44. Lust to Dust

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I woke up in a jump, thinking we were late, as always. It was ten in the morning, we slept fully clothed. We needed to leave by noon. I moved on the noisy bed and Ville held me. "No, no, no. Where do you think you're going?" I looked at him, his eyes closed and I giggled. "We passed out. Maybe we were really drunk." He mumbled.

"We were high on adrenaline again."

"That's dangerous." He opened his eyes and looked around. "Oh god, I don't want to take another flight."

Then I remembered he had a photoshoot in Hamburg. With Kat. "Did Seppo told you about your day in Hamburg, besides the gig?"

"I have a photoshoot, for a magazine. I don't know what else, I don't remember." He said, rubbing his eyes. "Why?"

"It's for a tattoo magazine."

"Oh. Yes. I remember now."

"And it's with Kat."

Ville looked at me blankly. "I didn't know about that part." He got up. "Well, she's a tattoo artist and has lots of tattoos, so I guess it fits."

I didn't want to say anything about it, so I got up and went to the bathroom. "We better hurry up, we need to pack."

My humour was down to zero again. To watch or not to watch the photoshoot, that is the question. I didn't know if it was better to suffer just by imagining them both having fun displaying their tattoos or actually see it.  I would wait until the last moment to decide. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and collected my things from the bathroom. Ville was packing his things, and turned to me. Maybe I was a bit quiet, and he would always realize it. "Do you want to say anything to me?"

"Don't forget to brush your teeth?" I replied and he raised a brow. "Okay, then." He already knew me enough to know when something was bothering me, but he would wait until I said it.

We packed our stuff and met the guys at the hotel hall to have breakfast. "So, did you have fun last night?" Mige asked. Everybody was suppressing a smile. Ville made a very satisfied face. "We had, indeed. Do you want details?" Mige put a hand on Ville's face. "Oh, for god's sake." I rolled my eyes. 

"I'll tell you anyway. We rented a Vespa, Eve drove of course, and we saw the city." Ville smirked. 

"It was pretty cool. And we had ice cream." I filled in.

"Okay. Not what I was imagining. That seems pretty fun indeed." Mige smiled at us.

"Our intention was to cross the border. Go to Poland. But it was too cold and the Vespa was too slow." Ville giggled. Seppo was looking at us like we were two messy kids. 

After breakfast, that very well know routine to the airport and everything. Fortunately we didn't have to wait much and the flight was short. I was checking my e-mail at Hamburg airport while we waited for our luggage and I received my exams. I had even forgot about them. I checked them and everything seemed normal. I mentioned it to Ville, he insisted I should call the doctor anyway. 

But now I had other worries. Seppo said Ville didn't have time to check in the hotel, we would go straight to the photo shoot. The others went in another van to the hotel.

"Kulta, do you wanna go with me?" Ville asked and he looked anxious.

"Sure. I'll go." He smiled widely at me. "Okay then."

When we arrived, Kat was already there. She hugged Ville too much, as always. "Oh, you came!" She said to me. "Of course, I wouldn't miss it."

There was a hairdresser for Ville. He didn't want make up at all today. "I'm tired of this shit everyday. Today I'm all natural."

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