita picked him from the airport, and everything started. We suspect he was poisoned even before he arrived at home, we don't know that. Maybe they would try to frame Matthias, it would be perfect. So I'm not sure if Cassandra was involved. She may be awful but she really loves Matthias."

"I shouldn't be surprised by how horrible they all are."

"It's a dangerous world, you have no idea."

"But what about Cassandra?"

"Still in Paris, as far as I know."

We saw on the news, a small mention that the Orlovs mansion in Russia was on fire. My heart shrunk when they showed the house almost left to ashes, and saying there were no survivors, for now. Viktor abruptly turned it off. "Let's not pay attention to the news. We know what they don't know."

"And what do we actually know now?"

"That Matthias is tough as hell. He wouldn't be stupid to stay in the house, and probably if there were survivors, they didn't stay to die either."

"This is on the news... God, does Ville know I was there, in that house?"

"Only if Olga told him, but she wouldn't say, I guess. We weren't sure you were all under the same roof until the wedding, so I would guess he doesn't know about it."

"Still... Viktor, he has to know. He might think I died I the fire."

"Eve, just be patient. I already told you we can't do anything right now."

"I'm not asking to go there. I can try calling. Viktor, please. It's not fair!"

"A lot things aren't. But sorry, I can't."

"You can't be serious! Viktor, just a quick call! I won't say anything!"

Viktor turned to me, bit angry. "I still don't know if Matthias is alive. Nor Olga. They are my family, the only people I have in my life. If you call Ville, you will put everything Matthias did, in danger. He might die. And for nothing, if you don't help. If someone tracks the call, could be the end. So please, Eve, be patient."

I had no arguments. Viktor was distressed and I understood him, at the same time my heart was afflicted. I couldn't argue with him.

"I'm sorry. I know you're suffering too. I didn't mean to be rude, I'm just really tired."

"I know. You weren't rude, I just... Maybe Matthias told you our background, but they are really my family. I was a boy that had no one, only an awful uncle, and I was very bullied at school because of that. The boys would pick on me, beating me up. No one cared. The only one who stood up for me was Matthias. People were afraid of him because of his father, but the truth is that he fought those damned boys. He and Olga appeared, like a sun rising in a winter day. We three got inseparable since then. Matthias became like a brother to me - he, Diana, they took me under their wing. Olga was... Different."

"Did you like her?"

Viktor chuckled. "I did. She was my first love. It's so stupid."

"It's not."

"But of course, I was no one, so she wouldn't love me back. Anyway, that didn't affect our relationship." Viktor was truly worried and in pain for them. Maybe he still loved Olga romantically speaking. I felt like she didn't deserve nor Matthias or Viktor's friendship. Or maybe my heart was turning to stone, but I didn't forget what she did.

Next morning, Viktor was still very apprehensive and anxious. I couldn't tell if he really didn't know something or if he decided not to tell me for now. Somehow, he got me clothes, which made me worry because that could mean I would have to stay here more than I wanted.

I would spend most of the time by myself. He was a talker, but not these days. He seemed busy with his computers, but nobody ever called. He had his phone with him all the time, maybe to avoid me getting it. I checked and it was the only telephone visible in the whole house. Matthias' room didn't have anything, and I checked. I had a feeling he might have a secret room somewhere. The only thing I found interesting was an old book anatomy book. It couldn't be his, it was a really old version of a famous atlas I also used at the university. Maybe someone else in the family was also a doctor or something.

Reading through the pages, a picture fell from it. Diana, and Matthias. He seemed to have sixteen or something in it. He already had a long hair, he was a cute teen. And Diana was stunning. They seemed like nice people - but I couldn't forget Matthias once told me Diana could be mean. I don't know how much Matthias could also be, I didn't want to think about it. This would bother me from time to time, it would mess my morals many times. Could I be friends with someone like him? Because I couldn't avoid it, I already liked him, it was too late. So it was easy to just believe he was a good person, since he never showed me otherwise. I also had to trust my guts.

I didn't watch the news because it would leave me nervous. I didn't want to hear any news with my name in it. I was struggling with the idea of what Ville was going through now, and I couldn't put an end to it. This nightmare was too damn long. I tried distracting myself in the library, it was a nice place. Maybe there was a secret door somewhere. I checked every book, but nothing happened. I guess this was a movie cliché. Viktor didn't even allow me to go outside, he said someone could see me in the yard and could be dangerous. I had no reasons to be suspicious of Viktor, but the lack of information and my level of paranoia, after so many happenings, were making me question if he was really by my side, was he really trustable.

Next morning was strange and completely different from the other days. At first, I didn't see Viktor around, but I smelled something good in the kitchen, where I found him. "Good morning, miss!" He appeared with a broad smile, cooking something.

"Good morning. What's up? Any news?"

"Come sit. I prepared a good breakfast, sorry yesterday I was a bit moody. I do have some news." I sat down, and he extended me a newspaper. Sascha was in the front page. "He was arrested? Is this for real?"

"Yes, it is. He will go on trial still, but yes, he's behind bars. We should celebrate, this is big news!"

"Indeed. Here says he has multiples accusations, one of... Killing Diana."

"Yeah. Matthias was working hard on that. Let's say he gave your friend Thomas a little push."

"The recording."

Viktor nodded. "Important thing is that the garbage is out of the streets."

"Does that mean I can leave? Everyone is safe now."

"Yes, I know you must be anxious, but I need you to be just a little patient. If you could wait just today, just so we are sure you, Ville and everyone is safe."

"What do you have to do?"

"I'll have to leave for a while, but I'll be back for dinner. What's your favorite dish?"

"My favorite dish? Why?"

"Let me cook it for you, come on. Our last dinner."

Last dinner. Of course, I probably would never see him again. I was so anxious right now, all I wanted was to leave this house and go see the kids and Ville. Tell my family I'm alive and well. At least, in one piece. "I don't know, maybe it's lasagna."

"Lasagna. Okay, perfect. Eve, just promise me you will behave. Please. I'll come back before dinner to cook for you. If everything is fine, I promise you, you will leave this place tonight."

"Okay, do whatever you have to. Just be safe, okay? Is there a way I can contact you?"

"Here, take this. My number is in there." He gave me a cellphone. "No calls, Eve. Please, do not call Ville. Remember, it can risk it all. I'll be sure everything is fine, just some hours and you are free."

"Right, I'll do that."

"I trust you. There's food in the fridge but don't eat much, leave space for dinner. I'll go now, please don't do anything stupid. See you later." Viktor left in a hurry. He was ecstatic, maybe because of Sascha. It was good news but would a prison hold that guy? Am I watching too many movies? Since I met real life criminals I had a feeling everything was actually  way worse than in movies.

It was going to be a long day.


Seppo was the only person I allowed in the house, and because he insisted much. I asked my parents and Jesse not to come close, I had a feeling the house was being watched. The police warned me about Sascha, and some cops were watching the house. It was a weird thing.

But the old lion was fearless. He was the only support I had right now, a string of sanity. "Eve could be in that house, Seppo. Why the authorities don't give me any news?"

"Because maybe she was not there, Ville. What else this Olga said to you?"

"Not much. I didn't trust her anyway, she sounded dubious and I don't discard the idea she was playing me."

"You said she sounded sincere."

"She did, sometimes. The only believable thing is the love she has for Matthias. That was real. And you know how people can do stupid things for love. But... I kind of admire her. She's more brave than me. She risked her life for him, I can't help Eve. I'm useless."

"It's not the same. Stop comparing yourself to these people."

"Sep, Eve went through hell to help me. And when I thought she was... That she could be ignoring me and my feelings, while she was being tortured by those horrible people. This is killing me. I don't know how much they hurt her, I have no idea what they did to her." Just to think about it, my heart would shatter in millions of pieces. "This fucking paper, it hurts to look at it but I know she would never sign such a thing. She would never."

"Of course it's not her wish. Don't worry about it, it's just a paper."

"I'm not worried about it. I felt like they just wanted to intimidate us. They are just playing with us. I shouldn't have dismissed Olga's help, now I don't have a fucking clue on how to help Eve."

"You help her by staying alive, you don't need these people. Thank the gods you came back in one piece! God only knows, they could have taken you, and used that to whatever they wanted against Eve."

"I can't stay here and watch the news."

"You can't go after her. It's madness. Ville, it's dangerous, you should go and stay with the kids awhile. I already bought your ticket."

"I'm not leaving Eve behind."

"I know it hurts. But Eve is smarter than us, she will be fine. The truth is that you can't help her right now, poika. I know what she did for you, but everything changed and it's not time to play the hero. Ville, you need to stay away from this best you can, and trust the police.""Trust the police. Thomas isn't doing much." I knew Seppo had an important point, the kids. But I couldn't leave Eve behind like this. Kulta, please give me a sign you're alive. I didn't care if she really wanted the divorce, I just needed to see her again. "There is something I didn't mention."

"What is it, Ville?"

"Before leaving the wedding, Sascha came to talk to me. He introduced himself, I had no option but to talk to him."

"What the scumbag wanted?"

"He said... He said Eve is pregnant."

"What? But that's-"

"Olga assured me it can't be. She said Matthias had a vasectomy. But these things aren't a 100 percent. Could it be possible? Maybe. But she also said he lies a lot just to annoy people. Maybe he just wanted to bother me."

Seppo stayed quiet a while. Maybe he was pitting me. "It could be yours."

I shook my head. "Unlikely. Things were difficult between us, after my kidnapping. Then, I had the stupid idea of going to that fucking rehab. Why am I so pathetic?"

"Stop, you couldn't know. You were doing the right thing, taking care of yourself."

"I should've be here, taking care of Eve."

"What is done is done. Now, you can take care of the children. Christmas is in three days, how do you think Charlie will be? Ville, if you want to help, go see them. Eve would want that. It hurts me to tell you, but there is nothing for you here right now. You can't help her. We have to trust that... You can hate me for that, but it seems Stepanov really likes Eve. Maybe that was her curse, because that caught other people's eyes. But could also mean her salvation."

Seppo was right, I hated hearing that. And it wasn't a matter of pride, I just wanted her to be safe. But I couldn't leave her behind. But also, the kids needed me, more than ever.

Seppo gave me the plane ticket. I called Eve's parents, and they weren't completely updated and it was actually the best for now. The news didn't arrived there and maybe Laura was too busy with the kids to look for news in the internet. I spoke to Charlie everyday, and it was always a difficult talk. She would cry, she was angry and sad. This wasn't right. I was in a black hole, falling into infinite sadness. Not a single break from this misery.

I had nightmares about Eve being on that house on fire. I barely slept, but I took my decision, I would see the kids. Eve would never forgive me if something happened to them - but what about her? As much as I hated what Seppo said, maybe he was right. Matthias would protect her, better than me, now. What could I even possibly do?

But first news I heard on TV was that Sascha was being arrested. That made me nervous, I hoped this was truly effective. I messaged Thomas to ask if he had any updates on Eve, but he was too busy being interviewed on TV. He was taking all the credits for the arrest, it was his moment. Maybe Sascha had some answers. Yes, that was it, I needed to see him.

I tried contacting Olga, but it was useless. The number she gave me didn't work anymore. Heading to the police station wasn't easy. The vultures were there, and when they saw me, they flew quickly. "Mr. Valo! Any news on your wife?" I heard that question at least by five different people.

Nobody gave me answers inside. When I said I was there to see Thomas, they only said he was busy. "It's truly important, it has to do with Sascha, call him please."

Instead of Thomas, Dario, the Italian detective, appeared. "What are you doing here, Mr. Valo?"

"Dario, you need to help me. I need to talk to Sascha."

"That is impossible, no. But may I ask why?"

"He might know something about Eve. She's missing, and she might be in danger. Maybe she was in the Orlov's mansion."

"But this has nothing to do with Sascha or our investigation."

"I don't need to see him. You could ask him."

"I can't. I'm sorry-"

"Eve wouldn't turn her back on you like this."

Dario swallowed, looking surprised by my statement. "You are right, she wouldn't. Look, Mr. Valo, Thomas won't allow anyone near Sascha right now. He's under protection because he's a big fish and there are a lot of threats. They will move him soon. But hear me out." Dario pulled me aside. "Sascha doesn't know much about her situation either. Believe me, Thomas asked about her and Stepanov, but we can't trust his word. He might be a big fish here now, but in the whole context, he's very ignorant with what is going on over there. And we can't do much since it's not our area."

"Eve might not be Finnish, but she's already a Finnish citizen and you are not even worried."

"Like I said, go home, take care of you and the kids. That is the best you can do, now. Look, Eve is alive and well." Dario was truly firm when he said it, as if he was sure about that. He didn't say anything else. "Leave before Thomas see you."

"No, wait! What do you know about her? Where is she? What happened to her?" I held Dario before he left me.

"Don't make a scene, Ville. I already said too much. Just leave before it's too late. And ah, of course, don't tell anyone what I just told you."

Dario went back to his office, leaving me hanging. He wasn't supposing anything, he affirmed it. Maybe that was qualified information he couldn't say more, but at least he let me know something truly important. Dario was always a nice person, and he was a big admiror of Eve's work. He respect her a lot to say the least, he wouldn't lie about that, would he?

I left the station, and to my surprise someone was expecting me already. "Do you need a lift?" Seppo grabbed me by the arm so we would escape the vultures. He was very used to this task.

"What the hell, Ville? I saw your face on the news so I came."

"I needed to see Sascha."

"What?! Perkele!"

"Easy, I didn't. But I spoke to Dario."

"Did you find out anything? You are bit pale, are you alright?"

We entered the car, surrounded by the vultures. "He told me Eve is fine. Just that. Didn't give me other explanations, it wasn't as if he was trying to comfort me, he knows something solid. He affirmed, he knows for sure."

"Well, then I guess this is good news?"

"I'm not sure. It means they know something about her and they don't want to tell me. Why?"

"Ville, it's a big mess. Maybe you're not seeing the big picture, but it's a war between two families that changed the world, at least around here. There are a bunch of information they won't tell anyone. But at least he let you know Eve is safe. Now, let's get out of here."

This information kept banging in my mind the whole day. I felt very impotent, unable to help Eve. I wasn't resourceful, I had nowhere to run. Seppo talked me through the day to go see the kids. "If something happens, you can come back easily. But they need you, Ville. Eve would definitely want that."

"I know they do. It's not easy for me to stay here while they are away."

"Then do the right thing."

Do the right thing wasn't that easy. I packed, ready to leave next day. My anxiety didn't cope - what if Eve needed me and would contact me while I was on the plane? For safety, I didn't let anyone know I would travel, I would leave this task to Seppo.

Maybe it was a stupid idea, but I packed some of Eve's clothes. Her favourite shirts, her favourite pajamas. Maybe she would need those when she appeared in Brazil to see us. I could only hope. Charlie was happy for a change after telling her I was going to see her. It broke my heart to hear her cute laugh. "What about mommy?"

I had a knot on my throat. Laura picked up the phone before I could make another excuse. "You need to tell me what is going on."

"I'll tell you everything when I arrive."

The house was empty. Poe was with Jesse and Anna now. Marie wouldn't stop calling, but I forbid her to come here. It was now a lifeless place, no joy, only a shadow of what once was. I wanted to break everything, the studio, the library we've built carefully all these years. We planned this house with so much love - our paratiisi.

Seppo was going to take me to the airport. I checked one last time if everything was fine before leaving, when the doorbell rang. "Thomas." I rushed to open the door to him, who entered without ceremonies.

"It's not always a pleasure to see you, but I hope you're here for a good reason. What is it, Thomas?"

"You were there at the station."

"Don't tell me you came all this way to lecture me."

"No, of course not."

"Then, what? Do you want congratulations on your promotion?"

"Oh, cut the crap. I have news."

"What news? Just say it, damn."

"Don't panic."

"I am already." My heart was jumping in my chest. This could only be bad. "What is it? Why are you hiding all the information about Eve? You're just like detective Aalto, aren't you? When it's convenient, you act."

Thomas had a worried expression, which made me truly panic. He was hesitant, it could only be truly bad.

I don't know what happened, but a surge of anger took me and I advanced on Thomas, punching him. "You weren't worried about Eve a single moment. You didn't do your job!"Seppo pulled me away from Thomas. I didn't even realized but I grabbed him by the collar so furious I was.

"Are you insane? I should arrest you for that."

"Calm down, Ville!" Seppo screamed at me.

"I understand your anger. It's not easy after everything that happened, so I'll pretend you didn't punch an authority." Thomas fixed his shirt.

"Are you waiting for an apology or are you going to tell me why you're here?"

"We found her. We found Eve."


I had a feeling I was getting a bit crazy being locked up for some many days, and immediately felt guilty. This was nowhere what Ville went through. I just had to keep my sanity, I had not other choice.

The house was like a fortress, I couldn't find a way out, nor a way to communicate with the outside world. I resisted the urge of calling Ville. If there was a chance a call would put him in danger, then I wouldn't.

But Viktor fulfilled his promise and came back for dinner. He was still in a good mood. "Sorry I'm late, but I still have time to cook our dinner."

"Forget about it."

"No, no. Not a chance. I'll make your favorite food."

"Viktor, I hope you don't feel offended, but... I'm not worried about food, but about other things."

"I know. But you have to eat anyway. Look, you will leave in the morning. We just need to wait some hours and then we leave. Is that alright?"

"Are you serious? I'll go home?"

"Yes, Eve."

My eyes filled with tears. "I can't believe it. Finally."


"And did you have any news on Matthias and Olga?"

"Not yet."

"I'm sorry. Viktor, can you let me know later? I need to know if Matthias is alive."

"I don't know if we will be able to communicate, but you will probably know. Now, I'll cook for you."

"Let me help you, then."

"Absolutely not. I hate people helping me and it will be a surprise. You can't help me."

"I already know what you're going to cook, it can't be a surprise."

"Just let me do this. Go, take a shower and put a special clothing, I bought something for you, if you like of course, it should be in those bags in the bedroom. Let's celebrate, okay?"

Now I saw Viktor was trying to cope with his sadness. He might have lost his only family, and friends. He was trying to concentrate on Sascha's arrest, I guess. He still didn't have news on Matthias and Olga, that was probably killing him inside.

I complied and went to take a shower. He bought me clothes, a cute dress even. He knew my tastes somehow, it was black. I was very sorrowful myself with this situation, still stuck and worried about Ville, about the kids. It was a relief Sascha was away from them, but they never work by themselves. The news reported his partners were also arrested, but still, we can never be sure.

I was also worried about Matthias. I trusted he was alive, he is smart and probably found a way to escape. He didn't deserve such an end.

I checked myself in the mirror and saw I lost weight. My face was skeletal, dark circles around my eyes, my hair was falling. I guess I didn't pay much attention to those details while I was at Maxim's. I looked horrible, that worried me a bit, what Charlie would say? I had to stay healthy and not scare them.

It would be Christmas soon. Maybe it was a far away wish, but all I wanted was to reunite with them. I could only hope.

The food was smelling amazingly, when I got downstairs. I went to the kitchen, but couldn't find Viktor. The table in the room was set, with candles and everything looked really nice. "Viktor?"My heart skipped a beat, he wasn't there. I grabbed a knife just in case, and walked around the house, trying to find him. Goddamnit, where was he? No signs of violence, everything perfectly in place.

I knew there was someone behind me now. And it wasn't Viktor, since he didn't say a thing. And whoever was, it was close.

"Will you put that knife down, please?"

I did. I put the knife on the counter, and turned to see a pair of green, shiny eyes, staring at me, with a broken smile.

"You're alive."


Matthias was there, just a step away from me. I felt a relief, but it was more than that. We stared at each other for a while, until we both closed the space between us.

Maybe he hugged me first, or I did. I realized I missed him, his presence and his positivism. He would always made me feel calmer, no matter how bad things were. He would always trust there was a way out. Matthias squeezed me and suddenly grunted in pain. I backed off. "Are you okay?" His right hand had a bandage.

"Eh, some broken bones, nothing too bad."

"I knew you were alive."

Matthias smiled. "I promised you I would come back."

"Tell me everything, how are you? What happened?"

"I'll tell you everything, but... Can we have dinner first? I'm starving."

"Yeah, sure. As you can see, Viktor prepared all this... Where is he, by the way?"

"He left us for now. But it wasn't him, I did. Well, he helped me a bit."

"You? You prepared dinner?"

"Did you forget you promised me a dinner?"

"I didn't. I'm just surprised. I would never guess you would worry about that after what happened."

"Well, shall we?" He pulled the chair for me. The table looked amazing. The lasagna was nowhere to be seen but there were plenty of side dishes. As if he was reading my mind, he let me know the lasagna was in the oven. "Can I serve you this wine?"

"Yes please, I guess I won't be driving tonight. I can't believe you were here cooking all this time. No wonder Viktor seemed so happy."

"He was, indeed."

"Well, he was dead worried about you. And what about Olga?"

"She is fine. Not here, don't worry."

"I wasn't, I just wanted to know if she was alright. What about your friends?"

I almost regretted asking, when I saw the sadness in his face. "They weren't so lucky."

"I'm sorry."

"I know you have a lot of questions. Can I tell you all about it after dinner? I really want us to enjoy this moment. I promise you I'll tell you everything."

"Of course." Matthias served me the salad, some vegetables, but it was a hard feeling to shake off. The only time I saw him so vulnerable was when his grandmother died. By his reaction, they were really important to him. "I didn't know you cooked that well."

He smiled. "You still didn't eat to know."

I tasted the food eagerly, everything was smelling so great as if I didn't eat in days. "Everything tastes amazing."

"Save space for the lasagna."

"It is smelling so good already, I'm salivating."

"So, how was Viktor's company?"

"He wasn't so talkative as usual, he was mainly worried about you and Olga. He didn't update me much, but I guess he didn't have many news until today. I could rest a bit. It's a comfortable house."

"I'm glad he bought you clothes, as this wasn't in my wardrobe." He pointed to my dress.

"Yeah, you didn't have many clothes that fit me. Do you stay here much?"

"No, I barely use this house. It is comfortable indeed but I use it only for emergencies. Viktor is the only one who knows about it, it's a safe place. Shall we try the lasagna?" He got up to pick it.

"Do you need help?"

"I can manage."

"What happened to your hand?"

"Some burning, but I'm fine." The lasagna was looking delicious. My stomach even rumbled at the smell. "Can I serve you?"

"Sure." He gave me a generous piece. I was anxious to try, I almost burnt my mouth. "Wow. Was it really you that cooked?"

"Is it eatable?" He looked worried.

"Are you kidding? This is better than my grandmother's. And that is a difficult task."

"I'm glad. It is my grandmother's recipe, actually."

"I feel like I'm eating real food in days."

Matthias seemed puzzled. Maybe he wasn't used to hear food compliments. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know, maybe it was the place, but everything in Maxim's house tasted bad. Not that the food was bad itself, but I guess the trauma of being there, I could never really enjoy it. It tasted bitter."

"You mean literally bitter? You never said anything."

"Yeah, I don't know, something was always off with the food. But it was the least of my problems. I didn't like it, maybe the condiments weren't of my taste. But not always, when Darya cooked, for example, it was fine. I guess she is a better cooker." I realized Matthias dropped his fork, and I realized the faux-pas. She was a good cooker. He didn't say anything, just started eating again, thoughtful.

But I broke the silence. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine, Eve. Anyway, how are you? I didn't have much time to talk with Viktor. Was everything okay with you?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired, a lot. But I guess it's the whole situation."

"Right. You need proper resting. But now eat, so you recover a bit the weight you lost."

"I realized that today. It was a lot, wasn't it? I didn't pay attention."

Matthias nodded, with a worried expression. The dinner became awkward, I shouldn't have mentioned Darya. Matthias' humour changed completely. "Leave room for dessert."

"Okay." He then pulled his chair so he would sit closer to me. I felt his hand on my face, but it was as if he was checking my temperature with the back of his hand. "What is it?"

"Nothing. I just... I missed you."

I smiled at him. I didn't want to say it, but I missed him as well. He was watching me with a painful expression, maybe a bit melancholic. "Do we get dessert, then?"

"Sure, kitten." I tried helping him, but he didn't let me. "No, no. Today you're getting pampered."

"Fine." He was moving slower, maybe hurt but wouldn't admit how bad. His face still had some marks from the last time I saw him, few days ago. After fixing the table, he brought me some chocolate mousse. "How did you know it's my favourite dessert?"

"You told me once." He sat by my side again. "But I have to admit, this one I bought from a restaurant." He chuckled.

"No one is perfect."

After we finished dinner, we moved to the couch. I was bit anxious to hear him what happened at Maxim's. It was horrible, as I presumed. "Maxim came back from Paris, and Nikita apparently poisoned him. Pavel knew of course."

"Why? Only for power? To kill their own father."

"Darya told me how bad was their relationship. Nikita and Pavel didn't like Ilya, or their father. At all. Their plan was to frame me, so they would have a clear path."

"And they tried to kill you anyhow."

"Yeah, they almost succeed, but I was lucky and had help. Olga is fine like I said, she escaped before everything went to shit."

"She was very brave to go back to help you."

"It was stupid of her. But yeah, like you said to me, bravery and stupidity walk side by side. I guess she needed redemption. She gave me a reason to trust her again for now, but I guess once that is broken, you can never fully recover. It was a big deal what she did to me, to you, we shouldn't cross paths again."

"Matthias, she loves you. And you were friends since forever, Viktor told me a bit about."

"That's not an excuse for anything. If she really did, she wouldn't have betrayed me like she did. She's just selfish." That sounded harsh, but Olga was indeed very frivolous. "But I thanked her, she really helped me there, it was a mess. Some people were very loyal to Maxim, and they believed I was the one who had killed him. I thought I was going to die there myself." Matthias shifted a bit in the couch, he seemed uncomfortable.

"I'm glad you didn't. So you would fulfill your promise."

"I thought about that a lot." Matthias smiled. "It was a good incentive."

"So, is every Orlov dead, now?"

Matthias didn't have good news. "I'm still not sure about Ilya. Eve, the body we thought it was his, it was the doctor who would fake death certificates for Maxim, among other things. God only knows why he ended up dead."

"What? Oh, god. How did you find out? So, Ilya is still alive?" Matthias seemed a bit nervous. He grabbed my glass of wine, for some reason. "Do I look drunk?"

"You're fine." He was thoughtful. "Eve, there is something I need to tell you."

This phrase is never good, is it?

"I'm all ears."

"I'm... I am not who you think I am." Maybe I should have gotten up and run to the door right now, but I froze in place. I waited for Matthias to tell me more about it. Since I didn't interrupt him, he continued. "I mean, I'm Matthias Stepanov, the man you knew. Everything you knew about me didn't change. There was just a thing I didn't tell you, I couldn't. And I struggled a lot if I should tell you."

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

I could see he was anxious, I already knew when that happened because he would touch his throat a lot, as if he was holding back some words. "Yes, I need you to know. Eve, I almost died in Maxim's house, and I swore to myself if I survived, I would do things differently. A big cliché, I know, but one of those things, is that I want you to know."

"Okay. Whatever it is, tell me, then."

"You've met me at the club, as a mafia, organised crime, whatever. I am my father's son, and well, by that I mean my both fathers, my biological and the one who raised me. They were both cruel, horrible men. I had no choice but to follow into their steps. I am not justifying anything. When I tried to get away from it, a lot was taken away. But at some point, I was given a choice." I got really nervous. I trusted Matthias, so I wasn't afraid. I didn't want to interrupt him, he sounded sincere so I just waited. "Eve, I also work with a secret intelligence agency. I'm a sort of an agent, if you want to give a name to it. I wouldn't call that myself."

That made so much sense. He acted like one - the way he knew things, how he knew how to fight, and he wasn't a regular mafia man. He wasn't cruel like the examples he had, wasn't ambitious for power, he wasn't anything near the stereotype of a mafia person. "An agent. Oh, why am I not surprised?"

"Aren't you?"

"I mean, it makes a lot of sense to me. But how?"

"I had a choice to be stuck behind bars for a very long time, or help the authorities. Break the cycle. I knew I had to do it, I just didn't know how. I could never dismantle Ilya's business by myself. I mean, me and Viktor, we did it, but it came with a big price and the police caught me. When they found out what I was actually doing, we made a deal."

"Finnish police?"

"It's better if you don't know that." Matthias smiled. "I have to pretend a lot, though. If people I make business with find out, I'm a dead man. But who's going to be suspicious of the most powerful mafia man's son? It is a good disguise."

"So, you still work as mafia."

"Yeah, if you can call that a job. That allows the secret intelligence to stay alert for far more dangerous things. It helps keeping things in balance. It's not the ideal, but that's how it works. I am able to help a lot of people like this."

"Who knows about it?"

"Only Viktor. And now, you."


"No, she doesn't know. You can imagine why, she's too unstable. My mother cannot even dream about it. I guess she would kill me herself."

"And why are you telling me now?"

Matthias sighed. I could see he seemed maybe relieved to tell me, but he was thoughtful. "I am telling you because I want you to know who I really am."

"It's bit scary to know."

"Scary?" Matthias chuckled. "You were never scared before, to enter a club full of dangerous people, looking for the leader, but you're afraid now? Trust me, I've given a lot of thought before telling you. The last thing I want is to put you in danger again. But... I couldn't let you think I'm involved in dark business because I want, or because I like. I wish there was another way, but there isn't. This is never going to end. With the end of the Orlov's empire, a new one will begin. There's no escape from this, maybe after spending time with the Orlovs, you can understand this better. But I wanted you to know."

"I appreciate you trusting me, it's a damn big deal."

"We've been through a lot, since our paths crossed. I've been thinking how much my life has changed, how I have changed... I've done things that I never thought I would, for someone else. And these changes were good, I guess. And I can say you were the cause of so many changes for me."

"I probably turned your life into a mess, be honest."

"Maybe it is common for you, maybe you had it your whole life. But I... I had a chance to care about someone else. And that was... I'm sorry Eve, I just don't know how to say these things."

"I know where you're heading, and before you continue, I-"

"No, please. Let me do this. Maybe you will be surprised. But let me say what I have to say, just be patient."

"Okay. I'll be patient, that's the least I can do."

"I wish I could translate to you in words how you make me feel. It's not even half of it, but I'm happy if you understand. It's a constant battle with myself, actually. Sometimes I want to profess all, and sometimes I wish you didn't know that much." Matthias held my hand, gently. He held it on his chest, next to his heart. "That part that wants to say all, without no shame, is the same one that holds hope that... That we could live outside this world of corruption and perversity. Hope that you could show me there's more than that. And... Maybe... Maybe if you knew who I am, what I do, maybe you could... Like me a little bit?"

My heart ached. Matthias was risking his life, maybe, just to be able to tell me his feelings. And that's what he did for a long time now - risking himself to help me, to keep me safe. "Of course I like you. I knew you were a good person, I always did. Since the day you accept to help me you have given me reasons to trust you."

Matthias seemed disappointed with my reply. "That's not what I meant. I'm glad to hear you like me, but... I just wanted to say that you deserved to know the whole truth. It shouldn't be dangerous as long as you don't tell anyone about it. I trust this information with my life. I just wanted you to know who I am. I am not innocent but I am more than a criminal."

"I don't know what you did in your life before, but I do not judge you. I know about the good you did for me and for other people. For me, it's enough."

"You're dodging a bullet, aren't you?" Matthias chuckled, and came closer to me. "I'm sorry Eve, I don't do this. I don't explore these feelings much, nor do I say them out loud, but you're going to make me scream them."

I pulled my hand. "Matthias."

"No, please. Let me finish. Because I already know what you're going to say, so give me a chance to tell you before I feel too discouraged."


Matthias held my hand gently, again. It didn't bother me, actually. When I realized that, it alarmed me a bit. He made me feel secure and comfortable. "You know I like you. To my own damnation, I like you too much. When I saw you at first, I thought you were a rich, spoiled girl. Like many that appear in the club. But you were miserable, and looking for trouble. I was intrigued. I was even more after your proposal. Then I saw you weren't a spoiled woman, you were looking for help desperately."

"And you did help me."

"I don't know why. I felt like I should. Viktor asked me why, I told him I was bored, because I really thought I was. He didn't like it at first, he said you were a distraction, or could be a bait. When he saw how much I was invested, he started to like the idea. He said I was motivated, but I didn't think on the weight of his words back then. He saw it before I did. I knew what I was doing when I kissed you drunkly. I'm sorry, I just felt courageous to do so, like I told you before. And that day I was experiencing a huge loss and the only thing I could think was you. Then it struck me. Believe me, I wasn't planning on that, nor I wanted it. I let it happened, I guess. But I don't regret anything."

"I don't know what to say."

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