49. Buried Alive By Love

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Burton sent me pictures of the baby shower from yesterday, and I showed them to my mom. There was a pic of Ville with Lara, it was the cutest ever. There was one of me dancing with her as well that I really loved it. It was good to feel part of their family, as I was so far away from mine.

"Ville looks like he love kids." My mom said.

"Yeah, he had fun with Lara yesterday."

"Does he talk about having children?"

I had to stop to think what I was going to answer her. Maybe one day I would tell what happened, but it was not today. "Yes, maybe, who knows. His life is a bit crazy. So, Ville suggested we stroll around the city after lunch, and later he will cook dinner for us. What do you think? Mige and Leena will join us." I quickly changed the subject. She nodded. "It seems like a good plan."

Mige was going to pick us and I had no idea where we would go. I was a bit anxious, he and Mige arrived on time.

"Moi, love." He kissed me, and then turned to my mom and Leena. He asked if my mom wanted to go in the front seat, but she wanted to go behind with me. "You're taller, you'll be comfortable in the front." She told him, and he frowned a bit. "I'll go in the front with Mige." Leena quickly answered and I couldn't be happier.

"So, where are you taking us?" I asked him.

"As the weather is good today, we are going to Suomenlinna. It's an old fortress, build in 18th century. It's a very interesting place."

We took a while to get there. We parked the car near the market hall area, and caught the ferry to the island. But during the way as really funny, Ville and Mige sang all the old, romantic and cheesy songs that was playing on the radio. Sometimes I glanced at my mom and she was laughing to herself.

Suomenlinna was stunning and required long walks. Today wasn't winding so we got lucky, as we didn't have many places to shield ourselves. Mige quickly made friendship with my mom, and they talked a lot. Ville and I were walking behind them.

"It's a really beautiful and interesting place. Thank you for bringing us here, I'm sure my mom is enjoying a lot."

"In the winter it's a bit difficult to come here, but today the weather helped. We can come back here in the summer, it's way better." Every time the wind as a bit stronger, Ville would held me tighter, like he was trying to shield me. He couldn't be sweeter, I loved all the care he had with me.

We walked almost the entire place until we sat down to watch the sea a bit. "Did you like it, mom?"

"Sure. It's an amazing place, very interesting as well. But I'm a bit tired already, we walked too much."

"The sun is almost setting, and I want to go to the grocery store. I need to buy some stuff to cook for you." Ville smiled at us. "Shall we? We just have to take the ferry back."

Ville and my mom were talking about something, I wasn't paying attention, as I was talking to Leena and Mige. I heard the word "children" and I froze. Maybe she was asking him about future children? Oh gosh. "Mige, help Ville with my mom, look at his face." Mige laughed and nodded. "I'll be your knight in not so shiny armour, coming to the rescue." Mige interrupted them in a funny way, it was so obvious. At the grocery store, when my mom wasn't around, Ville confirmed my suspicious.

"Laura was asking if I had plans to have kids, considering my lifestyle. You know, being on the road all the time."

"Oh lord. What did you say?"

"That I wanted, if it was possible. Then she started to lecture me a bit, but I didn't mind, really."

"I'm sorry about that. She's helpless."

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