77. Solitude Begged Us To Stay

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PS: I loved the photo because it has Seppo! He doesn't look so grumpy, though 😂❤️

I missed those guys. Mige came to hug me as soon as we arrived.

"Jesus Eve, you're going to disappear. Do you want some fat from me?" I laughed. "I'm getting better."

"She's preparing for my mom's food, Christmas and all, you know." Ville giggled.

"Eve!" Leena had little Olivia in her arms, she was so big now. "Do you remember auntie Eve?"

"Oh, she's so cute!" I hugged Leena and she made me hold little Olivia. She cried a bit but she stopped when Burton arrived and played with her a while.

Lara came running to hug Ville, of course. He took her into his arms and inclined his head so she could take his beanie off.

"Moi, Lara. Look at auntie Eve." Ville said, turning her to me. He made a funny voice calling me auntie. "Hei, Lara." She was shy and turned away. She only loved Ville.

Seppo and Linde came to greet us as well. I returned Olivia to Leena and I sensed Seppo wanted to talk.

"What is it, Seppo?" Nobody was near us.

"Let's go outside, I'm gonna smoke."

I followed him and winked to Ville, he looked at us a bit suspicious.

"So, how are you doing?" He asked, picking a cigarette.

"I'm fine." Seppo raised his brow. "Well, trying to be. Surviving, I guess."

"I'm gonna say this real quickly before Ville interrupt us." I felt anxious and knew it was trouble.

"He had some trouble in the US. Same old. Not sleeping. He drank with his friends, but not much, don't worry. He's controlling himself. But he drank more than he should one day, maybe. He's a bit depressed."

"He didn't say anything to me."

"He doesn't want me to tell. He's worried about you constantly. And now he doesn't want you to worry about him. But I think you two should talk."

"I didn't know. He always says he's only tired. Damn, Seppo. Is there anything else bothering him?"

"No. I mean, I think it's enough he's depressed. I guess the US never does him good, he stays away from Finland longer."

"We were fighting a lot. Things got confused before he left for the tour. But I thought we would be okay."

"You two are impossible."

"He said we weren't doing ourselves any good."

Seppo looked away. "Let me tell you something. You and Ville, you are not like any other couples I know. You two have a sort of dependency of each other. Don't get offended, but you two are like... a drug to each other. I'm not saying it's a bad thing. It's beautiful, but when it comes to the point that you two suffer so much away from each other, it's not healthy. You gotta find balance." I admired Seppo's forwardness. Sometimes that's all I needed.

Still, those words came down heavy on me. Because I knew he was right, I felt like this. I had something very strong with Ville, of course it was wonderful, it was nothing like I had before. For better or for worse. When we were happy, it was wondrous, out of this world. But when we had problems, we usually hit the bottom pretty hard. But I never thought it was unhealthy.


"Sorry, I was wandering. I know what you mean. But I don't know how to find this balance."

Ville opened the door. "Why are you two hiding here outside? It's fucking cold."

"I'm smoking, what else?"

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