108. I'll Be The End of You

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They were speaking in Finnish and Ville sometimes would translate it to me, but I knew all about it. The prosecutor was presenting the case and I could see he was very dramatic about it. Well, the case was major, it was really a big deal, and I guess it was a sort of an opportunity, as cases like that didn't happen around here. I felt weird about it, being part of such a horrible and grand happening, Ville was used to the spotlight, but I saw he was nervous, as this was something entirely different.

And all this maybe was the show Marius wanted. He could have pledged guilty, instead, he did the opposite. So here we were, on this jury trial. It made me nervous, the idea that a jury would define if he was guilty or not.

Timo, our lawyer, would advise me. I wouldn't speak today. My testimony was the most important and other people would speak before me. Outside was a big confusion, press, curious people, HIM fans. Marius was getting the attention he wanted, he was the most hateful man in Finland.

I tried not to read anything about it, but sometimes I stumbled on articles like "the most shocking crime of Scandinavia" and sorts. Actually what got me worried was how to tell this to Charlie one day. I would need a lot of therapy for that.

Another person I pitied was his lawyer. He seemed nervous, I knew it was his job, but how to defend a person like him? What kind of strategy he would try?

I glanced at Ville, he was nervous, his leg shaking restless. He was eyeing Marius. "V. Don't mind him."

"Yeah, sorry. Sometimes I just want him to fall and break his neck by accident." Ville gave me his crooked smile.

When everything started, my heart jumped. That meant his end was beginning, and we could move on with our lives without hearing from him again. The first person to talk was Laila. She was one of those girls who testified against him back in the day and helped our case. I didn't meet her at the time. She looked scared, I saw myself in her. She seemed very shy, she had long blond hair, and she would hide behind them if she could. She was a small person, we all had that in common. We were tiny, skinny girls. Maybe in his sick mind he thought it would be easier to intimidate girls like that.

She seemed intimidated though, especially when Marius inclined his body to hear her. I felt so angry when I saw a smile forming in the corner of his mouth. She looked at him horrified, as he smiled to her. I knocked on the wooden support in front of me with my fist. I covered my mouth in anger and he turned to me. "Kulta." Ville squeezed my hand. I wanted to smash him, make him disappear. His expression made me so disgusted.

"Kulta, don't. Ignore him. Hey, look at me." He shook my hand and I snapped, turning to my lovely husband. His face was capable of calming me a bit, and was way more pleasant.

"Is it against the court's rules to kiss you?" I whispered and he smiled, covering his mouth. "Maybe. We better behave."

"I wanna kill him."

"For god's sake, don't say such a thing in here. This is just beginning, love. It's going to be tough, but remember, I'm here."

I nodded. Ville removed something from his wallet. "Here, take it."

It was a four leaf clover. I smiled at it, he didn't believe in those things. "What, why?"

"A fan gave it to me while you were in the coma. It gave her luck, it helped me as well. Now it's yours. It will help you too, I'm sure of it."

I didn't care and I gave a quick peck on Ville's lips. "Thank you." I squeezed his hand and concentrate in Laila's testimonial. My Finnish wasn't the best, but I could understand many things. She used to date Marius, when they left high school. It didn't last a month because she thought he was suffocating her. He spent a year stalking her, apparently she was his first victim. He followed her and her friends around, she couldn't leave home sometimes. He used to threaten her, saying he would kill himself if she didn't come back to him, and so she did many times.

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