149. The Ghost of Your Love

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Eve's POV

I had so many feelings. I wasn't only hurt, I was completely destroyed. I spent the day waiting for news about Ville and nothing came. I couldn't bear being in a hospital bed anymore.

Sometimes I was sure something bad happened to him, and sometimes I had the feeling he disappeared in the world with Ruby. He left us behind. This could be an irrational and absurd thought days ago, but not after seeing them both together. Dr. Reponen wanted to sedate me as I was extremely agitated and anxious, but I didn't want any drugs in my system, they wouldn't be capable of alleviate my pain, only get me more confused about my reality. It was harsh and painful, but I had to feel everything. I had to experience it and never forget.

Seppo called me, but with no news. "We need to make a decision. I'll go to the police, something might have happened to him, I won't wait anymore."

"Maybe he just decided to stay with Ruby."

"Perkele Eve! Don't you know your husband? He wouldn't do that." Seppo screamed.

"Yeah, Seppo. I don't know him."

"Oy, knock it off! Stop this nonsense! Ville is crazy about you and Charlie, something must have happened. I understand you're hurt, but let's be rational. Ville would never turn his back on you and Charlie. No matter what."

I was indeed so hurt I couldn't see further than that, I was drowned in my own misery. But I started agreeing with Seppo. There was something weird in this story, well, everything was. "I'll fly to Norway as soon as I get out of the hospital. Just do what you have to do, Seppo. We need to find him."

Seppo sighed, maybe in relief. "Alright. Keep me updated."

As soon as I turned off the phone, I got up from the bed. Mige and Lee got up together. "What are you doing?" Lee asked.

"I have to go. I can't stay here in this bed waiting for news. I need to go to Norway."

"But the doctor said you need to stay."

"I feel fine. I won't stay here any longer, I have to find out if... I will never forgive myself if something happens to Ville. No matter what. I just have to know if he's alright. Maybe I'm fooling myself, and he's fine, with Ruby. But maybe not."

"He's not, Eve. I know it looks bad, but I don't think that's the reason why he disappeared." Mige said and he seemed worried. "I'll go with you to Norway. You can't go alone."

"And me too." Leena said. Dr. Reponen wasn't pleased but he realized nothing would make me stay. "I'll be fine."

"It's your call. We can't lock you down here. I just have to warn you, avoid stressful situations." I almost laughed when he said that again. That was my lifestyle.

Though decisions, thought. Mige checked the tickets and no flight was available, so we had to go straight to the airport and try finding last hour tickets. There was only one spot available. "I can go by myself, I'll be fine."

"No, Eve. You won't go alone, I can't let you do this."

"Lee, you're just worried because now you know the truth, but don't. I have to go, I don't have time to waste."

"I won't let you. Think about Charlie! Ville's missing, what if something happens to you? You cannot do this."

She was right, I couldn't forget I had Charlie, and I had to see her before leaving. It was a difficult decision, but that's what we did. "We will catch the first plane to Oslo tomorrow." I considered catching the car ferry at Kolera-allas but that would take no less than 24 hours to arrive there. That seemed a good idea at first, rather than keep waiting with no news, but the wisest decision was to travel next day early in the morning, Mige got the tickets for us, while Lee tried to calm me down. Everything was going wrong lately.

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