126. This Beautiful Hell Of Ours

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One can imagine the scene. Le Université Diderot was a beautiful place, old building and all. There was a group of people, I guess they were professors, maybe directors or even more important people, they were all gathered in the big open area at the campus, talking, you could see the concern and seriousness in every face.

I dropped my luggage when I saw her. She immediately saw me through some people she was talking to. She just ran to me, like no one else existed, as I was walking to her. Eve jumped into my arms, her legs almost entwining behind my back. Some would find it exaggerated, romantic, or even funny. But this was desperation. I held her like I haven't seen her for years. 

I kissed her hair, inhaling that wonderful scent of hers. She held to me with all her strenght. "You are here." She cried. "Yes, love, I'm here." I couldn't let go of her, I caressed her hair and she let all her defenses down. We didn't care if we were in public at all. I was aware everybody was staring at us, but we were inside our world. For some hours, I lost Eve. Not having news on her was killing me, so I didn't have a care in the world now, only her.

I put her down, just so I could see her face. How I missed her, I was so relieved to see my beloved wife. I examined her features, checking if everything was alright, she didn't have a scratch, just looked tired. "I'm fine." She read my thoughts.

"Oh, kulta. I'm so relieved to see you, finally." I held her again, I squeezed her so much I felt I would break her bones, but she didn't mind, she was holding me tight as well. I kissed her gently, several times.

"Tell me everything. How are you, darling?"

"I'm just tired, I couldn't sleep well. I don't think I'll forget about those scenes at the hospital so soon."

"I'm sorry for all this."

"Things were so crazy in my head, Ville. For a second I thought Marius would pop up and tell me everything was a trick and he was alive, terrorising me. Everywhere I go, there's this trail of violence. Of course, this is bigger than me, this is not about myself, but I'm so sick of it."

She was trying to be strong, but I felt she would break any minute. "I know, dear. And I'm so sorry for all the things you had to face, it's just not fair."

"But I can't complain, there's a lot of people suffering. And we are here trying to figure out what to do to help. Tomorrow they want to restart the classes normally, so people can go back to their lives, you know? And move on."

"That's good, I guess."

"I don't really know. Come, I'll introduce you to some people, and later we can go to the hotel and leave our things."

Cédric came to me. "Ville." He extended his hand. Eve talked about Lyydia, but why does she had this perfect ex boyfriend? Cédric's face was so symmetric it was annoying, he could be on the cover of magazines, no Photoshop needed. Maybe I felt a sort of nuisance from him, or maybe it was just me. I had to remind I wasn't the center of the universe though, many awful things were happening, and I was having stupid thoughts. "Hi, Cédric. How are you doing?"

"Well, enduring. It's been tough, but we managed to survive." That wasn't even a figure of speech. "Did you make a good trip?"

"Yes, it was a bit chaotic at the airport, but that was expected."

Eve introduced me to some people, they just spoke in French so I just nodded. We went for a coffee with Cédric and a couple of professors, I really needed one. I held Eve's hand, they were shaking a bit. "Did you have breakfast?"

"Yes. Céd made me have it." She smiled at him. He looked tired as well, and I felt bad, I was being unfair to him. Eve said he worked a lot helping people yesterday, I couldn't even imagine how hard was this kind of job. It was very admirable. Well, that made him even more annoying. He seemed perfect in every sense, so perfect he must be hiding something. Maybe I was too paranoid.

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