129. The Poison Of Doubt

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Seppo caught me at Vantaa airport, he said Ville was already preparing himself for the concert, as they would play in the afternoon. Flying from Paris to Helsinki made you lose one hour because of the timezone, so it was almost noon. "He wanted to come but yesterday he complained so much of the sound, I said it was his fault, so today he's there checking everything."

"I was foreseeing it. Did something else happened?"

"He was absent minded yesterday, maybe a little tired. He complained all the time, he threw his guitar backstage, poor sound engineer. You know how he has a bad temper sometimes."

"Yeah. He probably slept badly as well."

"And how are you? You seem tired. What a nightmare you two experienced."

"Don't even say. I'm glad to be back, for now. Was he okay? Despite being tired."

"I can't know for sure, he wasn't much talkative. Are you two okay?"

For now, we were. But I knew a storm was coming. "We had a lot these days." Seppo didn't reply, just seemed thoughtful.

When I arrived home, Anita and Marie were with Charlie. She screamed and ran to my arms. "Oh, sweetheart. I've missed you so much."
I squeezed my little girl, my eyes were getting teary. "Did you miss me?"

"I did, äiti."

I greeted Anita and Marie, they were both concerned about me and everything that happened. "As you can see, I'm in one piece." Physically speaking I was fine, but mentally I was a disaster.

"Just stay here, with your daughter. Don't go back to Paris." Marie said, I didn't want to discuss with her again. I was very edgy with my emotions and I replied to her dryly. "It's just another week." She put her hands in the air, I was hopeless.

I was dead tired from not sleeping but anxious to meet Ville at the festival, Seppo was waiting for me. "I'll just change and we can go." Paris was hot and Finland was a bit cold, as midsummer was almost ending. I was on automatic pilot. My head was thinking about everything that happened in a week, I was emotionally drained, just going with the flow.

The festival was big, I was glad it was in Helsinki, the last one here. The band would perform in other Finnish cities from now on, and later, Europe. I was suffering in anticipation. I had no idea what would happen.

I was walking hand in hand with Charlie backstage in the festival, we saw some known faces, Seppo gave her a credential as well and she showed it to every person who would cross her path, making everyone giggle along the way. I was happy to be with her again, she warmed my heart, that little one.

We entered their dressing room, Ville was with Mige's bass showing him something, he didn't even see me coming. He looked angry, and then I saw everybody else's faces. They were all looking like kids being lectured. Charlie ran to him, stumbling on his legs, he looked at her and finally turned around looking at me. "Sorry, am I interrupting?"

"Don't be silly." Ville kissed me. "I can wait outside with Charlie, you're busy."

"It's alright." He turned back to them and asked for Gas to make a rhythm as he played. I felt bad for Mige, Ville was being hard on him, he was speaking in Finnish and said, "See? That's how I wanted you to do yesterday, it's not that hard."

"Whatever, man." Mige gave his back to him, and came to greet me. "Your husband is on his period."

I smiled weakly. "Hi, Mige." He gave me his bear hug. "I'm glad to see you're alive and well."

"I'm not sure about being alive, nor well. But yeah, I guess I survived. Where's Lee?"

"She's coming. She's anxious to see you."

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