48. Shatter Me With Hope

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I was more than gladly that dinner went alright. My mom was talkative on the way back home, talking about Ville's parents.

"They are very nice people, indeed. They raised him well."

"They did a pretty good job." I giggled.

But she wouldn't admit she accepted Ville, still. She was tough and proud, so I wouldn't insist. I knew she was getting softer, sooner or later it would happen.

"The Elvis moment was really precious. He can sing very well, I can't believe I even cried." She laughed. "And his mom cooks very well. It's funny to imagine Ville cooking and doing the dishes. I would never imagine a rock star would do these kind of things."

"He's very down to earth. He's just like us." I was really happy about our dinner. For sure my mom was changing his mind, it was impossible not to like Kari and Anita.

And Ville.

Next day I left home right after lunch, telling my mom I needed to buy a gift for Burton's baby. She wasn't so happy about it, I told her I would stay out until late because of it. She said she would try to see the city a bit while I was away. I met Ville at his house so we could go together to a shopping spree. Leena would meet us at Burton.

Ville opened the door for me, pulling me inside. He wasn't wearing any coat, only a t-shirt and felt the cold from outside. He looked younger, for some reason. "Hi, love." He kissed me. "There's someone who wants to see you." I looked at him surprised, but soon Marie came to say hello. She hugged me, being lovely as always. "She's helping me a bit." Ville said.

He grabbed my hand and told Marie we would be in his room. She said something in Finnish and he got all red and laughed. I waited until we were alone to ask.

"I can only imagine what she said to you."

Ville was still laughing. "She told us to enjoy life and make love, she won't disturb us." He giggled and then looked at me in a way I knew what he was thinking. He got closer, holding the loose strands of my hair. "Come here, little angel." He kissed me deeply and I felt a heat in response. He sighed heavily, caressing my hair. "I think we can ditch the baby shower and spent all day in this room, what do you think?"

"I wouldn't complain."

He smiled and kissed me again. His hand was on my neck, going up and massaging my scalp. I inclined myself to his body, feeling his stiffness. I missed his body close to mine. He removed his t-shirt and I appreciated the view. "Like what you see?" He asked. He was still skinny but his muscles were defined and he twitched under the touch of my fingers. He rested his head on mine, closing his eyes as my fingers traveled through his torso and his back. He shivered, I liked to see him. "I missed your touch. I missed everything about you." He held my face with both hands and he wasn't smooth about it, kissing me harder. He went from my lips to my sweet spot on my neck, making me contort myself in response. I removed my coat, as the room was getting hotter. Without leaving my neck, he started to unbutton my shirt in a blink, until I was wearing nothing. "Humm, no bra today?" He looked at me and instinctively licked his lips.

"I kinda forgot. I was thinking about you while I dressed myself."

"Tell me what you were thinking."

"I was thinking that I shouldn't wear stockings." He burst into laughter. "I thought you were going to say something sexier, like how you chose your underwear thinking of me, something like that." We laughed together, but this mood quickly changed. He pulled me to him grabbing my butt while we kissed. I was anxious and grabbed his hair with more strength that I intended to. "Ouch. I liked it." He had a devilish smile on his lips.

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