46. My Home is in Your Arms

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Ville had friends all over the world, which was perfectly comprehensive. He built a career and a network during all these years, so it was natural. We met some friends of his during an interview in a radio and in a magazine. Of course people asked about what happened in Germany, and I was glad he had the opportunity to explain what really happened. He seemed better as well.

"I called Bam and spoke to him. I apologized and he did, as well. Said he overreacted." Ville told me when we were waiting for the concert. He had some friends with us on the backstage, people from other bands, but he spent most of his time with me.

"And is it all good now?"

"Pretty much." He yawned. "It's almost over, the tour."

"Are you happy about it?"

"Yes." He giggled. "I can't wait to be home again. See my parents and Jesse. Spend time with you, I mean, quality time. No running from shuttles to airports. And we will have fun at Burton's baby shower."

"Oh yes, I was forgetting about it."

"But I'm also nervous I'm gonna meet your mother." He giggled.

"I'm anxious about it as well, but I know everything will work out." I tried tranquilize him.

"I hope so. I was thinking in cutting my hair so I would look more serious, what do you think?" I raised a brow at Ville.

"Are you serious? Please don't. I love your hair so much."

"It's a mess, how can you like it?" Ville laughed.

"Maybe that's why. It's so charming and effortless." I caressed his hair and pulled him to a kiss, making him smile. He buried his face on my hair, and he started to kiss my neck. He saw me shivering and smiled, looking around us.

"Perkele, it's so full here today. I could use some minutes alone with you."

"Between brooms and buckets?"

"Don't give me ideas. I'll be thinking about it the whole gig now." The sound engineer came to call them, everything was ready. "See you later, kulta." He kissed me and to provoke me, he bit my lower lip, leaving me wanting more. He looked around again, taking my hand and leading to his private parts. "Look what you've done to me."

"You're going to the stage like this?" I giggled.

Ville got up. "Is it showing much?"

"A bit." I giggled. He picked his jacket and put it on. "Is it better?" I nodded. It wasn't, really.

"You're gonna be the end of me, kulta." He laughed and kissed me goodbye, entering the stage while "Passion's Killing Floor" was already playing.

He was in a good mood and everything went fine. We stayed a bit with his friends after the gig, but we excused ourselves as Ville wanted to take me to a restaurant. We caught a cab, and I enjoyed the view a bit. We passed through London Eye, the Parliament and other touristic sightseeing.

"We must come back and visit the museums when we have time." Ville said.

"I definitely agree. I love Tate Britain."

"You should go there tomorrow. I have an interview, but enjoy it for both of us."

"I can do that."

"You could do me a favor as well."

"Okay. Just say it."

"I wanted to decorate the tower with things that remind of you. You know, your personal touch to the house. So if you see anything you like..."

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