47. V

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I was dying of curiosity to know what my mom was thinking about Ville. She kept quiet during our way back home, or talked about Helsinki, as she looked at the window car. But when we arrived, I had to ask.

"So, mom?"

She turned to me, removing her heavy coat. I picked it up for her. "So what, Ve?"

I rolled my eyes. Wasn't that obvious? "What did you find about Ville?"

"Oh, that." She sat down on the couch. "Well, he's a very handsome man, very polite, well spoken and gentle, as you said he was."

I tried not to smile much. "Do you want some tea? I'm gonna make some." She nodded. "What else, mom?" I would push her now, definitely. 

"And what a voice he has. He's really gifted, no wonder he has lot of fans. And he's intelligent, isn't he? I can see why you like him so much. It's all about the brains. He can talk about many things."

"That's true. It's one of the many things I admire in him. He's interested about everything. And his voice and his ability to sing are really impressive."

"He asked me many interesting questions about my work. That was unusual." He got that right. If there was a way to impress and please my mom, was to talk about her work field and be actually interested on it. Maybe Ville did his homework before meeting my mom. "When we first met, it was the same with me. Although it's not his area, he was really interested in what I was saying." I told her.

"He's very cultured and refined as well." I couldn't believe in what I was hearing. Only compliments.

"But it's a bit weird his father owning a sex shop." Everything was doing so fine until now, I knew that in some point we would end up here. "Did he spend his youth there?"

"He worked there a while when he was young. But helped his father just a bit, as he needed to pay his rent. He left home when he was 17."

"It's a weird environment to grown up. Don't you think?"

"I think it's curious, mostly. But I think you're being too conservative for a psychiatrist. Freud explains, maybe?" I raised a brow.

"He must be very open when it comes to sexuality." I almost covered my ears. I wouldn't discuss that with her. "Really, mom?"

"That would explain his lifestyle. Having a band, being a rock star, drinking problems and all."

"You've just met him, and was complimenting him just now. Do you think he's that person you're saying now? Actually it doesn't make sense at all."

"It's too early to know."

I shook my head disapprovingly. "You're hopeless, mom. And why did you have to comment you're on a diet? That was so unpleasant!"

"But it is true!"

"You didn't have to say it. Just give me the goddamn chocolate." I extended my hand but she refused. "I'll eat some everyday, this way I can manage."

"Unbelievable." I snorted and gave her the tea. 

"What do you think about his family?" She asked.

"They are amazing. They had me at Christmas, even though Ville wasn't there at first." I told her about he showing up as a surprise. Just by remembering it, my eyes filled with tears. That was a very emotional moment for me. My mom was analyzing my reaction, as always. "They are very close, they have a very beautiful relationship. I'm glad you'll get to know them, they're lovely."

She just nodded. "I know you like him very much, Ve. And I can understand why. He really has a lovely personality. But I just want you to take it easy. Go slow, you still need to find out who he really is."

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