121. I'll Love You At Your Darkest

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The judge was eyeing me suspiciously. I almost told him, "come on, it's just a black dress". Guess that was unusual.

The wedding was a mess, meaning we did as we like. Anna came with Charlie before expected, she couldn't hold herself any longer. "Sorry, she wanted to see you guys. Actually, I did as well and she persuaded me." Anna said apologetically. Everybody was saying how cute Charlotte was, and she was dazzled by so many attention, while she walked down the aisle. She run to Ville, who picked her up. "Oh darling, you look so gorgeous! You and mommy are simply the most beautiful girls ever." She nodded, and Ville gave her to Kari.

The judge spoke in English with a heavy accent. Ville was holding my hand, kissing it and being lovely as always. This ceremony was different, the judge was very straightforward and practical, meaning not romantic at all. "You two want to share some story, maybe how you've met, anything like this?"

"May I say some words?" Ville said,  and I nodded, thankfully. I was nervous and I wouldn't be able to say anything, but I saw he was as well. He glanced quickly at everybody, his head was a bit low, in a way his lovely locks were falling on his face. He was hiding himself, like he used to do when he was young, so shy he was.

"The day I met you, my whole life changed. Anyone who knew me can testify to that. Mige, Jesse, my folks." Ville looked at them. "It's not in anyone's hands to change a person's life, it's not anyone's responsibility to make someone life's better. But you did all this. You've changed my life, to the point of no return. Maybe I would never see you again after that lovely afternoon in the coffee shop, which would be a tragedy"- Ville smiled at that -"but I know my life would be touched by you forever. You gave me hope, you made me feel alive for the first time after a long period in the dark." Ville looked down at his hands, I was trying not to cry much. "Maybe that's why I fear so much to lose you sometimes. I know it's silly and even coward, this feeling, but you keep me out of the darkness. You gave me the best gift in life, that little girl over there." He looked at Charlie, smiling widely and I gasped, it was hard to hold back tears when Ville spoke like that. He could be so natural, so truthful, I knew these words were from his heart, although he had a gift with words. And having Charlie there with us made everything even more special, she reminded me of Ville so much, although people used to say she looked a lot like me. She had his perfect nose, she had a smile very similar to his.

I heard a lot of sniffing around us. Anita and my mom were crying a river. "You're really a treasure, I couldn't be luckier to have you. And I'm here again, in front of all your relatives, shitting my pants" - everybody laughed at that, including him and even the grim judge - "to promise you, again, that I'll love you for the rest of my days, and I'll do my best to protect you, and Charlie. I'll take care of you in your worst days. I'll love you at your darkest." His genuine smile warmed my heart.

"I know we had difficulties, tremendous ones, and that's why I consider myself the luckiest guy in the world. We've come a long way, kulta. And I'm so proud of you. You're just the most incredible woman in this universe. Thank you for having me again, for joining me in the craziest plans, for making my life worth living. Minä rakastan sinua." Ville pulled me to him and I was tearing apart. "I love you, too."

"No, you have to make a speech as well." Mige said and we laughed. I needed to calm down and recover my breath.

After Ville's words, I had no idea what I would say. I didn't prepare anything, I would let out whatever was in my heart. I hated to speak in public without practicing it before, but to speak about Ville, about my feelings for him, that was a piece of cake.

I held his hands, trying not to shake much. He gave me a reassuring smile, and I felt calmer. "I can't even say how happy I am that we are here today, marrying again, with our little girl with us." I looked at Charlie, she was happy even if she didn't truly understand everything. "Yes, we've come a long way, and maybe that's from where I have to start." I took a deep breath. "You look out for me even when I couldn't see or hear you. Or maybe I could, I just don't remember. When we said in sickness and health, you really meant it, and I couldn't be more grateful. You never gave up on me." I was obviously talking about the coma and that was a hurtful subject. I saw Ville's brows moving in a painful expression. My heart broke when I saw him getting emotional. That story was difficult, but it happened, and I wasn't afraid of talking about it anymore. My family, the other relatives from both sides, never heard it from me, and they had to know who Ville was. He was the man that took care of me and Charlie, and kept his promise.

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